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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

10th December 1916

On this day:

  • Battery Registration   236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery A236 Battery carried out careful registration of all guns. Flashes of a 5.9 inch Howitzer battery firing on Dickerbusch seen on bearing 140 degrees 5 minutes (true) from I.24.d.7.3. with time from flash to sound 13.5 seconds. 2/Lt Edds observed large Tower like edifice about forty feet high with construction of seven poles with three hooped bands round them. True bearing 39 degrees from I.24.d.70.35. It has no platform.

    War Diaries

  • 33rd Bn AIF LG and snipers move to trenches   33rd Battalion AIF, less Lewis Gunners and snipers in billets. Lewis Gunners and snipers moved to the trenches as per Battalion 0.0 No. 3 dated 9/12/1916.

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

  • 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.131   33rd Battalion A.I.F.
    Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead
    Armentières, 10th December, 1916

    Vehicles must not proceed West of the railway line at Nouvel Houplines with more than a pair of animals. Remainder of teams must be unhooked and placed undercover until required on the return journey. (D.R.O.106 para 614.)

    During the winter months horse-shoes which have been tapped with screw holes for frost cogs will entirely replace the ordinary shoes. Frost cogs will be packed with repaired horse-shoes. Transport Officer will arrange to have this carried out. (D.R.O.106 p.61).

    Quarter Master will submit indents to the Brigade Supply Officer for paraffin required as fuel for Primus stoves. (D.R.O.106 para 612).

    It is very necessary that all animals that require clipping should be done at once so as to avoid skin disease which are so liable to be contracted in the present conditions. Animals which have already been clipped once, in most cases will require to be clipped again during the winter. Units should indent for clipping machines in accordance with G.R.Os.1724 and 1818, paragraph 6 of "Extract s from General Routine Orders, Part II". Quartermaster to note.

    All horses with hogged manes should have them trimmed quite close regularly. A hogged mane left long presents a very untidy appearance.

    MULES TAILS 1281
    Mules should have the hair of the tail clipped close except for a tuft 8 inches long. The tail should be cut off square at a level six inches above the points of the hocks.

    Companies should notify Battalion Headquarters when a man returns to duty from hospital. Should notice of his return be received at Battalion Headquarters this will be at once passed on to companies.

    LOG BOOKS 1283
    Logbooks must be entered up daily and a careful record kept of the work done. Trench stores taken over on relief should be accurately recorded and have signature of both parties.

    FATIGUE 1284
    The Battalion for duty will detail a fatigue party of men to report to Br. Frank Baurepaire at École Professionale, Armentieres at 9 am daily.

    BATHS 1285
    Companies will arrange for those men who have not yet bathed to visit Divisional Baths tomorrow to proceed to trenches with one of the later reliefs.

    Regimental Orderly Sergeant for 11th inst. will report to Battalion Headquarters at 7 am and remain on duty there until the building has been vacated. He will be responsible for the cleanliness of HQ billet and must make careful arrangements to see that the place is left thoroughly clean.

    Care must be taken that candidates whose names have appeared in orders and have been warned for schools are ready to report immediately on receipt of notice. See R.O.130 para1271 and 1272.

    R.O. 130 para 1264 for "Fockaber Dump" read SQUARE FARM.

    Duty Co. will detail reliable NCO to supervise issue of Gum Boots from depot to this Battalion on 11th inst. This NCO will report to depot at I.c.8.2.7. at 6.30 am and remain on duty till last relief has been issued with boots required.

    The following amendments of the numbering of Routine Orders is approved. R.Os.105 - 7-11-16 to R.O.118 - 20-11-16 the number of paragraphs should read 1249 to 1169 inclusive.
    R.O.1 - 29-11-16 to R.O.10 - 8-12-16 these numbers are altered to read consecutively from 119 to 129 includicrous and the paras therein should read 1170 to 1262 inclusive.

    The following promotion has been approved dated 6.11.16.
    No. 356 Pte. EG Atley to be L/Cpl.

    TRANSFER 1292
    The following transfer is approved dated 9-12-16
    Lt MR Coombs from D to B Co.

    Lt. AG Farleigh, 2nd Rfts. 33rd Battalion having reported for duty is taken on strength from 2.12.16. and is posted to B Co.

    The undermentioned having been admitted to hospital are struck off strength. No. 2147 Pte. D. Wells (deceased) No. 752 Pte. W Delaney
    582 Sgt. ES Earle (deceased) 5124 HS Newcome
    594 Pte. PT Mooney 512 Pte. DFO O'Brien
    1127 Cpl. FE McMahon 1196 Pte. EMulhern
    920 Pte. HL Chapman 2206 Pte. A Brown
    844 Pte. WM Nicholson 1611 Private CA Wright
    366 Pte. WH Bracken 5025A Pte. GH Green
    864 Pte. VM Ryan 1273 Sgt. CE Wheaton
    2190 Pte. SJ Nesbitt 1304 Pte AS McIntyre
    1648 Pte. EC Dorrington 871 Cpl. G Sutherland
    1644 Pte. J Warne 5066 Pte. A McConnell
    4?? Pte. JE Herman 1273 Pte. AM Wightman
    1144 Pte AR Ellis 1205 Sgt. WA McLean
    1?? Pte. R Taggart 1784 Cpl.WP Chapman
    5152 Pte. HT Ward 765 Pte. HA Eyles
    407 Pte. WH Edwards
    4650 Pte. FJ Daly 490 Pte. EJ McManus
    1443 Pte. HR Cox 2138 Pte. EA Shaw
    984 Pte. CE Dillon 47 Pte. WE Conway
    471 Pte. WA Little 777 Pte. BP Gallagher
    2072? Pte. SM Hefferman

    Subaltern of the day: Lt. TA Armstrong
    Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. FJ Burke
    Regimental Orderly Cpl: Cpl. SJ Barrow

    DUTY CO. 1296
    11-12-1916 D. Co.

    (Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
    Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

  •  Ongoing training and inspections

  •  Rest period


    Wet. Draft of 39 ORs reported to HQ. Raiding party continued training.

    18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1

  •    18th DLI are at Sailly. Wet. Draft of 39 ORs reported to HQ. Raiding party continued training.

    18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1

  •  On Leave

  •  Bad Weather

  •  Hold the Line

  •  Poor Visibility

  •  Training

  •  Wet

  • Mud   "My commission seems to be going along fairly successfully and given a fair amount of luck there is a possibility of my being in England for Christmas or very soon afterwards. Don’t pin any hopes on such glorious prospects. If I do get the commission I shall be in England for at least three months, or even longer if again I am fortunate in getting the job I am after. Home is really beginning to have a most sacred spot in my heart and I long for a sight of you every minute of the day. Things out here are very miserable lately. Rain, nothing but rain. The mud is simply appalling, knee deep in many places. Those waders have proved most useful and are really waterproof." Pte. Harry Davison, 26th Royal Fusiliers in a letter to his wife Olive.

  •  On the Move

  •  Church Parade

  •  Church Parade

  •  Poetry

  •  Reliefs

  •  Inspection


  •  Enemy Artillery Active

  •  Training

  •  Identity Discs

  •  Training

  •  Bad Weather

  •  Training

  •  Working Parties Dispersed

  •  Aircraft damaged

  •  Reliefs

  •  Training

  •  Our 18 Pounders retaliated.

  •  Operational Order No.123

  •  Divine Services

  •  Reliefs

  •  Working Party

  •  Church Parades

  •  B.G.C. and Brigade Major accompanied G.O.C. on reconnaisance

  •   Ypres Shelled

  •  Church Parades

  •  Relief of the Front Line Companies.

Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?

If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.

Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

    This section is under construction.

    Want to know more about 10th of December 1916?

    There are:41 items tagged 10th of December 1916 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 10th of December 1916.

  • Gnr. Frank Barth. 24th Field Artillery Brigade Read their Story.
  • Pte. John Coles. 8th Battalion Devonshire Regiment
  • 2nd Lt. William Desmond Guthrie Lotan. Read their Story.
  • Pte. Matthew Tarbuck. 1st Battalion Welsh Guards

    Add a name to this list.

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