The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
15th April 1918On this day:
- At Rest
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
0900. Moved to Regent Street dugouts. C Company manned outpost positions and was attacked. Captain Crosbie wounded and died same day.
War Diaries
- 100 men receive suspended court-martial One hundred men of the 7/8 Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers received a suspended court-martial on the same day. The battalion was being disbanded and they went on strike to prevent it. The high number of non Irish soldiers striking shows the camaraderie and respect these merged replacements had for a regiment they previously had no attachment to. The unusual event was remarkable in that the sentence normally punishable by death was suspended. They all went back to fight the following day.
- Relief The 6th Battalion West Riding Regt was relieved in the early morning, at 4am., by two companies of the 5th. North Staffs. On relief, the battalion proceeded to the vicinity of a farm near St. Hans Cappel (map reference S1d, sheet 28) where breakfasts were served and the men cleaned their rifles and Lewis guns and rested.
At 6am. orders were received that, in case of emergency, the battalion would hold a reserve line (not yet dug) just in front of the road in map reference S1d. From 11am., the battalion was placed in the 9th. Corps reserve. At about 5pm., it became very evident that it was necessary to dig the aforementioned reserve line with all speed as the enemy was reported to be attacking from Bailleul to Crucifix Corner (map reference S16b). Tools were got up and the line was dug and manned. The situation remained quiet. At about 7.45am, our troops that had relieved us the previous night (and others) were seen withdrawing from south of Bailleul. Much confusion was caused by the bad state of their morale and to the fact that they crowded into our trenches and did not appear to have the slightest organisation. At about 11pm., orders were received to send all the 176th. Brigade men back to Locre and, as soon as the line was cleared, work proceeded again. Patrols were pushed out with a view to gaining early news of the enemy's presence. Casualties on this day for 6th Battalion West Riding Regt were 265432 Private P. N. Blenkarn (Missing), 266421 Private J. McBurnie (Missing), 203023 Private S. Ramsden (Killed in Action), 267891 Private S. M. Smith (Wounded).
Early morning at about 6.30am relieved by C Coy 5th Battalion TANK CORPS and marched to BORRE. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Question of Withdrawal
- Reliefs
- Reliefs Completed
- On the March
- On the Move
- A Quiet Day
- Reliefs
- Working Parties
- Into Camp
- Reliefs Completed
- Reliefs
- On the March
- In hospital
- Working Parties and Training
- Patrols
- Attacks Made
- New German Divisions
- Artillery Active
- In Action
- Enemy Advance
- Reliefs
- Shelling
- Enemy Push
- Canal Bank Shelled
- Artillery Active
- 34th Div in Front Line
- Enemy Advance
- Reliefs
- In Defence
- Drill
- Defences
- Orders
- Orders
- On the Move
- tracer bullets now issued for the first time for anti-aircraft use.
- Resting and cleaning up.
- Another Enemy Attack
- All Companies at work on the defensive line.
- 1 Officer proceeded to join the Battalion in the line
- New Line
- In Corps Reserve
- On the Move
- Addendum No.1. to O.O. No.12
- Battalion H.Q. moved
- anning previous line.
- Colonel Cockburn assumed Command of the Battalion.
- Reliefs
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 15th of April 1918? There are:52 items tagged 15th of April 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 15th of April 1918. Pte. Edmund Adams. 2nd Btn. King's Own Scottish Borderers Read their Story. Pte. Frank Allen. 2nd Btn. B Coy. Cheshire Regiment Pte Frank Allen. 2nd Btn. B Coy. Cheshire Regiment Pte. Thomas Edward Beaver. 2/6th Btn. North Staffordshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Sydney Bowker. 2nd Btn South Lancashire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Burke. 18th Batttalion 2nd Lt. Reginald John Burton. 8th Btn. Worcestershire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Albert Darch. 6th Btn. Dorset Regiment Read their Story. Lt. Harry Montague Day. 59th Btn. Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. 2Lt. Arthur William Fielding. 6th Btn. York and Lancaster Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Leonard Greenaway. 4th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment Pte. Arthur Hainsworth. 6th Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment Read their Story. L/Sgt. Alec Hill Holroyd. 1st. Btn. Lincolnshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. George Kettlewell. 25th (Tyneside Irish) Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Edward Light. 9th Battalion Norfolk Regiment Read their Story. Pte. John William Lowther. MM 7th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment Pte. Thomas Marlow. 9th Battalion Welsh Regiment Read their Story. Pte Thomas Marlow. 9th Btn. Welsh Regiment Pte. Wilfred Patrick. 35th Btn. Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. Pte. Ernest S. Peirson. 5th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Pte Walter Clark Priestley. 1/5th Btn. York and Lancaster Regiment Gnr. Harold Raymond Sharplin. 41st Bty, 42nd Brigade Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Capt. Herbert Ellery Turner. CdeG; Order of the Crown, Belgium 169th Siege Bty. Royal Garrison Artillery Pte. Albert William Whittaker. 5th Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. Albert William Whittaker. D Coy, 5th Btn. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. Frederick George Wiggins. 2/5th Battalion Sherwood Foresters Read their Story.
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