The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
18th August 1916On this day:
- Air Raid During the evening, two Zeppelins raided Steetley's Basic works at Coxhoe, where they were producing Doloma for steel furnace linings. Twelve high explosive bombs and fourteen incendiaries were dropped, leaving several craters, slight damage to houses, at Coxhoe, Joint Stocks and Quarrington Hill, with much broken glass. A few yards of the railway track at was destroyed Kelloe Colliery.
Extra protection was recommended to be given to site following this raid, including the siting of an anti air craft gun. A concrete air raid shelter was constructed at West Hetton Lodge.
- Heavy Barrage 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery report:
At 0855 a heavy barrage was put up by our batteries 200 yards over the Switch Line and formed with 47th Division Artillery a double barrage.
At 1445 a further heavy barrage at Switch Line on the right of Tramway.
Smoke was discharged on our front and the 1st Division attacked the intermediate line on our right. They got in but were driven out.
From 2030 fire was kept up at odd intervals on tracks and trenches leading to Martinpuich.
War Diaries
- Inter troop competitions
- Lost Time
- Reliefs 18th DLI are in Trenches in the Festubert sector and report: "04.00. Very misty. Enemy artillery sent over several heavy shells, perhaps 5.9s, but all fell North of right subsector & did not affect us. Our guns retaliated. All was quiet by 4.30am.
10.00. Fine. At 4.25pm Enemy artillery bombarded rear of Front Line without effect, our guns retaliated slightly. Wet in evening. 21.30. W.Y.R with 75 W.Y.S, 75 H.Y.T relieved 18th DLI less B Co. Relief completed 11.30pm. 18th DLI less B Co. marched to Le Touret and took over billets from 11th East Yorks. B Co. remained as Right Co. in Support in O.B.L. No activity of any kind from guns or rifles during relief." 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Lack of Waterproof Sheets
- In Action
- In Action
- On the March
- Rain
- In Action
- Bombardment
- Usual Trench Warfare
- On the Move
- In Billets
- Training
- On the March
- Attack Made
- Trench Motars
- Accurate Wire-Cutting
- Working Parties
- Route March
- Outposts
- Defence Work
- Visit
- A Route March
- Battalion ordered to move
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Artillery in Action 7th Buffs report About 3.15 p.m. our guns opened rapid firing on enemy’s front and support lines. Enemy replied with about 12 pineapples and 1 heavy mortar afterwards shelling road from White City to salient. About 3 shells fell on 50 Support Trench.
About 5.40 p.m. 1 heavy mortar bomb and about 30 “pineapples” fell on Right Coy’s front. Not much damage done. 2/Lt C. Debon was slightly wounded in shoulder. Otherwise quiet day and very quiet night; wet off and on all day. Fresh West wind.
7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- Training
- On the March
- Training
- 45th Inf. Bde. will relieve the 46th Inf. Bde.
- March Table 19th August
- Practicing the attack.
- Attack Made
- On the March
- G.A. 201 from 52nd Division
- Quiet Day
- Entrained at Frechencourt
- Brigade Tactical Exercise.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 18th of August 1916? There are:45 items tagged 18th of August 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 18th of August 1916. Pte John Tregear Angwin. 6th Batallion Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry Read their Story. Rflmn. Bert Atkins. 9th Btn. Rifle Brigade Rifleman Bert Atkins. 9th Btn Rifle Brigade Pte. Daniel Berry. 8th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Ritchie Blues. 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders Pte. William John Brock. 7th Btn. Northamptonshire Regiment Read their Story. Sgt. Thomas Brown. 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl. Thomas Brown. 14th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Read their Story. Gnr. Ben Bulcock. 6th Ammun. Col. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Rflmn. Gerald Comber. 7th Btn. King's Royal Rifle Corp Pte. Frederick William Cooke. 8th Btn. East Kent Regiment Read their Story. A/CSM. Francis Curran. 1st Btn. Black Watch Read their Story. Cpl. Walter Henry Davies. MM. 8th Battalion Kings Regiment (Liverpool) Spr. Charles Gilbert Draper. 61st Field Coy Royal Engineers Pte. Robert Hamilton Elder. 18th Battalion Highland Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. John Gracie. 10/11th Btn. Highland Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. George Henry Haslehurst. 13th Battalion Middlesex Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Charles Heasman. 8th Btn. East Kent Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Percy Henry Hunt. 7th Btn. Rifle Brigade Read their Story. Rflmn. Charles Edward Hurley. 7th Btn. Rifle Brigade Read their Story. Cpl. Hector Hussey. MM. 10th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers Pte. Magnus Manson. 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders Read their Story. Cpl. Thomas Oswald Marsh. 1st Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Cpl Arthur George Mason. 1st/5th Btn Royal Warwickshire Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl. Malcolm Colville McDougall. 7th Btn. Northamptonshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. James Smith McLauchlan. 44th MGC Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. Pte. Charles Fitzhardinge Miller. 12th Btn. Sherwood Foresters Sgt. Walter John Mittell. 9th Btn. Royal Sussex Rgt. Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Robert Norman. 13th Battalion Middlesex Regiment Read their Story. Pte. John James Osment. 6th Btn. Somerset Light Infantry Pte John Alfred Richards. 12th Btn. Kings Royal Rifle Corps Pte. Robert Samuel Rivers. 8th Battalion East Kent Regiment Read their Story. Rflmn Charles Jay Saward. 7th Bn Kings Royal Rifle Corps L/Cpl. Frank Herbert Sonntag. 8th Battalion East Kent Regiment Read their Story. Cpl. William Herbert Trigg. 11th Btn. King's (Liverpool) Regiment Pte. Herbert Walton. 8th Btn. York and Lancaster Regiment Read their Story. Pte John Dower Warren. 6th Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte John Watkins. 6th Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Lionel Webb. 8th Btn. East Kent Regiment Read their Story. Pte. James Wood. 8th Btn. East Kent Regiment Read their Story.
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