The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
20th April 1916On this day:
- Intermittent Enemy Shelling 6th County of London Brigade RFA at
Carency report
2nd Lt Tomb, 6th London Ammunition Column is attached to the 17th London Battery and 2nd Lt Corsan 6th London Ammunition Column who was attached to the 15th London Battery returned to his unit.
The enemy shelled the Zouave Valley and Notre Dame de Lorette slopes intermittently all day.
At 1825 the enemy exploded a mine on the left front of the Division on our right.
War Diaries
- U-9 joins Training Flotilla SM U-9 commanded by Johannes Spieß transfers from the Baltic Flotilla to the Training Flotilla.
- SM U-78
Type UE 1
Shipyard Vulcan, Hamburg (Werk 60)
Ordered 9 Mar 1915
Launched 27 Feb 1916
Commissioned 20 Apr 1916
20 Apr 1916 - 15 Jan 1918 Otto Dröscher.
16 Jan 1918 - 31 Jan 1918 Karl Thouret.
1 Feb 1918 - 27 Feb 1918 Oblt. Johann Vollbrecht.
1 Mar 1918 - 26 Apr 1918 Karl Vesper.
27 Apr 1918 - 24 May 1918 Wilhelm Meyer.
25 May 1918 - 27 Oct 1918 Oblt. Johann Vollbrecht
Career 12 patrols.
9 Jul 1916 - 27 Oct 1918 I Flotilla
Successes 17 ships sunk with a total of 27,488 tons.
2 ships damaged with a total of 11,332 tons.
2 ships taken as prize with a total of 3,427 tons.
- 16 Jul 1916 U 78 Otto Dröscher Vidar (prize) 2,178 sw
- 5 Aug 1916 U 78 Otto Dröscher Aranda 1,838 nw
- 2 Sep 1916 U 78 Otto Dröscher Kelvinia 5,039 br
- 26 Sep 1916 U 78 Otto Dröscher Loch Shiel 216 br
- 21 Oct 1916 U 78 Otto Dröscher Atle Jarl (prize) 1,249 nw
- 16 Nov 1916 U 78 Otto Dröscher Vega 1,204 nw
- 13 Dec 1916 U 78 Otto Dröscher Kursk (damaged) 7,869 ru
- 7 Feb 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Väring 2,107 sw
- 13 Feb 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Barnsley 144 br
- 15 Feb 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Stralsund 510 nw
- 3 Mar 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Meldon 2,514 br
- 2 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Sagitta 1,981 nw
- 2 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Tithonus (damaged) 3,463 br
- 4 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Vladimir Reitz 2,128 da
- 5 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Bris 101 da
- 7 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Jason 810 br
- 13 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Strathcona 1,881 ca
- 14 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Andromache 313 br
- 19 Apr 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Lobelia 184 br
- 17 Jun 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Fornebo 4,259 br
- 13 Dec 1917 U 78 Otto Dröscher Arnewood 2,259 br
Fate 27 Oct 1918 - Torpedoed by HM Sub G2 N of North Sea at 5602N 0508E. 40 dead (all hands lost). The commonly listed sinking date of October 28, 1918 is in error.
There was another U 78 in World War Two.
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 7 Dec 1940 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 15 Feb 1941.
John Doran
- Training and relief party
- In Cairo
- At 5.45pm 18th DLI proceeded from Bus Les Artois to front line trenches where they took over from 11th East Yorks.
The National Archives 18DLI War Diary WO95/2361/1
- Under Shellfire
- In the Trenches
- Reliefs
- New Position
- NCOs Lectured
- Working Parties
- Working Parties
- Explosion
- Working Parties
- Orders
- Training
- Unit Moves
- Billets
- Very Wet
- Training
- Working Parties
- Defence Work
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Battery HQ Moves
- In Billets
- Posting
- Arras Again Shelled
- Battalion received Orders to move to La Clytte
- Rain Wet weather continued. 7th Buffs report trenches in bad state
Enemy bombarded centre of subsector intensely for 2 minutes with 77 mm and
10.5 cm, not much damage done and no casualties
7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- Reliefs
- Training
- On the Move
- Route March
- Advance Party
- Wiring, Bombing & Drill.
- Medical Inspection
- Disinfected by Steam
- In Billets
- Inspection of Arms, clothing and accoutrements.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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