The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
16th April 1918On this day:
- Inspection
- 9th Irish Fusiliers move to Clydesdale Camp 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers moved back to Clydesdale Camp at midnight for rest and reorganisation.
War Diaries
- Enemy Active During the morning, the enemy registered our line with trench mortars and field guns and there was considerable machine gun fire from both sides; there was also enemy movement in small parties. Our artillery gave considerable support and, when the enemy were seen collecting, they put down a very satisfactory shoot (i. e. barrage). At about 4pm., the enemy showed great activity with his trench mortars and field guns and, shortly afterwards, attacked opposite the right of 'A' Company, 6th West Riding Regiment The attack was completely repulsed and a certain amount of the success was due to prompt so-operation with the Stokes mortar battery. Patrols were at once sent out to pick up prisoners. These patrols were very successful and brought in two light machine guns and 16 prisoners, several of whom were wounded. The night passed fairly quietly and a good lot of wire was put out.
Casualties on this day were 265273 Sergeant E. Johnson (Wounded), 12932 Private Aldridge (Killed in Action), 265990 Private J. Beckwith (Wounded accidentally),266505 Private J. Bibby (Wounded), 31683 Private W. E. Bilton (Wounded), 240551 Private J. M. Buckley 9Wounded), 240290 Private J. Burns (Wounded), 265625 Private H. R. Craven (Wounded), 267399 Private F. Dunn (Wounded), 25511 Private A. J. Haigh (Killed in Action), 25516 Private W. Leah (Wounded), 266018 Private L. Parker (Wounded), 23932 Private L. Shepherd (Wounded), 266344 Private T. W. Smith (Wounded), 265708 Private J. R. Whittaker (Wounded), 202226 Private W. Woor (Wounded).
- 18th DLI report from Borre "Reorganisation. Warned to be ready to move at an hours notice.
1. To man the Hazebrouck defences.
2. To exploit any success obtained in an attack by two French divisions to take place at 6pm from Kemmel to the neighbourhood of Strazeele.
The 15th W Yorks amalgamated with us forming the 93rd Composite Battalion with our own HQ commanded by Lt Col Lowe MC."
18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Enemy Attack
- In Action
- Orders
- In the Trenches
- French Support Arrives
- In Action
- Enemy Attacks
- On the Move
- Withdrawal
- Working Parties
- On the Move
- Trench Work
- Attacks Made
- Moves
- German Patrols
- Quiet
- Reinforcements
- Counter Attack
- Holding the Line
- In Billets
- Attack
- Move
- Poelcappelle Shelled
- On the Move
- Heavy Bombardment
- Digging in
- Reliefs
- Orders
- Withdrawal
- Training
- Good Weather
- into Billets
- Rock quarrying.
- Companies reorganised
- Situation Quiet
- Moved up to the line in the evening and relieved 1st Devon Regt
- 1 Officer and 5 men returned from English leave.
- Operational Order 25.
- Front & Support posts
- Attack Fails
- In Front Line
- On the Move
- Little shelling
- Gunners withdrawn from the line
- Digging trenches in the Old French Lines.
- Statue finally falls Statue of the golden Madonna on the spire of Albert church fell at 3.50pm on 16th Apr 1918. Eye witness Mr Deeson of 50th Battery 34 Bdg RFA.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 16th of April 1918? There are:50 items tagged 16th of April 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 16th of April 1918. Pte. Francis Ahern. 3rd Battalion Read their Story. Frank Allgood. 8th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Victor Birket. 5/6th Btn. Royal Scots Sjt. Ernest Boon. DCM. 10th Battalion Cheshire Regiment Pte. George William Brown. 15th Battalion Royal Scots Read their Story. Pte Daniel Burrows. 19th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Percy Constable. 1st Btn. Middlesex Regiment Pte. William Cooper. 6th Btn. South Wales Borderers Ord.Sea. Thomas Cuthbert. HMS Armadale Castle Read their Story. Pte. Simeon Davies. 10th Btn. Cheshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Leonard Fensome. 1st Btn. Lincolnshire Regiment Read their Story. 2nd Lt. David George Frater. MC. A Battery, 255th Brigade Royal Field Artillery Cpl. George William Furnevel. 15th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. Alfred Gibson. 11th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Cpl. John Allan Havelock. MM. 18th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte G Ingledew. 9th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Walter Lenton. 1st. Btn. Lincolnshire Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl. William MacDonald. 5th Battalion Cameron Highlanders Read their Story. Pte. John Male. 2/6th Battalion Notts & Derby Cpl. James McWilliam. 9th Btn. Highland Light Infantry Read their Story. L/Cpl. Michael O'Callaghan. 1st Btn. Royal Irish Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. John Oakley. 2/6th Btn. South Staffordshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Albert Rusling. 10th (Hull Commercials) Btn. D Coy. East Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Vincent Taylor. 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Vincent Taylor. 1st Btn. Leicestershire Regiment
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