The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
14th April 1918On this day:
- On the March
- 9th Irish Fusiliers on Kemmel defences 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers moved back to Kemmel defences.
War Diaries
- Battle of Lys
- Advance Stopped The early morning was quiet and all the men were in good form, although tired. As the day proceeded, the enemy became rather more active and shelled heavily in the afternoon.
At about (time left blank) it became evident that the enemy was again active on our right and a party of Bosche was seen from 6th Duke of Wellington Battalion's H. Q. to be through our line and only about 400/ 500 yards away from our H. Q. All H. Q. details, under Lieutenant Stewart and Regimental Sergeant Major Richardson were put into position with a view to filling the gap until assistance arrived. They opened rapid fire on the enemy, inflicted casualties and undoubtedly stopped the enemy's advance until a platoon of 'C' Company and a company of the 1/7th. D. of W. and 1/4th. D. of. W. arrived on the scene, when the H. Q. party was withdrawn. Casualties to H. Q. details numbered about 5 wounded by rifle and machine gun fire. The situation then quietened down and Battalion H. Q. was withdrawn about 300 yards back into a cellar. (NB. This entry in the War Diary is the only one available for 14/04/1918 and it seems unlikely that what the rest of the 1/6th. were doing on this day was ever recorded]. Casualties on this day for 6th Battalion West Riding Regt were 265626 Sergeant F. Cryer (Wounded), 303011 Sergeant F. Nicholson (Wounded), 266634 Sergeant A. Taylor (Killed in Action), 14703 Lance Sergeant J. W. Russell (Wounded), 203745 Corporal T. Howard (Killed in Action), 31778 Private F. R. Ainley (Wounded), 23866 Private T. Alderson (Wounded), 267634 Private A. V. Austin (Wounded), 266563 Private H. Baldwin (Wounded), 265142 Private P. Baldwin (Wounded), 26715 Private K. Bartlett (Wounded), 241457 Private H. Beaumont (Wounded), 267015 Private H. A. Boocock (Wounded), 17003 Private J. Boyd (Wounded), 300160 Private S. S. Buffett (Wounded), 265647 Private J. T. Cardus (Wounded), 266920 Private M. Chapman (Wounded), 242636 Private W. Charlesworth (Killed in Action), 267554 Private W. W. Cooper (Killed in Action), 267496 Private A. Crook (Wounded), 203239 Private E. Davison (Wounded and missing), 265986 Private J. W. Emmott (Wounded), 267505 Private F. E. Gaukrodger (Wounded), 240648 Private J. Haigh (Wounded), 267512 Private G. Harker (Wounded), 265387 Private A. Higgins (Wounded), 266726 Private J. W. Hilton (Killed in Action), 267868 Private F. Holden (Wounded), 26569 Private A. Jackson (Wounded), 18185 Private D. Kellett (Wounded), 303006 Private G. Lamb (Killed in Action), 266851 Private J. A. Leach (Wounded), 267829 Private J. Littlewood (Wounded), 268156 Private J. Lockwood (Killed in Action), 266803 Private F. W. Major (Wounded), 267962 Private M. Maloney (Wounded), 266562 Private P. McCann (Wounded), 265290 Private D. McFarland (Wounded), 267884 Private H O'Melia (Wounded & died of wounds 23/04/1918), 267426 Private P. Phillips (Wounded), 265009 Private C. W. Ralph (Wounded), 267888 Private A. Rothery (Wounded), 267734 Private W. Smith (Wounded), 267895 Private W. G. Smith (Killed in Action), 267924 Private C. Stenton (Killed in Action), 268426 Private F. G. Sunderland (Wounded), 41179 Private J. Taylor (Killed in Action), 41138 Private O. Taylor (Wounded), 266199 Private H. Waddington (Wounded), 29943 Private H. Wails (Killed in Action), 26657 Private S. R. Walton (Wounded and missing), 300135 Private C. Ward (Wounded), 266536 Private G. R. Watson (Wounded), 26653 Private H. Westridge (Wounded), 29894 Private W. Whitwam (Wounded), 242412 Private F. Wilkinson (Wounded).
During the whole day artillery very active with intense fire from 11am to 5pm. Advanced posts about 600x to our front apparently blown out by artillery and occupied by enemy. Letter of appreciation received from GOC 19th Brigade. Lt Col TILLEY killed. Maj. LOWE assumed command. Quiet during the night with m gun fire. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Fall Back
- Change of Duty
- In Action
- Change of Command
- Awards
- Prisoners
A Portuguese prisoner being examined by a German Intelligence Officer at Fourmies prison camp.
© IWM (Q 55260)
The Portuguese Divisions suffered terribly in the initial attack on the 9th of April 1918 with almost 2000 men being killed and around 7000 taken prisoner.
- A Counter-Attack
- Orders
- Defence
- Working Party
- Training
- Trench Work
- On the March
- Church Parade & Reliefs
- Relief
- Attack Made
- Dumps Destroyed
- Artillery Active
- Enemy Attack
- Attacks
- Shells
- Withdrawal
- A Withdrawal
- Shelling
- At Keersebrom
- Withdrawal
- Shelling
- Operations Orders
- Heavy Shelling
- Training
- 2nd leave party left
- Attacks and Counter-Attacks
- Companies were moved in to the Bois Moyen about midday where they started to work on a defensive line running South from La Rue Des Morts.
- Divine Service was held in a barn and Gas drill carried out at 1400 hours.
- New Position
- On the Move
- Operational Order No.12
- Company Officers reconnoitering
- Tanks moved
- In Action
- Improving bivouacs.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 14th of April 1918? There are:47 items tagged 14th of April 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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