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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

 May 1915

On this day:

  • Lecture on Trench Warfare   All the officers of the 4th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers attended a lecture on Trench Warfare given by the Brigadier at Brigade HQ.

  • Heavy Fighting in Ypres Salient   On the morning of 8th May, the 3rd Monmouths had three companies in the front line and one in support. Half a mile to the north the 1st Monmouth's were fighting with the 83rd Brigade. The German bombardment began at 5.30 am followed by the first infantry attack at 8.30. In the words of Pte W.H. Badham: "They started bombarding at the same time in the morning and….afterwards we could hear a long blast of a whistle, and the attack started. We were only a handful of men, and they came on in thousands, but we kept them at bay"

    Private A.L. Devereux carried this story forward in a letter he wrote to his family a day or two after the battle: "Hundreds of them were put of action with shells and it left very few men to man the trenches. After, the Huns shelled all the country for a couple of miles…stoping any reinforcements from being brought up and thousands of the rabble charged our trenches in their favourite massed formation. The few boys that were left in our trenches showed then the kind of stuff Britain can turn out and thousands of the Germans were put out of action"

    Almost immediately, the shelling started again and at 09.00am the Germans attacked again and were again driven back. The Germans realised that their attack was making no progress, and they fell back so that the artillery could return to its task on the front line trenches. By 9.10 am the bombardment was as intense as at any time that morning and there was little that the soldiers could do except find what little cover they could.

    Orders reached the 3rd Monmouth's and 2nd King's Own from Brigade HQ about 10am to evacuate the front line trenches. Captain Baker began withdrawing his Company, but immediately the enemy opened up an intense machine gun fire, followed by shrapnel, which practically swept away the few survivors of A and D Companies. Captain Baker was killed a few yards behind the front line. The order apparently never reached Lt Reed and he and few men of A Company, with some machine gunners held on gallantly and resisted to the last. Lt Reed was finally killed and no officer of A Company was left, and only 13 survivors amongst the men could be mustered. D Company stuck it gallantly. They lost their only officer Captain J Lancaster. Every Sergeant in the company was killed and only 16 men answered the roll call next morning. Of the 500 men in A and D Companies only 29 were left. B Company (under Captain Gattie) throughout the battle was separated from the rest of the Battalion. They were in the front line in a wood near Red Lodge. Rations and letters came up regularly and one fortunate officer even received a tin of cooked sausages! What the war diary does not record is that the new trenches had been hastily prepared and it was not as deep or as wide as had been hoped for by those men retiring to it. One member of the 3rd Monmouths noted: "….when we occupied this new line of trenches we found them very badly made and up to our knees in water, and the poor men had no chance of getting any sleep unless they wished to i.e. down in the water".

    So dawned the most critical day of the great battle, the 8th May, The 3rd Monmouth's lay astride the Zonnebeke road, the apex of the Salient, two companies in the front line with one in support and the fourth company not far away to the south. Half a mile to the north was their sister battalion the 1st Monmouthshire's in the 84th Brigade. Holding the position with them were their comrades of the 83rd Brigade, the nd Kings Own to the north and to the south the 1st KOYLI who relieved the 1st York and Lancs and B Coy. 3rd Monmouth's on the night of the 7th May. The Brigade had been in the line without relief since April 17th . Its numbers were greatly reduced, and the artillery behind were few in numbers and woefully short of ammunition. As indicating the desperate position of the British troops in respect to artillery support, it is now authoritatively stated that the heavy British guns during this period of the 2nd Battle of Ypres were limited to:- One 9.2 inch howitzer, Eight 60 pdrs, Four old six inch howitzers, Twelve obsolete 4.7 inch guns.

    Against them the Germans brought up at least 260 heavy guns and howitzers. There was nothing except the Division between the enemy and Ypres on that day and they got as far as Verlorenhoek, but the British soldier proverbially does not know when he is beaten and the Germans were kept back somehow till fresh troops were brought up in the evening to fill the many gaps. The enemy on their side were all out to push through. They had guns on the high ground enfilading the British position and smothering our artillery, they had field guns well forward, and they had innumerable machine guns, and six divisions of their best and freshest troops, against the depleted ranks of the war-worn and weary 27 th and 28 th Divisions. Their bombardment opened up at 5.30.a.m. and the trenches lying on the forward slope were badly damaged and almost untenable.

    The wood came under heavy shelling and Lt Groves and Lt Palmer were killed by a direct hit on their dug out. After two German attacks on the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in the front trenches, B Company charged across open ground to reinforce them. A dip in the ground favoured the advance and casualties were few, but Capt. Gardner was shot through the heart as he entered the trench, a great loss. He was one of the finest looking and best soldiers in the Battalion. 2/Lt. Paul was wounded at about the same time.

    The first enemy infantry attack took place at 8.30.a.m. and was driven off. The bombardment re-opened and at 9.a.m. the enemy again attacked and were driven back. After a further hours intense shelling the front line was practically obliterated and the enemy found few survivors to hold up the attack. In A Coy 3rd Monmouths, Capt Baker and C.S.M. were killed and Lt Reed with a few survivors of his company held gallantly on and resisted to the last. This party and the machine gun section took heavy toll of the advancing enemy, but were finally overwhelmed by numbers. Lt. Reed was killed and no officer of A Coy was left and only 13 survivors amongst the men could be mustered. D Coy stuck it gallantly. They lost their only officer, Captain James Lancaster, beloved of all who knew him, and that fine type of Territorial soldier C.S.M. Lippiatt, who did such wonderful work training recruits almost single-handed at Abergavenny in August and September 1914. Every Sergeant in the company was killed and only 16 men answered the roll next morning. The machine-gun section were involved in this slaughter, and had one gun destroyed but one of the few survivors brought back the lock of the other.

    Early in the day C Coy came into action in support, but little by little was forced back to Battalion HQ owing to the exposure of their flank from the north. Stragglers were coming down the road, so Col. Gough ordered Sergeant Jenkins to collect them in a trench in the rear, and for his fine services on this occasion coupled with the good work on the telephone; this old soldier received the DCM. This party and other remnants of the Battalion was led by Col. Gough in counter attack, but could only advance as far as the eastern edge of Frezenberg. In this advance R.S.M. Hatton was seriously wounded. He had accompanied the adjutant Capt. Ramsden, in many visits to the front line during the last terrible days and with him had often helped to stiffen the defence by cheery encouragement. He now refused to be carried back and was taken prisoner. His wounds were of such a nature that he was one of the first prisoners of war to be exchanged, but unhappily he died much regretted before the end of the war. He was a fine type of regular soldier from whom all ranks learnt much. After hanging onto this position for some time and holding up the advance, orders came at about 11.a.m. from the Brigade to retire on the GHQ line near Potijze.

    Lt. McLean, M.O., 3rd Monmouth's and Lt.Marriott, M.O., 1st Monmouth's had established a dressing station just east of Verlorenhoek; at 11.a.m. they received orders to retire their detachments, but after sending back the stretcher bearers they found a number of wounded still coming back and so decided to carry on, till the enemy were practically in the village and Lt. McLean was wounded.

    Just before mid-day the 2nd East Yorks were ordered to counter attack and after reaching Verlorenhoek with heavy casualties had to fall back on the G.H.Q. line. At 2.30.p.m. 1st York and Lancaster and 3rd Middlesex counter-attacked north and south of the railway, remnants of the 2nd East Yorks, 1st KOYLI, 2nd Kings Own, 3rd Monmouth's, 5th Kings Own going up into support. At 3.30.p.m. 2nd East Surreys, 3rd Royal Fusiliers arrived and were sent up in support. The counter attack, practically unsupported by artillery, made slow progress and by 5.30.p.m. was held up at a line running from Verlorenhoek south over the railway. This line was consolidated with fresh troops during the night and eventually became the approximate position of the front line until the British advance in 1917.

    In the meantime the 3rd Monmouth Battalion with the exception of B Coy was withdrawn and marched back to huts at Vlamertinghe. B Coy throughout the battle was separated from the rest of the battalion. It reinforced 1st York and Lancs, coming under orders of the CO of that Battalion, and took over a trench on the extreme right of the Brigade and Division from a company of K.R.R.C. 27 th Division. The next unit on the right was the "Princess Pats". The position was in front of the wood near Red Lodge, about 300 yards south of the Roulers railway. The trench was newly dug like the rest of the line and not deep. It was also on a forward slope and the only communication trench was full of mud and impassable. Further, it lay along a lane with a hedge on one side and a line of poplars on the other, so that it was an admirable mark for the enemy's artillery observing on Westhoek Ridge. On May 5 th and in a smaller degree on May 6 th and 7 th the enemy bombarded the trench, but it was so narrow and well traversed that the damage was comparatively slight and casualties not as heavy as might be expected from such a bombardment. Sgt. Nash, a Territorial with much service, was killed on the 6th .

    The attack in front was beaten off and the afternoon in the immediate neighbourhood proved quiet, but there was a great danger of the company being surrounded.. The P.P.C.L.I on the right were forced back to their support trench and on the left to the north of the wood there was a large gap and both flanks were more or less in the air. Accordingly Capt. Gattie went to the HQ of the Rifle Brigade, near Bellewaarde Lake, for reinforcements to protect the exposed flanks, especially to the north, and was able to guide them as far as the P.P.C.L.I. support trench, but machine gun fire prevented them from advancing further until dark. Meanwhile a party of the Monmouth's and KOYLI were in fact in advance of all other British troops with both flanks exposed. Towards the evening the bullets of our troops counter-attacking up the railway were beginning to take them in the rear, so that it was clearly impossible to hold on.

    The party was now completely cut off from its own HQ, so Capt. Gattie proceeded to Brigade HQ for orders, leaving the remains of B Company under 2/Lt. Somerset. Under cover of darkness the men of both units filed out of the right end of the trench and were sorted out, and the men in the wood were ordered to re-join. This party had received no orders to advance in the morning and had been left behind. The senior soldier, Cpl. Sketchley, had kept them together during the day and now led 30 men out to join the Company. The enemy attack up the railway on his left had come so near that his party had taken a prisoner and they now brought him with them. Cpl. Sketchley received the D.C.M. for his great initiative and pluck at this period. Capt. Mallinson was awarded the D.S.O., for his fine leadership in maintaining this position and finally in extracting his party from a very difficult position. The enemy did not attempt to harass the withdrawal and the whole mixed party got safely back to Rifle Brigade HQ. After a halt there they proceeded across the railway to the Potijze road intending to rejoin the Brigade at Vlamertinghe.

  • 6th London Brigade RFA register ranges   6th County of London Brigade RFA report 15th London Battery fired nine rounds on enemy's breastwork J1 and two rounds on J3. Range 3450 and 3500. 16th London Battery fired eleven rounds to register wire at K3 (3425), later fired ten rounds at wire at K3 (3425’) and four rounds at a point on the Rue D’ Ouvert.

    War Diaries

  •  Battle of Aubers Ridge

  •    A Coy, 2nd Bn Kings Own are involved in Battle of Frezenberg.

  • The "Second Battle of Ypres". 1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium 1915.   

    The 1st Battalion Royal Scots position on 8th May 1915 shown on map (1/R. Scots)

    1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium.
    1st Battalion Royal Scots ordered to form part of Composite Brigade with 2 Companies each. 2nd Brigade Royal Irish Fusiliers and 2nd Brigade Leinster Regiment.
    Lt. Col. Callender to command composite Brigade with Captain H. E. Stanley-Murray as Staff Officer - Command of the battalion devolved upon Major H.F. Wingate with Cap. J. Burke as Acting Adjutant.
    Composite dissolved at 6pm and the battalion proceeded with all speed to the Zouave Wood (Hooge) under command of Lt. Col. Callender.
    The Germans attacked the area of woods south of the Menin Road after a horrendous artillery bombardment all day.
    Heavy fighting near Hooge and North of Menin Road.
    The 1st Battalion Royal Scots were sent up the line in support of 81st Brigade. The 81st were in a small salient and the northern side was ' sagging '. When the 1st Royal Scots arrived they found the unit to their left had been forced from their trenches and the Germans were in the process of occupying them. The 1st RS fixed bayonets and charged, evicting them in disarray.
    The 1st Royal Scots and their territorial companions in the 9th Royal Scots held these trenches, without losing a sap, until relieved on the night of 22nd/23rd May.
    About 6pm orders were received to proceed to Sanctuary Wood.
    The battalion arrived soon after dusk and were halted at Zouave Wood.
    Officers went ahead and inspected trenches held by 2nd Gloucester's, and the battalion took over these trenches before dawn the following day.
    Disposition of battalion - A & D Coys fire trenches, B & C Coys support trenches.

  • Two merchant ships sunk by U9   British Merchant vessels Don and Queen Wilhelmina are sunk by submarine U-9.

  •  On the March

  • Bearers reinforcement preparations   19th Field Ambulance received orders from Assistant Director of Medical Services 6th Division, to reinforce Advanced Post at Gris Pot by 1/2 A Bearer subdivision tonight and the Bearer subdivisions of other two sections to be held in readiness at a moment's notice.

    Lt. Mullan i/c Advanced Post tonight, but sent down Capt. Browne with Sgt. Carter and 12 men as additional stretcher bearers - in addition they took surgical haversacks, shell dressings and water bottles and respirators and bottles of saturated soda bicarbonate solution - B and C Bearers standing to. Sgt. Matthews, Army Service Corps arrived last night for duty as motor cyclist with 19th Field Ambulance.

    War diary RAMC 19th Field Ambulance, Erquinghem-Lys

  •  In Action

  •  Football in Belgium

  •  Gas alert

  •  The Last General Absolution

  •  Poisonous Fumes

  •  Smokes in the trenches

  •  Enemy attempts to blow up trenches

  •  In Billets

  •  Situation Normal

  •  At Rest

  •  On the March

  •  Ready to Move

  •  Preparations

  •  Advance

  •  The Wounded

  •  In the Trenches

  •  Conference

  •  On the March

  •  In Bivouac

  •  Orders

  •  Football

  •  Attack Made

  •  Orders

  •  Quiet

  •  Quiet

  •  Shelling

  •  Orders

  •  On the Move

  •  Attack Made

  •  Orders

  •  Preparations

  •  Attack on German Positions

  •  Reliefs

  •  Heavy Shelling

  •  Gun fire

  •  Orders

  •  In the Trenches

  •  Strengthening posts.

  •  Visit

  •  Standing by

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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

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    Remembering those who died this day, of May 1915.

  • Lieutenant Charles Coventry Anderson. Anson Btn. Royal Naval Division Read their Story.
  • Pte. James Askew. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. George Bartley. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Ernest Augustus Baylis. 2nd Btn., "A" Coy. King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment
  • Pte. Willie Beaumont. 1st Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Read their Story.
  • Pte. Samuel Bennett. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Charles Birkett. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas Bowman. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. Thomas Boyd. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Cpl. James Bradford. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. John Brooks. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Samuel Broome. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Walter Browne. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. James William Bulmer. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. George Henry Calvert. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. John Carke. 2nd Btn Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment
  • Pte. Thomas Gregory Chambers. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Chater. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Lt. Montagu Christian Clarke. 1st Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
  • L/Cpl. Peter Clarke. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. James Connolly. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Craik. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Craik. 2nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. Joseph Craik. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. Robert William Daglish. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Davies. 1st Btn. Welsh Regiment
  • Pte. James Davison. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Matthew James Disberry. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. William Henry Dixon. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Sjt. William Donaldson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Martin Duffy. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Martin Duffy. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. Arthur Dye. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Ernest Edgar Elsworth. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. Frederick Evans. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. Joseph Fogarty. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. Joseph Fogarty. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. George Garrett. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Henry Gibson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Bmdr. John William Gregg. 1st/4th (Northumbrian) Battery Royal Field Artillery Read their Story.
  • L/Cpl. Thomas Henry Griffiths. 1st Btn. Monmouthshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Peter Guinn. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Robert Hall. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. George Hallam. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. George Edward Halliday. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. William Henderson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Hine. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. John Thomas Hirst. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Stirling Hood. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Eaton Horace. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Cpl. Samuel Tudor Hudson. 1st Btn. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Read their Story.
  • Gnr. Charles Alfred Hunt. 123rd Heavy Battery Royal Garrison Artillery Read their Story.
  • Pte. William Jacques. 2nd Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Andrew Jardine. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Cpl. Walter William Ã?Ã?  Kerner. 2nd Btn. G Coy. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Jacob Rita Key. 1st Btn. Suffolk Regiment Read their Story.
  • Lt. Lucas Henry St. Aubyn King. 4th Btn. Kings Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story.
  • Lt. Geoffrey Phillip Legard. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. George Lichfield. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Edward Marshall. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. William Martin. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Peter McCluskey. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Edward McCormack. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. John McGurk. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. James McMorris. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. James Melville. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Cpl. James Melville. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. John Crawford Moore. 2nd Btn. Hampshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Thomas Mulgrew. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Mumford. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Mumford. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. Ronald Murray. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas Frederick Newbury. 2nd Btn. F Coy Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Robert Oliver. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. David Edward Orr. Royal Marine Light Infantry Read their Story.
  • Pte. Robert Penrose. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. Frederick Pierson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • CSM. Leslie Joseph Poole. 7th Battalion Read their Story.
  • Pte. Ernest Price. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Charles Edward Puxty. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. William Rae. Royal Irish Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. William Rae. 2nd Btn Royal Irish Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. Arthur John Randall. 4th Btn. Worcestershire Regiment Read their Story.
  • L/Cpl. Arthur Rhodes. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Albert Robson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas Rutherford Robson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas William Robson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Jack Rushton. 2nd Battalion Cheshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Harry Seed. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. James Sines. 2nd Btn. Cheshire Rgt. Read their Story.
  • Sgt. Benjamin J Smith. 4th Btn. Rifle Brigade
  • Pte. David Smith. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Lt. Frederick George Smith. 2nd Btn. Read their Story.
  • Pte. James Herbert Spencer. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Stanley. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Geoffrey Leonard Storey. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. John Thomas Straker. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte John Thomas Straker. 2nd Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Pte. Michael Talbot. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Rflmn. Francis Cyril Taylor. 1st Btn. Monmouthshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Taylor Thomas. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Joseph Thoms. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Ernest Towler. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Fred Charles Waite. 2nd Btn. B Coy. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas Walker. "D" Coy. 6th Btn. Read their Story.
  • Pte. Francis Warman. 1st Btn. Monmouthshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. Maddison Horsley Watt. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. Charles Cecil White. 12th Btn. London Regiment
  • L/Cpl. Frank John Wiffen. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. George Vincent Wilkins. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas Wilks. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. John Wilson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Sgt. Joseph Wilson. 3rd Battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story.
  • Sgt. Joseph Wilson. 3rd Btn., D Company Kings Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story.
  • Pte. Robert Wilson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas Wright. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • Pte. Thomas Wright. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Sjt. James Young. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers
  • L/Cpl. John Young. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers

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