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Rflmn. W. Bellamy

British Army 1st Btn. King's Royal Rifle Corps

(d.16th Jul 1915)

Frlmn. W. Bellamy served with the King's Royal Rifle Corps 1st Battalion. He was executed for cowardice on 16th July 1915 aged 34 and is buried in Brown's Road Military Cemetery, Festubert, France.


Pte. Arthur Leolin Bellenie

British Army 13th Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment

My grandfather was named Arthur Leolin Bellenie. He enlisted at Hull on 18th November 1914 into 13th East Yorkshire Regiment. He went to Ripon and left there Oct 29th 1915.

His diary records: Left Hurdcott Camp 8am Dec 14th for Salisbury then left Salisbury at 1.15pm arriving at Devonport at 9.15pm. The troopship Simla set sail at 5.30 am March 1st from Port Said to sail to Marseilles. Passed the Med Fleet at 2am Mar 4th. Passed Malta at 11.30pm. Passed Island of Pantellaria at 2pm Mar 5th an Italian convict settlement.Mar 8th arrived Marseilles 7pm. The place is full of ships. Mar 9th disembarking from S.S. Simla at 2pm.'

I have not had any luck in finding his name in any ancestry records. I believe he was taken prisoner on 14th November 1916 as that is the last date in his diary. When he returned, at the end of the war, he was amongst the ex-prisoners met by Queen Mary and we have a photograph of him in the background with the Queen. It is a photograph in the Royal Collection


Pte. John Henry Bellerby

British Army 1st Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers


(d.26th Feb 1915)


Lance Sjt. J. D. Bellett

Army Durham Light Infantry


Pte. Ronald William Bellew

Canadian Expeditionary Force 14th Battalion Royal Montreal Regiment

from:Kilronan, Saskatchewan

(d.26th September 1916)

Ronald Bellew was born on the 30th April 1894 at Whitechapel Cottage, Bish Mill, Bishops Nympton, North Devonshire. Ronald was the eldest son of Charles Bellew (born 14th March 1874, Horwood), and Rebecca Ann (Annie) Bellew, nee Westcott, (born 5th December 1873, baptised 12th July 1874, Mariansleigh). Ronald was the brother of Michael, Prudence, Annie (mother of Angela Bavidge, nee Kingdon), Barbara, Rosina, George and Albert Bellew.

Ronald's parents left Bishops Nympton in the late 1890s when his father found work at Meshaw, a few miles from Bishops Nympton. The family was living at Prescott Cottage, Meshaw in 1901. Ronald attended Meshaw School and is mentioned several times in the School's log book. On the 16th July 1909 there is an entry in the school log showing that Annie, Rosie, and Prudence Bellew are leaving school on account of changing farms. Michael had already left school on the 26th March 1909 to work. Ronald being the eldest must have left school before that. In 1911 Ronald, age 16, is working as a cowman for John Hancock, farmer at Rawstone Farm, Bishops Nympton. The family returned to the Bishops Nympton area and lived at Folly Cottage where Ronald's two younger brothers, George and Albert were born in 1912 and 1915 respectively.

Maud Harland (nee Westcott), Ronald's mother's sister, left England to homestead in Canada, with her husband Norman in 1910. Ronald was close to his aunt and decided to emigrate to Canada. Ronald left Liverpool for Halifax, Nova Scotia on the SS Mongolian on the 25th April 1913 to homestead in Canada. He completed an application for entry for a Homestead on the 16th April 1914. His address was shown as Kilronan, Charlotte, Saskatchewan. He occupied his homestead from the 20th November 1914 until the 12th April 1915. Both Ronald's and his Aunt Maud's homesteads were in the Battleford area, Saskatchewan.

When the German-European War broke out, Ronald enlisted with the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force at Battleford, Saskatchewan on the 24th April 1915, with the 53rd Battalion. His Army documents, describe him as having a dark complexion, hazel eyes, dark brown hair and a scar on the right corner of mouth. He was 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighed 145lbs. Religious denomination was Church of England. His pay was $30 per month, plus a field allowance of 20 cents per day. His medical record shows that he was in hospital with diphtheria on 2nd March 1916.

On the 29th March 1916 he sailed from Halifax, Canada on the S.S Empress of Britain, and disembarked at Liverpool, England on the 9th April 1916. He was in England from the 9th April 1916 until he embarked for France on the 8th June 1916. He arrived at Le Havre on the 9th June 1916. He was admitted to the General Hospital in Le Havre on 10th June 1916 and was discharged on 22nd June 1916 On the 14th July 1916 he was taken on strength of the 14th Battalion of the Royal Montreal Regiment. He joined his Unit on 11th August 1916.

He was killed in action on the 26th of September 1916 at Kenora Trench, near Courcellette, Battle of the Somme. On the 5th April 1917 it was recorded that Ronald was presumed to have died, on or since, the 26th September 1916. The Canadian Record Office, Green Arbour House, Old Bailey, London, sent a letter to Charles and Rebecca dated 4th April 1917 "It is my painful duty to inform you that owing to the lapse of time and to the fact that no information has come to hand from any source whatever indicating that this soldier might still be alive, the Militia Council have been regretfully constrained to conclude that he is dead."

His medals, decorations and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Annie Bellew. Plaque and scroll, serial number 76421, were sent to his father Charles Bellew, on the 27th May 1920. Charles and Rebecca were living at Folly Cottage, South Molton, Devon, England.

Ronald's name appears on the Vimy Memorial, which overlooks the Douai Plain from the highest point of Vimy Ridge, about eight kilometres northeast of Arras on the N17 towards Lens. The names of 11,285 Canadian Soldiers, who have no known grave, are listed.

Canada was a Dominion of Great Britain without any International standing and when Britain declared War on Germany in August 1914, Canada was automatically at war. In 1914 Canada's population was just under 8 million. The Canadian government issued tens of thousands of posters as a way to encourage voluntary enlistment, bearing in mind that there were no radios or TVs at that time. The Military Service Act of August 1917 introduced conscription. Most French-speaking Canadians did not support Canada's overseas military commitments to the same degree as English speakers. Two-thirds of the men of the first contingent had been born in the British Isles. Most had settled in Canada in the 15-year period of massive immigration which had taken place before the start of WW1. By the end of the war Canada had suffered over 66,000 killed and over 170,000 wounded, roughly a 35% casualty rate. This was the highest of any of the Dominions. The Canadians fought and died in numerous battles from 1915 through to 1918 for example, Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, The Somme, Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele


Pte. Alfred Bellis

British Army Essex Regiment

(d.31st October 1914)

Private Alfred Bellis has no grave. Alfred was in the Essex Regiment. I have recently learned of my great grandfather who is my family hero. I have learned that he left a pregnant wife when he was killed.


Pte. Henry Bellis

British Army 6th Btn. East Lancashire Regiment

from:15 Higher Water Street, Lowerhouse, Burnley

(d.20th Apr 1916)

Henry Bellis died on 20th of April 1916, aged 29 and is buried in the Amara War Cemetery in Iraq.


Pte. R. R. Bellis

British Army 9th Btn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

(d.1st Jul 1916)


Cpl. John Bellringer

Army 1/5th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

(d.12th Jul 1915)

Corporal John Bellringer. no: 1326. of 'C'Coy. 1st/5th Bn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, died on Monday 12th July 1915, aged 23 years. He was the son of Edward & Jane Bellringer of Clune Brae, Port Glasgow, a reserve player for Ayr United. He is commemmorated on the Helles Memorial, panel 183 & 184, on the tip of the Gallipoli Peninsulain Turkey along with 20,000 men who fell in the Dardenelles campaign.


Sgt. Victor Bellward

British Army 8th Battalion Suffolk Regiment

from:Geldeson, Suffolk

(d.10th Aug 1917)


Pte. Alf. Bellwood

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers


Pte. Thomas Bellwood

British Army 10th Btn. West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own) Regiment,

from:Shildon, Durham,

(d.12th May 1917)


L/Cpl. Ernest Edwin Belsey

British Army 2/7th Btn. London Regiment

from:Ramsgate, Kent

(d.11th November 1917)


Pte. Walter Ernest Belsey

British Army 8th Btn. Royal West Kent Regiment

Walter Belsey was posted out prior to Battle of Loos. He was alleged to have been taken prisoner, but no record has been found. He survived the war and died in 1972.


Pte. Albert James Belshaw

British Army 1st Battalion Cheshire Regiment


(d.24th Aug 1914)

Albert Belshaw died on the 24th August 1914 leaving behind a wife Ada Gilbert and two young Children Ethal-May who was 3yrs and John who was 2yrs old. His name is place on the memorial wall at Seine-et-Marne. Alfred like many other brave men received the 1914 Star medal and the Victory medal.


Dvr. Frank Belshaw

British Army 241 Brigade, B Bty. Royal Field Artillery


(d.13th Dec 1917)

Frank Belshaw was the Son of Frank and Jane Belshaw of 1 Timm's Yard, Holland St., Coalpit Lane, Nottingham. He was 30 when he died and is buried in the Sandrigo Communal Cemetery in Italy.


Pte. Sidney Victor Belson

British Army 2/7th Btn. Durham Light Infantry

from:Cippenham, Bucks

This man was my great grandfather. He was posted to the 20th DLI at the beginning of July 1917 and remained there until demobbed. He was a runner and a bugle boy. Having enlisted in 1915 he was sent to the 2/7th DLI until being sent overseas in 1916. His service record shows several postings but only the one to the 20th is eligable. A family legend says he once ended up fighting with a Kent regiment and another that he was not allowed to return to his unit as they had been wiped out by gas.


Pte. Sidney Victor Belson

British Army 7th Btn. Durham Light Infantry

from:Cippenham, Bucks

Pte Sidney Belson was originally posted to 2/7th DLI in September 1916, home service due to his occupation (listed as houseman on farm in 1911 census). He was posted to 20th DLI early in July 1917 just in time to take part in the actions of 3rd Ypres. On 31st of July he was one of the DLI soldiers who wound up fighting alongside men of 10th Royal West Kents, who advanced to the right of the 20th DLI. This is documented in the Kents war diary, although no names are given. It is thought that he found himself there owing to his job as a runner/bugler. He was reunited with the battalion after the action in and around Hollebeke and remained there until discharged in early 1919, again because of his occupation.

Like most men who served in this war he said very little about his experiences. He talked of training American troops. Also about not being able to give a reply to a message as MPs would not let him through, saying the men he wanted to reach had been wiped out. Another time he and 12 other runners were sent off with a message and he was the only one to deliver it because the other runners were all killed.

On returning from the western front he resumed his job and married in 1924. He lived in Cippenham until his death. Of the four Belson brothers who went to war he was the only one to come back uninjured physically with two brothers being killed, one at Mont Kemmel in 1918, and the last being a recipient of the silver war badge.


Pte. James Arthur Belt

British Army Kings Royal Rifle Corps

from:Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire


Pte Frank Hermann Belthle

Royal Army Medical Corps 14th Field Ambulance


(d.25th June 1917)


Pte. Frank Belton

British Army 1st/8th Battalion Prince of Wale's Own West Yorkshire Regiment

from:Hunslet, Leeds

(d.28th July 1917)

My Grandad, Frank Belton, was married to Mary Markham on the 30th July 1910. He was 18 years old and worked as a glass blower. Mary was 17 years old.

In August 1914 he volunteered and joined the West Yorkshire Regiment firstly given the service number 1590. He was in the trenches in Nieuport, Belgium on the 21st/22nd July 1917 when the Battalion was subjected to a gas attack. Frank was injured and taken to Le Treport, France, where he died of his wounds, gas, on the 28th July. He is buried in Mon-Huon Cemetery, Le Treport, France. He was 25 years old when he died and left a 7 year old daughter, Mary and a 5 year old son, Ernest.


Cpl. John Belton

British Army 4th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers

from:Minera, Bwlchgwyn

(d.22nd March 1918)


Pte. Mich. Belton

British Army 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers



Nurse Jane Bemrose MM.

Order of Saint John of Jerusalem

from:Asterby, Lincolnshire.


Pte. Edwin J. Benbow

British Army 1st Btn. Irish Guards


(d.18th May 1915)

Edwin John Benbow was born in 1886 in Dublin. He served with 1st Btn. of The Irish Guards and was involved in the Battle of Festubert on 18th May 1915 where he lost his life in a fierce battle. On that day the Battalion suffered greatly. He is remembered on the Le Touret Memorial in France.


L/Cpl. John Francis Benbow

Army Durham Light Infantry

(d.13th Aug 1915)


Pte. John Henry Benbow

British Army 1st/5th Battalion South Lancashire Regiment

from:Attingham Home Farm, Shrewsbury

(d.17th Oct 1916)

I am proud to say that John Benbow was my great uncle. He joined up early by lying about his age. Rumour is that he signed up in Shrewsbury with his friend who was 18. He was the only son of Jonathan and Sarah Benbow who ran he farm at Attingham Estate. Even though the family were proud of him they were also devastated by the fact that he had been accepted. The remainder of the family - 3 girls - had to do their share on the farm plus his chores. He became a casualty in the square at Ypres in 1916 and died as a result of those wounds on 17th October 1916 at the age of 18. He is buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery. None of his immediate family ever travelled to visit his grave but that has now been rectified by the remainder of the family who have all been there since.

The only thing we now want to do is to find out what and where he served during those two years as we have no further details. If anyone can be of any help and advice we would be most grateful.


Pte. Samuel Henry Benbow

British Army 2nd Btn. Hampshire Regiment

(d.13th Aug 1915)

Samuel Benbow served with the 2nd Hampshire Regiment, he had enlisted with the Duke Of Cornwall'S Light Infantry. Samuel drowned on the Royal Edward at Gallipoli and is remembered on the Helles Memorial.


Cpl. Paul Alfred Bence MM.

British Army 95th Field Company Royal Engineers

from:33 Upper Gynor Tce. Ynyshir, Rhondda

(d.6th May 1917)

Paul Alfred Bence, Cpl. 45357 R.E. (95th Field Co.) Entered France 25.5.15. He was killed in Action on the 6th May 1917 and is commemorated on the Arras memorial to the Missing.

Paul Bence was born in Twerton, Bath in 1886, the son of Walter and Ellen Bence a stonemason. In the early years of the 20th Century Paul moved to the Rhondda like many others in search of work in the newly developing coalfield. In 1910 he married Bertha Louisa……… and by 1911 was living at 33 Upper Gynor Terrace in Ynyshir. His occupation was given as a Coal Rider (underground). At the time of his death he was described as a Banksman at the National Colliery. He was the fifth man from Ynyshir to win the Military Medal which was described in a newspaper report of January 1917 (20th). He won his MM during the battle of the Somme while a L.Cpl.. Unfortunately he was killed by a shell on May 6th 1917, during the battle of Bullecourt. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial.

During 1916 the 95th Field Company was attached to the 7th Division and was heavily involved during the battle of the Somme, Albert, Bazentin, Delville Wood, Pozieres, Guillemont, and Ginchy. His wife received a letter from his C.O. which was quoted in the Rhondda leader. She was then living at 53 William St. Ynyshir.


Sgt John Bench

British Army 4th Btn Royal Fusiliers


(d.6th December 1916)

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