- Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens own) during the Second World War -
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Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens own)
- 1st Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 2nd Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 4th Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 5th Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 6th Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 7th Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 9th Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 10th Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens Own)
- 18th Btn Royal West Kent Regiment
1st of September 1939 Mobilisation
2nd of September 1939 Mobilisation preparation
3rd of September 1939 Mobilisation preparation
4th of September 1939 Mobilisation preparation
5th of September 1939 Mobilisation preparation
6th of September 1939 Preparation
7th of September 1939 Preparation
8th of September 1939 Preparation
9th of September 1939 Preparation
10th of September 1939 Preparation
11th of September 1939 Preparation
12th of September 1939 Training
13th of September 1939 Inspection
14th of September 1939 Training
15th of September 1939 Visit
16th of September 1939 Stocking up
17th of September 1939 Exercise
17th of September 1939 Operation Order No. 1
18th of September 1939 Training
19th of September 1939 Preparation
19th of September 1939 Road Movement Exercise
20th of September 1939 Movement orders
20th of September 1939 Operation Order No. 1.
20th of September 1939 Appendix "A" Road Parties
20th of September 1939 Appendix "B" to Operational Order No. 1.
21st of September 1939 Move exercises
22nd of September 1939 Address
22nd of September 1939 10th Infantry Brigade Exercise
23rd of September 1939 Move
24th of September 1939 Reinforcements
24th of September 1939 Operations Orders No. 2.
25th of September 1939 Move
25th of September 1939 March Table
26th of September 1939 Conference
27th of September 1939 Visits
27th of September 1939 Visit of the King
27th of September 1939 Kings Visit
27th of September 1939 Kings visit
27th of September 1939 Appendix 'C' King's Visit
28th of September 1939 Conference
28th of September 1939 Operation Order No. 1 - Appendix 7
29th of September 1939 Trial
30th Sep 1939 On the Move
1st Oct 1939 On the Move
2nd Oct 1939 On the Move
3rd Oct 1939 Training
3rd of October 1939 Field Return of Officers
3rd of October 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
4th of October 1939 Training.
4th of October 1939 Operation Order
4th of October 1939 March Table for 5th October
4th of October 1939 Thank you note
5th of October 1939 Move
6th of October 1939 Training
6th of October 1939 Operation Order No. 3
6th of October 1939 Appendix to 1403 Operation Order Dated 6 Oct. 39.
7th of October 1939 Move
7th of October 1939 Field Return of Officers
7th of October 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
8th of October 1939 Move
8th of October 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 1
9th of October 1939 Move
10th of October 1939 Settling in
11th of October 1939 Visit
12th of October 1939 Conference
13th of October 1939 Settling in
14th of October 1939 Courts Martial
14th of October 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
15th of October 1939 Church Parade
15th of October 1939 Operation Order No. 2
16th of October 1939 Digging in
17th of October 1939 Inspection
18th of October 1939 More digging
18th of October 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 2.
19th of October 1939 Digging.
19th of October 1939 Operation Order No. 3
20th of October 1939 HQ Opens
21st of October 1939 Appointment
21st of October 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
22nd of October 1939 Church Parade
23rd of October 1939 Course
23rd of October 1939 Intelligence
24th of October 1939 More digging
25th of October 1939 Shooting Practice
26th of October 1939 Digging
26th of October 1939 Intelligence
27th of October 1939 Inspection
28th of October 1939 Digging
28th of October 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength.
29th of October 1939 Aircraft recognition exercise
29th of October 1939 Conference
30th of October 1939 Digging
30th of October 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 5. Volume II Appendix 11
31st of October 1939 Training
31st of October 1939 Operation Instruction No. 1. Volume II Appendix 12.
1st of November 1939 Court martial
2nd of November 1939 Digging
2nd of November 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 6 Volume III Appendix 1.
3rd of November 1939 Visit
4th of November 1939 Football
4th of November 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
5th of November 1939 Church service
6th of November 1939 Training and addresses
7th of November 1939 Digging
7th of November 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 7 Volume III Appendix 2
8th of November 1939 Visit to CO
9th of November 1939 Training
10th of November 1939 Parachutists
11th of November 1939 Training
11th of November 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
12th of November 1939 Church service
13th of November 1939 Stand By
14th of November 1939 Digging resumes
15th of November 1939 Digging
16th of November 1942 Digging
17th of November 1939 Digging
17th of November 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 8 - Volume III Appendix 3
17th of November 1939 Situation Report No. 1 - Volume III Appendix 4.
18th of November 1939 Inspection
18th of November 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
18th of November 1939 Field Return of Other Ranks
19th of November 1939 Church parade
19th of November 1939 Volume III Appendix 5 Intelligence Summary No. ,9
20th of November 1939 Digging
21st of November 1939 Digging
22nd of November 1939 Conferences
23rd of November 1939 Conference
24th of November 1939 Training
25th of November 1939 Digging
25th of November 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
25th of November 1939 Field Return of Other Ranks
26th of November 1939 Church parade
26th of November 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 10 Volume III Appendix 6.
27th of November 1939 Patrolling
28th of November 1939 Exercise
29th of November 1939 Move plans
30th of November 1939 Move preparations
30th of November 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 11 Volume III Appendix 7.
30th of November 1939 Operation Order No. 4. Volume III Appendix 8.
30th of November 1939 Appendix "B" March Table
30th of November 1939 Appendix "A" to 1/RWK Operation Order No. 1.
1st of December 1939 Relief complete
2nd of December 1939 Settling in
3rd of December 1939 Patrols
4th of December 1939 Documents issued
5th of December 1939 Handover
6th of December 1939 Recce
7th of December 1939 Training
8th Dec 1939 New personnel
9th of December 1939 Attachment of staff
9th of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
9th of December 1939 Field Return of Officers
9th of December 1939 Field Return of Other Ranks
10th of December 1939 Church parade
11th of December 1939 Soldiers arrested
12th of December 1939 Training
13th of December 1939 Move forward
14th of December 1939 Adjutant returns
15th of December 1939 Training
16th of December 1939 Meeting with PM
16th of December 1939 Intelligence Summary No. 13 Volume IV Appendix 3
16th of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
17th of December 1939 Leave
18th of December 1939 Training
19th of December 1939 Training
20th of December 1939 Leave resumed
21st of December 1939 Training
22nd of December 1939 Shooting practice
23rd of December 1939 Firing demonstration
23rd of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Other ranks not included on A.F.N. N-3009
24th of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
24th of December 1939 Field Return of Officers
24th of December 1939 Quiet
25th of December 1939 Christmas Day
26th of December 1939 Leave
27th of December 1939 Training
28th of December 1939 Recce
29th of December 1939 Inspection
30th of December 1939 Recce
31st of December 1939 Field Return of Other ranks
31st of December 1939 Quiet
13th of January 1940 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
20th of January1940 Field Return of Officers
22nd Jan 1940 Old Rivals
23rd Jan 1940 Barracks
1st of February 1940 Scheme
2nd of February 1940 Firing practice
3rd of February 1940 Training.
4th of February 1940 Quiet
5th of February 1940 Exercise
6th of February 1940 Lecture
7th of February 1940 Training
8th of February 1940 Training
9th of February 1940 Trainning
10th of February 1940 Training
11th of February 1940 Quiet
12th of February 1940 Demonstration
13th of February 1940 Training
14th of February 1940 Training.
15th of February 1940 Move
16th of February 1940 Marching
17th of February 1940 Conference
18th of February 1940 Move
19th of February 1940 Arrival
20th of February 1940 Conference
21st of February 1940 Tidying up
22nd of February 1940 Recce
23rd of February 1940 Recce
24th of February 1940 Move
25th of February 1940 Settled in
26th of February 1940 Stand To
5th Mar 1940 Raid
3rd Apr 1940 Defences
2nd May 1940 Warning
4th May 1940 New Brigade
4th May 1940 Change of Command
10th May 1940 Defence Work
16th of May 1940 Orders Recieved
17th of May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 Bridges
18th of May 1940 On the Move
19th of May 1940 Defences
20th May 1940 Move
20th of May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 In Action
21st May 1940 In Action
21st of May 1940 Retreat
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Defensive Positions
23rd May 1940 New Positions
23rd May 1940 In Action
24th May 1940 In Defence
24th May 1940 Last Stand
25th May 1940 Last Stand
25th May 1940 Accident
26th May 1940 Escape
26th May 1940 Reliefs
27th May 1940 Defensive Positions
28th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
10th Jun 1940 Patrols
7th Aug 1940 Reorganisation
7th Dec 1940 Rugby Match
8th of January 1941 Postings
8th of January 1941 Battalion foundation
18th of January 1941 New posting
26th February 1941 Attack on Luqa aerodrome
18th of April 1941 New recruits and inspection
17th Nov 1942 Training
1st Battalion, Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment wade ashore from landing craft during combined operations training in Scotland, 17th of November 1942. © IWM (H 25389)
31st Jan 1943 Advance
26th February 1944 Orders
26th March 1944 Advance Party
31st Mar 1943 Advance
7th Apr 1943 In Action
9th Apr 1943 Heavy Fighting
22nd Apr 1943 Plan
23rd Apr 1943 Attack Launched
24th Apr 1943 Attack Made
25th Apr 1943 Positions Strengthened
26th Apr 1943 Attack Made
24th Sep 1943 Arrival
5th Oct 1943 In Action
2nd Nov 1943 Advance
3rd Nov 1943 Advance
5th Nov 1943 Advance
7th Nov 1943 Advance
8th Nov 1943 Advance
18th Nov 1943 Advance
20th Nov 1943 Attack Made
23rd Nov 1943 Crossings
25th Nov 1943 River Rising
29th Nov 1943 Town Captured
30th Nov 1943 Hard Fighting
1st Dec 1943 Hard Fighting
2nd Dec 1943 Advance
7th Dec 1943 Poor Weather
8th Dec 1943 Attack Made
9th Dec 1943 Hard Fighting
10th Dec 1943 Attack Made
12th Dec 1943 Bridgehead Gained
14th Dec 1943 Ground Gained
16th Dec 1943 Advance
21st Dec 1943 Preparations
23rd Dec 1943 In Action
25th Dec 1943 Bombardment
26th Dec 1943 Village Taken
31st Dec 1943 Blizzard
1st February 1944 Ships Observed
2nd February 1944 Equipment Found
3rd February 1944 Recce Patrol
4th February 1944 Orders
5th February 1944 Harassing Fire
6th February 1944 Patrol
7th February 1944 Exchange of Fire
8th February 1944 Enemy Aircraft
9th February 1944 Quiet
10th February Quiet
11th February 1944 Conference
12th February 1944 Orders
13th February 1944 Move
14th February 1944 Enemy Sighted
15th February 1944 Mine Defences
17th February 1944 Attack
18th February 1944 Conference
19th February 1944 Patrols
21st February 1944 Patrol
22nd February 1944 Air Raid
23rd February 1944 Recce
24th February 1944 Quiet
25th February 1944 In Reserve
27th February 1944 Cinema
28th February 1944 Recreation
29th February 1944 Instructions
1st March 1944 Orders
2nd March 1944 Move
3rd March 1944 Hazard
4th March 1944 Training
5th March 1944 Thanksgiving Service
6th March 1944 Whistling bullets
7th March 1944 Recce
8th March 1944 On the March
9th March 1944 On the March
10th March 1944 Advance
11th March 1944 Fire
12th March 1944 Advance
13th March 1944 Quiet night
13th March 1944 Ordered Forward
14th March 1944 Lack of water
14th March 1944 Information Scarce
15th March 1944 Advance
17th March 1944 Prisoner Taken
17th March 1944 Attack Made
18th March 1944 Shelling
19th March 1944 Enemy Gun
20th March 1944 Enemy Posts
21st March 1944 Prisoner Captured
22nd March 1944 Reliefs
23rd March 1944 Attacks
24th March 1944 At Rest
25th March 1944 Address
27th March 1944 Move
28th March 1944 On the Move
29th March 1944 Orders
30th March 1944 Defence
31st March 1944 Orders
3rd Apr 1944 In Action
4th April 1944 Reinforcements for Kohima
5th Apr 1944 Enemy Attacks
5th Apr 1944 On the Move
6th Apr 1944 Enemy Attacks
6th April 1944 Attack Made
7th Apr 1944 Reinforcements
8th Apr 1944 Enemy Attacks
8th Apr 1944 Brave Actions
8th April 1944 Artillery in Position
9th Apr 1944 Enemy Attacks
10th Apr 1944 Enemy Attacks
11th Apr 1944 Enemy Attacks
12th Apr 1944 Supplies
13th Apr 1944 Hard Fighting
13th Apr 1944 Bitter Fighting
13th Apr 1944 Shelling
13th Apr 1944 Attacks
14th Apr 1944 Attack
14th Apr 1944 Break Through
14th Apr 1944 Rain
15th Apr 1944 Break Through
16th Apr 1944 Enemy Attacks
16th Apr 1944 Attacks
17th April 1944 Advance Checked
17th Apr 1944 Holding Position
17th Apr 1944 Attacks
18th Apr 1944 Attack Made
18th Apr 1944 In Action
19th Apr 1944 Reliefs
20th Apr 1944 Reliefs
May 1944 Signallers
Signallers of the 6th Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment using a radio in a dugout on Monastery Hill. IWM (NA 13363)
12th May 1944 Move Forward
13th May 1944 River Crossed
14th May 1944 In Action
15th May 1944 Attack Made
7th July 1944 In Action
1st October 1944 Moves
16th October 1944 Liasion
31st Oct 1944 Reliefs
15th November 1944 Exchange of Fire
27th Dec 1944 Reliefs
7th January 1945 Heavy Snow
9th Jan 1945 Reliefs
15th of April 1945 MessageIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens own)
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Adam Malcolm Cyrus. Cpl.
- Adams Frederick John. Pte.
- Adcock William Alfred. Pte.
- Allen Richard Stafford. Capt. (d.19th November 1943)
- Allen Richard Stafford. T/Capt. (d.19th Nov 1943)
- Allen William Henry Ian. Pte.
- Atkinson FE.
- Avis David George. Private
- Bailey George Richard. L/Cpl
- Baker Leonard. Pte.
- Banks Harold. (d.11th September 1944)
- Barnes Douglas Frank. L/Cpl. (d.6th July 1944)
- Bauldy Eddie.
- Berwick MM. Arthur Joseph James. Cpl.
- Biddlecombe Frank William.
- Bonnick A. E.S.. Pte.
- Booker Arthur J.. Pte.
- Botton Henry James William. Pte.
- Brackley Edwin George. Pte.
- Brannan Victor. L/Cpl.
- Bray Francis. Sgt.
- Bray Frank William. S/Sgt.
- Bray Frank William. S/Sgt.
- Bray Frank WIlliam. Staff Sgt.
- Brett Cyril. Pte.
- Bridger Percy James. Pte.
- Broughton Frank Allan. Pte.
- Browne Albert Edward.
- Bryant DCM MID. William James. Sgt.
- Burch Fred Essex. Pte
- Burch Fred Essex. Pte
- Calverley Ivor.
- Campbell Patrick Archibald Tomlin William Betts. Lt (d.9th May 1945)
- Carden John William. Pte.
- Chapman Ernest. Sgt. (d.16th November 1940)
- Cherry George William. Cpl.
- Clifford Leslie Reginald. Pte.
- Cohen Emanuel. Pte. (d.11th Jan 1942)
- Collins Horace Arthur. Pte. (d.20th April 1944)
- Collins Leonard Sidney. Pte. (d.14th April 1944)
- Costen Frederick Bartholomew. Cpl.
- Coventry FW.
- Cramp Henry Leslie. Pte.
- Crittall William. Pte.
- Cunnane Thomas. Pte.
- Davies William Frank. Pte. (d.17th November 1942)
- Dawe PC.
- Day Frank Leslie. Pte.
- Day Leonard Mark. Cpl. (d.24th Aug 1942 )
- Digweed J.
- Dixon Thomas McFarlane. L/Cpl.
- Dowling George William. L/Cpl. (d.20th October 1944)
- Dudley Leslie Gilbert. Pte.
- Dudley Leslie Gilbert. Pte.
- Durling MW.
- Earle RR.
- Eary James Richard. (d. )
- Eary James Richard .
- Ecclestone George Bertram. L/Cpl. (d.7th September 1942)
- Edwards Ernest Harry James. Lt.
- Edwards Frederick George. Pte.
- Ehrlich Peter Graham. Pte.
- Elliott Leslie Frederick. Pte.
- Elsden George William. Cpl.
- Emblin HF. Sgt.
- Evans Edward Henry Kitchener. Pte. (d.14th Dec 1943)
- Fairbrother AW.
- Fitch James. Pte. (d.7th January 1945)
- Forbes Daniel. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- Ford James Richard. Sgt.
- Foreland George Arthur. Pte.
- Gamman William George. Pte.
- Gladwish RT.
- Godfrey David Lesley. Pte.
- Goldfinch George Kitchener Lewis. Pte.
- Goodman Norman Henry. Pte.
- Goodwin William Frederick Charles . Pte.
- Goodyer Ian Morgan.
- Graves EF.
- Greenacre EC.
- Gregory FG.
- Gregory George James William. Pte.
- Hall George William. Pte.
- Hamilton RF.
- Harman VC John Pennington. L/Cpl. (d.9th April 1944)
- Harper CL.
- Harper Jack Theodore. L/Cpl.
- Harris Richard. Sgt.
- Harrison Owen Horace. Cpl. (d.19th Jan 1945)
- Hart Lawerence Samuel. Pte.
- Hart Philip Edmund Charles. Pte.
- Hawes FH.
- Hemmens Fred.
- Herbert AF. Pte.
- Hinsley SA.
- Hisser FG.
- Hogben Ronald Alec.
- Holland MID. Jeffrey Edward. Cpl.
- Homewood HA.
- Hudson Henry Francis. Pte. (d.13th Jan 1942)
- Hudson Henry Francis. Pte. (d.13th Jan 1942)
- Hudson Henry Francis. Pte. (d.13th January 1942)
- Hughes Hugh. Pte.
- Humm Alfred Henry. Pte.
- Humm Alfred Henry. Pte.
- Humphrey Kenneth John. Pte.
- Jeal Jim.
- Jewiss PWS.
- Jones .
- Jones JA.
- Jones John Frederick. Pte.
- Jones Teifion Rees. Pte.
- Jones W P. Private
- Joseph Albert. L/Cpl
- Keane Marcus Hugh. Major. (d.21st May 1940)
- King Percy Frederick George. Pte.
- King Percy Frederick George. Pte.
- Kirby Fredrick. Pte. (d.14th Nov 1943)
- Lane Charles. Pte.
- Laville John. Pte.
- Lindsey Walter Richard. Pte.
- Lintott Jack. Pte.
- Lippett George Albert. Pte.
- Lisney Joseph Frank. L/Cpl. (d.29th May 1940)
- Little James William George. Pte.
- Lyons Edward.
- Mann PK.
- Maplesden Charlie. Pte.
- Marriott FS.
- Martin RL.
- Martin Thomas George. Pte. (d.Between 21st May and 23rd June 1940)
- Matthews Edward. Pte. (d.20th August 1944)
- May Frederick.
- Maynard Eric Gordon. L/Cpl.
- McGrath Patrick J.. Pte. (d.27th Jul 1942)
- Mills Charles Sidney. Cpl.
- Mitchard Leonard Herbert. Cpl.
- Mogie William. Pte. (d.28th Dec 1943)
- Mogie William. Pte. (d.28th Dec 1943)
- Mogie William. Pte. (d.28th Dec 1943)
- Moody AC. L/Cpl.
- Moon Charles Frederick. Pte.
- Mundean EAA.
- Munt WJ.
- Mutton Victor Joseph. L/Cpl
- Newman Ronald Harold. (d.10th Feb 1944)
- Norman MM Charles Frederick. A/Sjt.
- O'Leary Danny.
- Paine GJ.
- Parfitt Richard Thomas. Pte.
- Paul Stanley Mark. Cpl. (d.26th Feb 1944)
- Pearman Arthur Edward. Tpr.
- Penman David Irons. Tpr. (d.5th Oct 1944)
- Perrin John Edwood.
- Petty George. Pte.
- Phillips Howard. L/Sgt. (d.14th Dec 1944)
- Phillips Howard. L/Sgt. (d.14th Dec 1944)
- Pitt GJ.
- Platt Edward. Pte.
- Price Peter. L/Cpl. (d.17th Dec 1943)
- Quinn Edward. Pte.
- Quinn Ernest. L/Cpl.
- Rayward K.
- Rees George Alexander. Pte. (d.17th November 1942)
- Ring RJ.
- Robson MiD. Edward Herbert. Capt. (d.23rd October 1944)
- Robson William David.
- Robson William.
- Roden FJ.
- Ruddock Kenneth Maurice. Pte.
- Russell William Arthur. Pte.
- Shackleford Kenneth Richard. L/Cpl.
- Sharp Albert Richard. Pte.
- Sharpe WF.
- Shaw Benjamin. Pte.
- Shinnick Walter Daniel. Pte. (d.20th February 1940)
- Shobbrook MID. Ronald Ernest. Pte.
- Smith FA.
- Standen Frederick Charles. Pte.
- Stevens Reginald. Pte.
- Stickley Leonard John. Pte
- Street Raymond. Pte.
- Stringer Fredrick William. Pte.
- Strudwick Thomas Frank Henry. Pte.
- Sutcliffe BT.
- Swindell Jesse Albert. Pte (d.20th May 1940)
- Tidy Allen. L/Cpl.
- Timcke George William. Pte.
- Timmins James. Pte.
- Tite Harry.
- Tomsett Arthur Benjamin. Pte. (d.21st May 1940)
- Trigwell John Hermer.
- True Albert. Pte. (d.24th Apr 1945)
- Wallace Harry Charles. Pte.
- Wallis Francis Edward. Gnr.
- Wallis Jack Lionel. Pte.
- Ward Richard. Pte.
- Ward Richard. Pte.
- Ward Richard. Pte.
- Waterhouse Leonard John.
- Waters Percy Cyril. Pte.
- Weekes Frank Edward Maurice. Pte.
- Wells MiD. Raymond Percival. CQMS.
- Wilcox Berkeley George.
- Willetts Frederick George. Pte.
- Williams Ronald Ernest. Pte. (d.28th Oct 1944)
- Willoughby Reginald Augustus.
- Wood James Allen. Pte.
- Wraight Percy John.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens own) from other sources.
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Want to know more about Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens own)?
There are:1744 items tagged Royal West Kent Regiment (Queens own) available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
BT Sutcliffe 49 Regiment Reconnaissance Corps
BT Sutcliffe served with the 49 Regiment Reconnaissance Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
FA Smith 11th Hussars
FA Smith served with the 11th Hussars British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
WF Sharpe Royal West Kent Regiment
WF Sharpe served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
FJ Roden Royal West Kent Regiment
FJ Roden served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
RJ Ring Royal West Kent Regiment
RJ Ring served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
K Rayward Royal West Kent Regiment
K Rayward served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
GJ Pitt Royal West Kent Regiment
GJ Pitt served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
GJ Paine Royal West Kent Regiment
GJ Paine served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
WJ Munt Royal West Kent Regiment
WJ Munt served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
EAA Mundean Royal West Kent Regiment
EAA Mundean served with the Royal West Kent Regiment British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Recomended Reading.
Available at discounted prices.
We fought at KohimaRaymond Street
A book on the Burma campaign written by a true veteran, and in a language which makes it readable, clear to understand, and the best read of any I've tried to read before. Gives the true feeling of what it was like to go through such a horrific time.More information on:
We fought at Kohima
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