- Kings Royal Rifle Corps during the Second World War -
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Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 1st Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 2nd Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 7th (Queen Victoria's Rifles) Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 8th Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 9th (The Rangers) Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 10th Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 11th (1st Queen's Westminsters) Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
- 12th (2nd Queen's Westminsters) Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
12th Apr 1940 Orders
18th Apr 1940 Preparations
24th of April 1940 Mobilization
1st May 1940 Orders
20th May 1940 Supplies
21st May 1940 Supplies
22nd May 1940 Ammunition in Short Supply
22nd May 1940 Withdrawal
23rd May 1940 Trains Arrive
23rd May 1940 New Positions
24th May 1940 Short Rations
25th May 1940 Cellars
25th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
26th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
26th May 1940 Under Pressure
26th May 1940 Field Ambulances Move
25th May 1940 Rations
26th May 1940 On the Move
26th May 1940 Overwhelmed
27th May 1940 Defensive Positions
27th May 1940 New Line Occupied
28th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
28th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
29th May 1940 Vehicles Destroyed
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Delays
30th May 1940 Policy
31st May 1940 Embarkation
31st May 1940 Air Attacks
14th June 1940 In Action
4th Nov 1940 Reliefs
1st January 1941 Transport
2nd January 1941 Vehicles
29th January 1941 Vehicles
31st January 1941 Training
1st February 1941 Instructions
24th February 1941 Orders
1st Mar 1941 Heavy Rain
12th March 1941 On the Move
13th March 1941 On the Move
18th Mar 1941 Arrivals
17th Apr 1941 Reliefs
29th April 1941 Prepared for siege
4th May 1941 Relief troops arrive
6th May 1941 Break out
31st May 1941 Sport
7th May 1942 On the Move
8th May 1942 On the Move
9th May 1942 Waiting
10th May 1942 On the Move
11th May 1942 On the Move
25th Sep 1942 Exercise
26th Sep 1942 Exercise
8th Oct 1942 Exercise
22nd Oct 1942 On the Move
22nd Oct 1942 On the Move
24th Oct 1942 In Action
25th Oct 1942 In Action
31st Oct 1942 Moves
1st Nov 1942 Move
2nd Nov 1942 Move
3rd Nov 1942 In Action
4th Nov 1942 Advance
5th Nov 1942 Rapid Advance
6th Nov 1942 Progress Difficult
7th Nov 1942 Wet Weather
8th Nov 1942 Minefields
9th Nov 1942 Air Attack
10th Nov 1942 Mines
11th Nov 1942 Advance
12th Nov 1942 Advance
13th Nov 1942 On the Move
17th Nov 1942 On the Move
18th Nov 1942 On the Move
19th Nov 1942 On the Move
20th Nov 1942 Mines
21st Nov 1942 Mines Lifted
25th Nov 1942 Moves
26th Nov 1942 Detachment
13th Dec 1942 On the Move
18th Dec 1942 On the Move
29th Dec 1942 On the Move
31st Dec 1942 Minefield
8th of September 1943 Potinville
9th of September 1943 Exercise
17th of September 1943 Potinville
19th of September 1943 Potinville
20th of September 1943 Potinville
20th of September 1943 Training Programme Motor Bn Cadre Course Appendix E
20th of September 1943 Training Programme Motor Bn Cadre Course Appendix F
13th Dec 1943 Recce
14th Dec 1943 Reliefs
16th Dec 1943 Reliefs Complete
17th Dec 1943 Patrols
18th Dec 1943 Patrols
7th Apr 1944 Postings
25th Jun 1944 Attack Launched
14th Jul 1944 Enemy Aircraft
17th Jul 1944 Guns Move
17th Jul 1944 Reliefs
18th Jul 1944 Conference
19th Jul 1944 Patrol
22nd Jul 1944 Artillery in Action
24th Jul 1944 In Action
25th Jul 1944 Enemy Tanks
26th Jul 1944 Artillery Active
29th Jul 1944 Orders
30th Jul 1944 Attack Made
31st Jul 1944 Slow Progress
5th Aug 1944 Orders Issued
6th Aug 1944 Attack Made
7th Aug 1944 Orders
8th Aug 1944 In Action
18th Aug 1944 Advance
19th Aug 1944 Advance
1st Sep 1944 Strong Resistance
17th Sep 1944 Reorganisation
26th Sep 1944 Reliefs
30th Sep 1944 Enemy Active
5th Oct 1944 Patrols
6th Oct 1944 Holding the Line
8th Oct 1944 Reliefs
2nd Dec 1944 Orders
3rd Dec 1944 Reliefs
19th of March 1945 Exercise
19th of March 1945 Instructions.
19th of March 1945 Exercise
19th of March 1945 Codes
22nd of March 1945 Exercise
27th March 1945 Reorganisation
20th of April 1945 Orders
24th of May 1945 26 Armd Bde Op Instr No 5If you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
Kings Royal Rifle Corps
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Alcock Robert Arthur James. 2nd Lt.
- Ashford Wilfred George. Rflmn.
- Atkinson Eric. Lt.
- Baker BEM Walter William.
- Barnes Laurence Charles.
- Bartlett James Blake. Sgt.
- Bartlett James Blake. Sgt.
- Beveridge Robert Maitland. Rfmn.
- Bidmead William.
- Blackburn Henry.
- Blyth MiD. Richard Percu. Major
- Blythe Wilfred John. Rflmn.
- Bone HW.
- Booth FJ.
- Boustead Kenneth Roberts. Pte.
- Boyce Alfred Thomas. Rflmn.
- Bradley Reginald Arthur Frederick.
- Brett PE.
- Brett TR.
- Brignall Arthur Clifford. Rfmn. (d.24th May 1940)
- Brotherton George. L/Cpl.
- Brown Joseph Thomas. L/Cpl.
- Bull William.
- Cable Robert Charles. L/Cpl. (d.23rd May 1940)
- Callahan John Alfred. Rfmn. (d.16th Oct 1940)
- Capel Charles Stewart.
- Carran Harry John. Cpl. (d.30th Apr 1943)
- Chandler Stanley Frank. Cpl.
- Cleaver Stanley. Rfmn.
- Cleaver Stanley. Rflmn.
- Clutton Roy Fredrick. Rflmn.
- Coles Alfred Edward. Pte.
- Coote Leslie William Henry George. Rfm. (d.26th May 1940)
- Corver Charles James. Rfn
- Cowing C.
- Cox Albert Ernest. Rflmn.
- Cox Albert Ernest. Rfl.
- Crosby LA.
- Cunningham Thomas Harry . Sgt. (d.3rd Nov 1942)
- Deakin Henry. Rfmn. (d.12th April 1941)
- Deane J.
- Dibley Albert Edward. L/Cpl. (d.12th to 27th April 1941)
- Doyle Patrick Joseph. Pte.
- Draper James Edward. L/Cpl.
- Dulieu Vic. Cpl.
- Edwards J.
- Elsbury Frederick Thomas. Pte.
- Elsdon A.
- Evans Ernest Richard. Cpl. (d.20th Oct 1944 )
- Farrar Ronald John. Rifleman
- Field William John. Rflmn. (d.24th October 1942)
- Foster Frank. Rfm.
- Fountain JA.
- Franks G W. L/Cpl.
- Garrard Frank Ernest. Cpl. (d.27th May 1940)
- Gilbert George T.. L/Cpl.
- Gillett Jack. Pte.
- Gillham Walter James Henry.
- Gooding George. Rflmn.
- Gorringe William. Cpl. (d.25th May 1940)
- Goulding Joseph E.. L/Cpl.
- Grigg John Arthur Ernest. Sgt.
- Hall MID Arther David. L/Cpl
- Hamilton William John. L/Cpl
- Hamilton William John. Rfmn.
- Hardman Charles J.. Rfm.
- Harte John James. Rfmn.
- Hartley Christopher Lancelot. Cpl.
- Haydon Frank William. Rflmn.
- Hollocks Benjamin. Lt.
- Hook Frederick Alexander. Cpl.
- Hooper William John. Pte.
- Howlett A.
- Hughes George.
- Hunter John Swain. Rfm. (d.27 May 1940)
- Hurd George Edgar. L/Cpl.
- Ireland Charles. L/Cpl. (d.10th Jun 1945)
- Irons Samuel David. Rfm.
- Ives John Sidney. Rflmn.
- Jackson WG.
- Judd Ernest Charles. Rfmn. (d.1st Jun 1940)
- Kelly Harry Frederick. Pte.
- Kennedy James Francis. Rflmn. (d.1st Jun 1941)
- Knapp JT.
- Knott Reginald. Sgt.
- Lake Edward John Albert. Rfn. (d.20th Oct 1944)
- Lake Edward John Albert. Rflmn. (d.20th October 1944)
- Lambert Thomas. Sgt.
- Laney GR.
- Latter RH.
- Livett Herbert Arthur. C/Sgt
- Lucas Alfred John. Rfmn.
- Marsh Ron.
- Marsh Ronald Ralph Frederick. Sgt.
- May Cyril Albert James.
- Mean William George. Pte.
- Mercer Frank Belgium. Pte.
- Miller Harry. Rfm.
- Miller Harry. Pte.
- Mitchell Ivor S.. Sgt.
- Morley Leonard. Rflmn. (d.15th Sep 1941)
- Munby Alan Noel Latimer. Capt.
- Munday Stanley Albert. Rfn. (d.16th Feb 1945)
- Newbegin John Edwin. Rflmn.
- Ormerod George Ellis. Cpl. (d.7th Sep 1944)
- Owings Richard. Pte.
- Payne William Harry Edward. Rfmn. (d.25th May 1940)
- Pettit Bernard Richard. Rflmn. (d.21st April 1941)
- Phillips Walter George. Rfn (d.26th April 1941)
- Pitts Harold Alfred George. Pte.
- Plunkett T. Sgt.
- Ponsford Cecil A.. Rifleman
- Prebble Norman Noel. L/Sgt.
- Quaif LS.
- Redworth William.
- Rider Alfred Roger.
- Robinson Henry James. Rfmn.
- Robinson William.
- Rogers Frank. Pte.
- Romain Ernest Victor . Rfn
- Ruberry Richard Frederick. Rfmn.
- Ruddock Hugh.
- Ruddock Hugh. Rflmn.
- Ruffell Harold. (d.1st September 1944)
- Rundle Stanley Maurice. Sgt. (d.12th Nov 1943)
- Sauerback Charles Borough. Rfmn.
- Seymour EE.
- Shalders GP.
- Silver Bertie Charles.
- Silver Reub.
- Simmons Fredrick.
- Smith Charles. Rflmn. (d.13th December 1941)
- Smith Herbert Thomas. Cpl. (d.25th May 1940)
- Smith Horace Henry. Rfm. (d.27th Oct 1942)
- Smith Thomas George. Rflmn.
- Soul Cecil Bruce.
- Sparks Charles.
- Stone CEH.
- Stonell Jesse David. Rflmn. (d.12th Mar 1940)
- Stubberfield Edward James. L/Cpl.
- Sweetland Albert James. Pte.
- Teale DCM. John William. Sgt.
- Turner Austin Reginald. Sgt. (d.26th October 1944)
- Unwin Kenneth. Cpl.
- Upson KN.
- Wadner Arther George. Rfm.
- Waite Edward John. Pte.
- Wallace David John. Major (d.17th August 1944)
- Walsh Andrew.
- Walsh John James.
- Warren Kenneth William. Rfm (d.30th March 1945)
- Warren Kenneth William. Rflmn. (d.30th Mar 1945)
- Warwick John William.
- West Charles. Rfmn.
- White Peter Anthony . 2Lt. (d.27th May 1941)
- White RO.
- Whitten Frederick Alexander. Rfm.
- Williams Pete.
- Williams Peter.
- Willis G. W.. Rflmn.
- Winchester Albert Lesley. L/Cpl.
- Wood George John. L/Cpl. (d.12th April 1941)
- Woolnough MM. James Albert. Sgt.
- Wright Walter Richard. L/Sgt. (d.14th Apr 1945)
- Wright Walter Richard. L/Sgt. (d.14th April 1945)
- Yexley Arthur David. Cpl.
- Young James Fredrick. Cpl. (d.23rd May 1940)
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Kings Royal Rifle Corps from other sources.
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There are:3527 items tagged Kings Royal Rifle Corps available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
RO White Kings Royal Rifle Corps
RO White served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
KN Upson Kings Royal Rifle Corps
KN Upson served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
CEH Stone Kings Royal Rifle Corps
CEH Stone served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
GP Shalders Kings Royal Rifle Corps
GP Shalders served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
EE Seymour Kings Royal Rifle Corps
EE Seymour served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
LS Quaif Kings Royal Rifle Corps
LS Quaif served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Sgt. T Plunkett 3rd Regiment Reconnaissance Corps
Sgt.T Plunkett served with the 3rd Regiment Reconnaissance Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
RH Latter Kings Royal Rifle Corps
RH Latter served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
GR Laney Kings Royal Rifle Corps
GR Laney served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
JT Knapp Kings Royal Rifle Corps
JT Knapp served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
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