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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment


Gnr. John Bendle

British Army 124th Heavy Battery Royal Garrison Artillery

from:North Molton

My Grandfather, John Bendle, served with the attached regiment. He had his leg blown off and was returned home to the UK. What I do not know is where in France this happened? was it at the Somme or Ypres?


L/Cpl. George Edward Benefer

British Army 1/5th Btn. Norfolk Regiment

from:King's Lynn, Norfolk

(d.14th July 1918)

Unfortunately, my great uncle George Benefer was killed in action. Research has shown that this happened in the Egyptian theatre of war, maybe Palestine? Sadly, he was never found. I am seeking information about my uncle and the history of his battalion.


Pte. Horace Beney

British Army 1/8th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

from:Walthamstow, Essex

(d.21st March 1918)

Horace Beney had served for about 4 yrs before being killed in action on 21st of March 1918 He was buried at Pozieres, Somme, France.


Gnr. Joseph Benfield MM & Bar.

British Army "C" Bty. 124 Brigade Royal Horse Artillery


Joseph Benfield is my granddad. We in the family know nothing apart from that he was wounded 3 times in France. He was mobilised in 1914 and demobed in 1920 although transferred to the Z reserves in 1919. I have confirmed with the RA museum the facts as stated.

If anyone can give me futher info I would be very greatful.


Rfn. A T Benford

British Army 7th (Service) Btn. King Royal Rifle Corps

(d.6th Jul 1915)


Sgt. Cecil John Benge

British Army 10th Btn. Royal Fusiliers

from:Fulham, London

Cecil Benge married Catherine Ross in 1918 in Croydon, she was a clippie with Tillies and my grandfather then became involved with the same company as a Clippie. He was also instrumental with the starting up of the LTWU with Ernest Bevin in 1924. I have no real idea of his service history.


Sgt. Cecil John Benge

British Army 10th (Stockbrokers) Btn. Royal Fusiliers


Mt Grandfather, Cecil John Benge served with the 10th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers I have his medals but no service records I believe he was wounded twice and married Catherine Ross in Dingwall, Scotland in 1918 They both worked on the buses where as Cecil was very active in the founding of the LTW&GW Union in 1924 with Ernest Bevan. After the war he lived in Glossop Road, Sanderstead, Surrey until his death


Gnr. William Edwin Benge

British Army 505th Howitzer Battery Royal Field Artillery


Ted Benge was reported as missing to his parents on the 22nd of March 1918, along with Gunner G R Peacocks and Lieut J C L Parsons. He was their only surviving child so they were extremely pleased to have received correspondence from Ted on Gustrow camp paper, dated 19th of May 1918 explaining where he was, what had happened to him and asking for something to smoke and a sewing kit. This letter was sent to his commanding officer by Ted's parents to prove that he was no longer missing and the Army returned it to them with their thanks. Ted was a carpenter by trade and once he was at Gustrow, he had to put up shelves in the camp commander's office.

Like so many WW1 men, Ted told very little to his family, of his experiences apart from that above.


Pte. William Benham

British Army 1st/3rd Btn. Royal Fusiliers

(d.12th Jul 1917)

William Benham served with the Royal Fusiliers 1st/3rd Batttalion. He was executed for desertion on 12th July 1917 and is buried in the Berlencourt Communal Cemetery in Pas-de-Calais, France.


Pte. Frank Percy Beniston

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Sussex Rgt.

from:Coalville, Leicestershire

(d.9th September 1916)


Pte. Louis Benjamin

British Army 23rd Btn. Cheshire Regiment

from:95 Halton Road, Islington, London

(d.1st Oct 1918)

Louis Benjamin is my great-uncle who was killed in the First World War. He is buried in Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck, France.


Pte. Peter Sirrug John Benjamin

British Army 5th Btn. Welsh Regiment


My paternal grandfather, Peter Benjamin landed at Suvla Bay but was discharged with hearing loss and shell shock in December 1916.


Pte. Alan Benn

British Army 15th (1st Leeds) Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment


Alan Benn joined the 15th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment on 12th of February 1915. His service record shows he joined up and went to Egypt on 22nd of December 1915, then France from 8th of March 1916 and was then posted missing 3rd of May 1917.

It turned out that he was taken as a Prisoner of War on 4th of May 1916 and transferred to Dulmen, Germany. Alan arrived back in Hull on 30th of December 1918 on board the Frederick VIII having spent 1 year and 240 days as a POW.


CSM. Sidney Benner

British Army 10th Btn. Border Regiment

from:Plymouth, Devon

Sidney Benner had served for 22 years with the Border Regiment and was allowed to re-enlist for the duration of the war. He was immediately promoted CSM. He transferred from 10th Battalion, Border Regiment and served with the 9th Battalion, Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment and 117th Coy. Labour Corps in France from February to October 1917.


Pte. Andrew Bennet

British Army 1st Btn. Black Watch


(d.21st Jun 1915)

Andrew Bennet is remembered with honour on the Le Touret Memorial. He has no known grave. He died as a POW. The Black Watch Museum has his 1914 Star medal but we can not trace his other two medals.


L/Cpl. George Thomas Bennet

British Army 8th Btn. East Lancashire Regiment

from:55 Clarence Street, Darwen

(d.1st Nov 1916)


L/Cpl. James Bennet

British Army 11th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment


(d.3rd May 1917)

Originally from Moniaive in the Parish of Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, James Bennet was the son of James and Jemima (Armstrong) Bennet. He was working in a draper's shop in Cathcart, Glasgow, when he enlisted at Troon on 9 Nov 1914.

He first served in the Highland Light Infantry and then the East Yorkshire Regiment. He went missing in action on the 3rd of May 1917, quite possibly in the capture of Oppy Wood, Battle of the Somme. He is commemorated on the Bennet family monument in Glencairn Churchyard.


2nd. Lt. James Hampton Bennet MC.

British Army 2nd Btn. Royal Munster Fusiliers


(d.22nd September 1916)

James Bennet was the son of John Colin & Alvenia Bennet of 17 Oaklands Road, Bedford. Born 12th July 1893 in Sheffield, he lived in Bedford with his parents. Initially served with the 4th Battalion and then attached to the 2nd Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers. He was awarded the Military Cross, mentioned in Supplement to the London Gazette on 9th December 1915 He was killed in action on 22nd September 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. He has no known grave and is commemorated at the Thiepval Memorial. He is remembered on the Roll of Honour, St. Pauls church, Bedford. A pupil of Bedford Modern School 1907-09, he is commemorated on the School War Memorial, which was unveiled in 1923 and in the Roll of Honour, published in The Eagle, December 1923. The Old Boys of this School who, as in duty bound, laid down their lives in a great cause. Information courtesy of



Army Durham Light Infantry


Pte. Albert James Bennett

British Army 6th btn. South Wales Borderers

from:Enfield, Middlsex

(d.30th Apr 1918)

Albert Bennett served with the South Wales Borderers 6th Battalion. He died on 30th April 1918 and is remembered on the Roll of Honour at Bush Hill Park United Reformed Church, 25 Main Avenue, Endield.


Pte. Alex Bennett

British Army Jamaica Contingent British West Indies Regiment

(d.1st February 1917)

Private Bennett is buried in the Buff Bay Cemetery in Jamaica.


Matron Alma Louisa Bennett

HMHS Herefordshire

from:Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia

Alma Bennett was Matron in charge of nursing on the HMHS Herefordshire, when it was a hospital ship, between Bombay, India and Shatt Arab on the Tigris River in May and June 1917.


Pte. Arthur James Bennett

British Army Army Service Corps


Arthur Bennett served as the driver for General Carton De Wiate for the duration of WW1. He was also the driver of the bus that brought the band of the Black Watch Regiment into Cologne after the defeat of Germany.


L/Cpl Arthur Bennett

British Army 10th Btn Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry


Arthur Bennett served with the 10th Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in WW1.


Pte. Benjamin Bennett

British Army 2nd Btn. Durham Light Infantry

from:West Cornforth, Co Durham.

I believe at sometime my grandfather, Benjamin Bennett was a prisoner of war. This is a memory of a conversation with him over 40 years ago. He served with the 2nd Btn DLI and also with the West Riding Regiment.


Pte. Charles Pinder Bennett

British Army 6th. Batallion Royal Sussex Regiment


My Grandfather, Charles Pinder Bennett, (b.1876 d.1944) joined the Royal Sussex regt. June 15th. 1916 and was then transferred to 6th Batallion SLI 24th October 1916. He received gun shot wounds to his face abdomen and thigh on 21st October 1917

He was then classified as permanent base and transferred to 74th company Labour Corps from 27th November 1917 I woulld be grateful if you could give me any further information


L/Cpl. Charles Bennett

British Army 9th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment

(d.27th August 1917)


L/Cpl. Charles Bennett

British Army 5th Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment

from:2 Mill Green, Caversham, Reading

(d.3rd Jul 1916)

Charles Bennett pre-war occupation was a footman at Walcot Stables, Kintbury, Hungerford. He is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial in France.


Pte. David William Bennett

British Army 1/7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers

from:Chapel House, Llandinam, Powys

(d.26th Mar 1917)

Bill Bennett, eldest son of William and Mary Bennett was killed in action aged 18 at the First Battle of Gaza on 26th March 1917.

His father, Gunner William Bennett of the 259th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, was killed in action on 18th April 1917 in Arras, France. William was the brother of my great-grandmother.


Edith Bennett

British Army Womans Army Auxillary Corps

from:Kingsbridge, Devon

Edith Bennet was born 20th September 1900, She married and became Edith Back and died in 1981. She joined up so that she could do her bit, as her two older brothers, George b.1897 and Walter b.1899, were serving as regulars in the Royal Navy. She was discharged 21st of October 1918. Her unit was later changed to the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. I understand that such members of the unit were not given service numbers.

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