The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
16th October 1918On this day:
- Close Order and Ceremonial drill.
- Attack Made 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
report from Heule, Courtrai.
"2 am. Moved to Heule via Moorseele and Gulleghem. Battalion formed up between G.23.d.6.5 and G.24.a.30.00. A and B Companies in front line, A on right, C in support, and D in reserve in readiness for attack. Enemy artillery was very quiet. Patrols of the 9th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers informed us that country was clear of enemy up to River Lys but under artillery barrage we attacked at 0535. The Barrage was poor and short, causing three casualties. No opposition was met with except one machine-gun on railway at H.25.d, which was dealt with. Battalion reached the river, taking up positions commanding the opposite bank. The bridge at H.25.d.3.6 was destroyed and the railway bridge at H.25.a partially so at the opposite bank. C Company formed a defensive flank along railway in G.30.b, and D stayed at G.24.d.
The houses contained numbers of civilians. Touch was kept with 12th Royal Irish Rifles on our left. At 1400 under cover of smoke screen from rifle smoke bombs and artillery supported by trench mortars a section of Royal Engineers bridged the river and 2nd Lieutenants Steele and Logan with party thirty Other Ranks (D Company) crossed and took up positions at H.25.d.30.50 and on the main street and near the bank to cover the bridge.
The smoke screen did not last long enough, however, and the bridge being detected, came under machine-gun fire from railway about H.31.a.80.60 and was partly destroyed. The Royal Engineers section had three Officers and about a dozen casualties and were unable to complete the bridge, leaving our men cut off on the opposite side. This party knocked out two machine-guns and captured six prisoners. At 1800 under cover of night it withdrew, coming across by one of the boats. C Company was moved up and relieved B Company. At 1900 Battalion was relieved by the 23rd Middlesex and on relief moved to area Drie-Masten (L.12.c.05.55).
Total casualties for the day were 2nd Lieutenant Inglis wounded, one Other Ranks killed and 24 Other Ranks wounded."
War Diaries
- Rest and relocation
- 106th Field Coy in action
- Training
- Advance to Courtrai
- On the March
- On the Move
- Orders
- Machine Guns
- Training & Football
- Reliefs
- Across the Lys
- In Action
- Brigade Practice
- Bivouack
- Company training as per programme.
- Gas Shelling
- Outpost Line of Division reported just East of Carvin.
- Night operations
- Germans abandon Ostend
- Baths.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 16th of October 1918? There are:33 items tagged 16th of October 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 16th of October 1918. Sgt. William Bartley. 52nd Btn. Read their Story. Off.Stwd. George Herbert Birthistle. HMS Kestrel Read their Story. Pte. John Blackman. 1st/5th Btn. The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) Read their Story. L/Bdr. John Brennan. Royal Garrison Artillery Read their Story. Gdsmn. Frank Cleggett. 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Joseph Ethelbert Coleman. 3rd Bn. London Regt Read their Story. Pte Harry Fitton. 8th Btn. Royal West Kent Regiment Capt. Arthur Singleton Hobbs. Indian Army Reserve of Officers Read their Story. Sgt. H. M. Jones. 8th Bn. London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) Read their Story. Sgt. William Arthur Kadwill. 4th Btn. Rifle Brigade Gnr. H. P.J. Lassen. Read their Story. Pte. Horace Walter "Jack" Lucas. B Coy., 7th Btn. Wiltshire Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl. Tom Cammish Major. 9th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Frank William Martin. 9th Btn. East Surrey Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Laurence McCarthy. 49th Btn. Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. Pte. Laurence Mccarthy. 49th Coy. Machine Gun Corps Cpl. John McNamara. VC. 9th Btn. East Surrey Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Ralph Porter. 6th Btn. B Coy. London Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Fredrick Gildart Vernon. 1st Btn. North Staffordshire Regiment Pte. John Wardell. 9th Btn. East Surrey Regiment
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