The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
17th August 1916On this day:
- Registration 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery report from
Bottom Wood.
Quiet day until 1500. The morning was spent in registration of targets.
Lt Graburn C236 Battery was wounded in the trenches.
Batteries formed an intense barrage 220 yards over the Switch Line and infantry made a bombing attack along the Switch Line towards Tramway.
The Germans made feeble counter attack near the Tramway which was repulsed. There was no firing during the night by Batteries.
- Mine
- Routine and swimming sports
- Bad weather 6th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment
17th August - Ronville - Heavy rain during day and thunderstorms.
war diaries
- Parcels from Home
- Bombardment Trenches in Festubert Sector are held by 18th Durham light Infantry
04.37. Fine & calm. Six willow trees, considered to be of value to enemy as range marks near our parapet opposite 12 Islands, blown up at 4.37am. 15.55. Combined bombardment by R.A. & L.T.M.B. of German trenches S27d. 4.15pm German guns answered chiefly on our left Islands & Barnton Trench with whizz bangs. Bombardment ended 4.55pm. The front line & O.B.L. was again thinned as on 15.8.16 and troops withdrawn to disused trenches. Casualties Nil. Damage done to our trenches insignificant. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- On the March
- On the March
- On the March
- Barrage
- Storm
- New Wagon Lines
- Two Reinforcements
- Mobilization
- In Billets
- On the March
- On the March
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- Heath Trench Shelled
- On the March
- Ambulance Train
- Concert
- Defence Work
- Training
- Battalion in bivouac.
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Shelling 7th Buffs report 10am Enemy shelled White City end of Queer St. with about 5 rounds of 10.5 cm.
Our T.M.B. fired a few rounds on trench opposite 50 trench. Enemy replied with 12 T.M. bombs in vicinity of trenches 49 and 50 and Queer Street.
7.15pm 12 15cm. shells fell around trenches 50 and 51 and two rifle grenades.
12 midnight about 9 light T.M. bombs and rifle grenades fell behind 50 trench. Otherwise quiet night and day. Fine day and misty night. Wind gentle S.W. 7th Buffs report 9am Our 60 lb. mortars registered with four rounds on enemy’s trenches opposite the salient. Enemy replied with several pineapple bombs and two heavy T.M. bombs. Our Stokes gun very quickly answered with about 50 bombs and Enemy then shelled in front of Tui Road and Support Line 50 with about 16 rounds. All quiet by 9.45 a.m.
5.25pm We exchanged about 9 light trench mortar bombs with the enemy on trenches 48 and 49. Germans sent about four 10.5 cm. shells into 50 trench.
Showery all day and night. Wind gentle W.S.W. Very quiet night. 7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- Reliefs
- On the March
- Battalion training
- Training
- Casualties
- Warning Order received
- Orders
- Training
- Parades
- Attack Made
- ove to new Divisional area.
- Assisting with the Corn Harvest.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 17th of August 1916? There are:44 items tagged 17th of August 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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