The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
17th April 1918On this day:
- Considerable Shelling There was considerable shelling all over the area and in St. Jans Cappell. Congratulatory messages were received from Corps and Divisional Commanders by 6th West Riding Rgt. More wire was put out during the night.
Casualties of 6th West Riding Rgt on this day were 2nd. Lt. J. M. Hick (Killed in Action), 265527 Lance Sergeant J. Calvert (Wounded at Duty), 31811 Private H. Broadbent (Wounded), 242483 Private W. D. Cole (Killed in Action),25515 Private S. Frost (Wounded), 266928 Private M. Hogg (Wounded), 41181 Private C. F. May (Wounded), 200207 Private G. S. Seed (Wounded), 21182 Private H. Smith (Wounded), 203872 Private L. F. Smith (Wounded at Duty), 240827 Private E. B. Timmins (Wounded), 265618 Private H. Walker (Wounded).
- 18th Durhams report "Very heavy shelling commenced about 9am in the vicinity of Borre. Received orders from Brigade to move to V.9.d. NW of La Kruele in the afternoon moved thence to L’Hoffand, Hazebrouck defences. 92nd Composite Battalion on the left, 94th Battalion on the right, 93rd Battalion in reserve at V.23 & V.29. Draft of 119 ORs arrived at details. Our line ran V.23.d.3.8, V, V.29.d.7.4., V.30.c.3.7., D.6.a.3.3."
18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Enemy Attack
- Relief
- Trench Work
- On the Move
- Batteries into Action
- HQs Move
- Awards
- Enemy Active
- Working Parties
- Patrols
- Salvage
- Attacks Made
- Moves
- Enemy Scores Own Goal
- In Reserve
- Heavy Shelling
- Heavy Shelling
- Working Parties
- Attack
- Bombardment
- Two POWs
- Heavy Shelling
- Reliefs
- Heavy Shelling
- Under Pressure
- Reinforcements
- Orders and a Letter
- Enemy Attacks
- Visit
- Arrival
- Working Parties
- 3rd leave party
- Warning order received
- A Relief and a Barrage
- Considerable Artillery Activity
- Training
- Heavy Bombardment
- On the Move
- 400 men working on Forward C.T's.
- Arrived in Marseille
- Operational Order No.14.
- Standing by
- Working Parties again in the Old French Lines.
- On the Move
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 17th of April 1918? There are:46 items tagged 17th of April 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 17th of April 1918. Pte. Robert Adams. 14th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Harry Edward Bridger. 8th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment Rfm. Felix John Brinn. 16th Btn. King's Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story. Pte Alfred Clarke. 7th Btn. Manchester Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Samuel Edwards Fletcher. 4th Btn. Grenadier Guards Read their Story. Pte. John Fox. 2nd Btn King's Own Scottish Borderers Read their Story. Pte. George Samuel Frost. 1st/4th Btn. West Riding Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Robert Greatrix. 2/6th Btn. North Staffordshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Thomas Hambleton. 34th Coy. Machine Gun Corps 2nd Lt. Charles Frederick Heatly. 16th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Albert Hibbins. 9th Btn. Welsh Regiment Pte. Arthur Rowland Jones. 23rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers Read their Story. L/Cpl. William Henery Jones. 4th Btn. King's Regiment (Liverpool) Pte. Patrick Larkin. 2nd Btn. Lincolnshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Harry Mansfield. 1st Coy Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. Pte. Corbett Lee Moody. 10th Btn Cheshire Regiment Capt. Idris Aneurin Morgan. 11th Btn. South Wales Borderers Read their Story. Dick Muggleton. 2/4th Btn. Leicestershire Regiment Read their Story. Private Henry Ord. 15th Battalion Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. Peter Orr. 2nd Btn. Seaforth Highlanders Read their Story. Sgt. John Charles Ravenscroft. 19th Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Henry Ross. 1/10th Btn. Manchester Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Robert Royles. 2nd Btn. Welsh Regiment Read their Story. Sapper. Josiah James Stevens. 171st Tunnelling Company Royal Engineers Read their Story. Sgt. Walter John Tindall. MM. 16th (Boys Brigade) Btn. Kings Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story. Cpl. William H. Wood. 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment Read their Story.
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