The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
28th June 1918On this day:
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Ref Hazebrouck 5A. Special Sheet 27 NE local ed. 5A 1/20000. Cormette.
Battalion tactical exercise in the morning from 0800 to 1300. Three Companies attacked the enemy outpost line on the Zudausques, St Martin-au-Laert Road. One Company represented the enemy. From 2130 to 0100 the Battalion carried out a night outpost scheme, with three Companies holding an outpost line outside Leuline and Etrehem, one Company attacking.
Lieutenants Dobbyn MC and A.S Galloway, 2nd Lieutenant F.S Bale reported for duty.
War Diaries
ZERO was 6am. Formation of party 5 small columns in single file in echelon with left forward. At ZERO the party waited ¾ of a minute to advance in alignment with left flank of 15th W YORKS and by 6.05am reached the objective with very little opposition except from one post, the attack being a complete surprise. As our men advanced small groups of up to the total of about 12 ran round our right flank unarmed and unequipped & were left for the original front line to deal with. Some enemy were shot or bayonetted in shell hole positions. Four parties then began consolidating while a Lewis Gun team then lead with great dash by Sgt GOLDSBOROUGH crossed the BECQUE and stalked a MG team through a cornfield and rushed and captured the gun killing the team. Two more light MG’s were captured on the left flank of the objective. Immediate touch was gained with DLI on left & with 15th WYR right flank. Only 2 slight casualties occurred up to & during the consolidation. 30 prisoners were captured W & E of the BECQUE. During the consolidation footbridges were destroyed over the BECQUE and the captured MG’s were installed & used against the enemy. About 7.02am power buzzer message was reported as stating that all Brigade objectives had been captured. As no barrage was arranged for to smother our objective B Coy on left of the attack was ordered to barrage the enemy position South of their front line with No 23 bombs for short range & No 36 for long range combined with enfilade LG fire along and in rear of hostile front positions. This proved most effective and the LG fire accounted for a satisfactory number of the enemy as they retired over exposed country EAST of PLATEBECQUE. The energy, dash and initiative of 2Lt EVERATT contributed largely to the initial success of the enterprise: the efficient way in which he organised the consolidation and the excellence of his reports were both marked & stamp him as a really valuable officer. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Training
- Improvements
- Training
- On the Move
- Patrols
- Move
- Bathing
- Message
- Training
- Work on positions
- Reliefs
- Successful Attack
- Bath's, Gas drill and demonstrations.
- Training and Awards
- Trench Work
- Heavy shelling
- The day passed quietly
- Appeal for Donations
- Relieved 2nd R.W.F.
- Aircrew taken PoW
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 28th of June 1918? There are:24 items tagged 28th of June 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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