- Rifle Brigade during the Second World War -
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Rifle Brigade
- 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade
- 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade
- 7th Battalion, Rifle Brigade
- 8th Battalion, Rifle Brigade
- 10th Battalion, Rifle Brigade
1st of April 1940 Training
2nd of April 1940 Training
3rd of April 1940 Training
4th of April 1940 Training
5th of April 1940 New chaplain
6th of April 1940 Training
7th of April 1940 Training
10th of April 1940 Harbouring Exercise
8th of April 1940 Training
9th of April 1940 Training
10th of April 1940 Training
11th of April 1940 Training
12th Apr 1940 Orders
12th of April 1940 Training
13th of April 1940 Training
14th of April 1940 Temporary Change of command
15th of April 1940 Training
16th of April 1940 Command resumed
17th of April 1940 Training
18th of April 1940 Training
19th of April 1940 Training
20th of April 1940 Mobilization
20th of April 1940 Orders to mobilize
21st of April 1940 Administrative Instruction No.5
21st of April 1940 Mobilization
22nd of April 1940 Administrative Instruction No.6
22nd of April 1940 Mobilization
23rd of April 1940 Administrative Instruction No. 7
23rd of April 1940 Mobilization
24th of April 1940 Mobilization
25th of April 1940 Mobilization
26th of April 1940 Awaiting orders
27th of April 1940 Training
27th of April 1940 Training
28th of April 1940 Training and new role
29th of April 1940 Training
30th of April 1940 Training
1st May 1940 Orders
3rd May 1940 Into Position
21st May 1940 Orders to Move
21st May 1940 Orders to Move
25th May 1940 Heavy Shelling
26th May 1940 Overwhelmed
31st Dec 1940 Recce
13th Jun 1941 Inspection
14th Jun 1941 Exercise
19th Dec 1941 On the Move
23rd Dec 1941 On the Move
24th Dec 1941 On the Move
25th Dec 1941 Fuel
26th Dec 1941 In Action
27th Dec 1941 Heavy Shelling
28th Dec 1941 In Action
29th Dec 1941 Enemy in Force
30th Dec 1941 Enemy Advance
31st Dec 1941 In Support
27th Jun 1942 On the Move
1st July 1942 On the Move
14th July 1942 Reorganisation
18th July 1942 On the Move
20th Jul 1942 Change of Command
20th of July 1942 Reorganisation
21st Jul 1942 On the Move
21st of July 1942 Move Forward
22nd July 1942 In Action
22nd of July 1942 Appendix A
23rd of July 1942 Post battle
24th July 1942 Reorganisation
25th Jul 1942 Intelligence
26th Jul 1942 Orders
27th Jul 1942 In Action
29th Jul 1942 Intelligence
25th Sep 1942 Exercise
26th Sep 1942 Exercise
8th Oct 1942 Exercise
21st Oct 1942 Minefields
22nd Oct 1942 On the Move
22nd Oct 1942 Minefields
23rd Oct 1942 Units Move Through
24th Oct 1942 In Action
24th Oct 1942 Under Fire
24th of October 1942 Advance
25th Oct 1942 In Action
25th Oct 1942 Minefields
25th October 1942 In Action
31st Oct 1942 Moves
1st Nov 1942 In Action
1st of November 1942 Operational Order No. 2
3rd Nov 1942 In Action
5th Nov 1942 Rapid Advance
14th Jan 1943 Move
16th Jan 1943 On the Move
17th Jan 1943 On the Move
2nd Feb 1943 Move
19th Feb 1943 Reliefs Completed
20th Feb 1943 In Action
21st Feb 1943 Heights Occupied
22nd Feb 1943 Enemy Withdrawal
3rd of March 1943 Liaisons and conferences
15th Mar 1943 Orders
23rd March 1943 Reliefs
26th Mar 1943 Attack Made
27th Mar 1943 Attack Made
10th Apr 1943 Advance
7th May 1943 In Action
8th May 1943 In Action
18th of September 1943 Withdrawal
2nd of October 1943 Report on Operations
May 1944 In Camp
17th May 1944 In Action
18th May 1944 Advance
31st May 1944 On the Move
8th Jun 1944 On the Move
10th Jun 1944 Advance
11th Jun 1944 Advance
12th Jun 1944 In Action
12th Jun 1944 Advance
13th Jun 1944 In Action
19th Jun 1944 Conference
19th Jun 1944 In Action
21st Jun 1944 In Action
21st Jun 1944 Training
22nd Jun 1944 Sports
28th Jun 1944 In Action
29th Jun 1944 Defensive Positions
30th Jun 1944 On the Move
8th Jul 1944 Reliefs
9th Jul 1944 Preparations
18th Jul 1944 Attack Made
19th Jul 1944 Village Captured
1st Aug 1944 Advance
14th Aug 1944 Hard Fighting
15th Aug 1944 Mines
16th Aug 1944 Advance
17th Aug 1944 Under Fire
18th Aug 1944 Bridges Blown
19th Aug 1944 Enemy Tanks
20th Aug 1944 Dense Forest
21st Aug 1944 Area Cleared
22nd Aug 1944 Mines
23rd Aug 1944 At Rest
29th Aug 1944 Advance
30th Aug 1944 Prisoners Taken
3rd Sep 1944 Opposition
4th Sep 1944 Mopping up
5th Sep 1944 Canal
7th Sep 1944 Orders
8th Sep 1944 On the Move
9th Sep 1944 Stiff Opposition
10th Sep 1944 In Action
11th Sep 1944 Opposition
23rd Sep 1944 Shelling
24th Sep 1944 In Action
1st Oct 1944 On the Move
Oct 1944 Defensive Positions
2nd Oct 1944 Reliefs
3rd Oct 1944 Reliefs
4th Oct 1944 Enemy Positions
5th Oct 1944 Houses Destroyed
6th Oct 1944 Reliefs
12th Oct 1944 Reliefs
14th Oct 1944 Enemy Raid
16th Oct 1944 Enemy Patrol
17th Oct 1944 Enemy Patrols
18th Oct 1944 Artillery in Action
1st Nov 1944 Orders
3rd Nov 1944 Reliefs
4th Nov 1944 On the Move
11th Nov 1944 Reliefs
21st Dec 1944 On the Move
22nd Dec 1944 Bridges Held
23rd Dec 1944 Orders
23rd Dec 1944 Bridges Held
24th Dec 1944 Assalts Made
24th Dec 1944 Intelligence
7th of January 1945 Orders
7th Jan 1945 Orders
7th of January 1945 Orders
7th of January 1945 Instructions
7th of January 1945 Orders
9th of January 1945 Orders Changed
10th of January 1945 Shelling
10th of January 1945 Locations
10th of January 1945 Orders
11th of January 1945 Contact
11th of January 1945 Colder
11th of January 1945 Message
12th of January 1945 Enemy Patrol
15th of January 1945 Reliefs
15th of January 1945 Locations
16th of January 1945 Exchange of Fire
17th of January 1945 Orders
18th of January 1945 Positions
20th of January 1945 Shelling
20th of January 1945 Locations
20th of January 1945 Appendix F
21st of January 1945 Reliefs
22nd of January 1945 Recces
22nd of January 1945 Orders
23rd of January 1945 Patrol
23rd of January 1945 Orders
24th of January 1945 Shelling
25th of January 1945 Orders
20th Mar 1945 Reorganisation
24th of March 1945 Exercise
24th of March 1945 Exercise March Hare
26th of March 1945 Training Programme
27th of March 1945 Appx "B" to 26 Armd Bde G/3/3
29th of March 1945 Training
30th of March 1945 Training Programme
31st of March 1945 26 Armd Brd Trg Programme week ending 31 Mar 45
14th of April 1945 Instructions
15th of April 1945 Orders
16th of April 1945
18th of April 1945 On the Move
18th Apr 1945 Good Progress
19th of April 1945 In Action
20th of April 1945 In Action
20th of April 1945 Orders
21st of April 1945 Advance
22nd of April 1945 Advance
22nd of April 1945 In Action
23rd of April 1945 Counter Attack
23rd of April 1945 Counter Attack
25th of April 1945 LetterIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
Rifle Brigade
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Amery Geoffrey Richard. Pte.
- Amery Lionel Frederick. Pte.
- Argent Ernest. Drvr.
- Arthur George Charles John. L/Cpl.
- Arthur George Charles J.. L/Cpl.
- Balls Arthur Edward. CSM.
- Bishop ET.
- Bladen William George.
- Boggis AE.
- Brinsmead John.
- Brittain Frederick William. Sgt. (d.5th April 1943)
- Chadwick Horace Hector. Cpl. (d.1st-3rd April 1940 )
- Cheeseman LC.
- Clarke Ronald Charles William. Rflmn.
- Coggin Henry Hubert. Pte.
- Compton Sidney George. Sgt.
- Cooper William Edward Peter. Sgt.
- Courtenay A. Tpr.
- Cox John Charles. Sgt.
- Davis Leslie. Rflmn.
- Dean SE.
- Denton Herbert W.. Sgt.
- Desborough Charles.
- Desmond Albert Samual. Rflmn (d.10th Jun 1944)
- Driscoll J.
- Duke LR.
- Eastwood Harold. Capt.
- Ellison Haydn O. Rflmn. (d.23-28th May 1940)
- Evans George Edward. Rfmn.
- Fisher EW.
- Ford William Thomas. Pte
- Franklin Joseph. Cpl. (d.27th Feb 1945)
- Fraser John Edward. Rfm.
- Freeman John H.. A/Major
- Gamble Sidney Alfred. Rflmn. (d.12th June 1942)
- Gamble Sidney Alfred. Rflmn. (d.12th Jun 1942)
- Glover John Robert. Rflmn.
- Glover John Robert. Rflmn.
- Glover John Robert. Rfn.
- Goodricke RG.
- Greed George Alfred. Rflman.
- Green George Clements. Rflmn. (d.25th Aug 1944)
- Greene Derek Charles. Lance Corporal
- Greene Derek Charles. Cpl.
- Guttridge Thomas Reginald. L/Cpl.
- Hallett FT.
- Haywarden Richard. Lt. (d.9th August 1942)
- Hooper Albert J.. Sgt.
- Hooper Frederick William . Rflmn. (d.13th Sep 1944)
- Housden DJ.
- Howarth F.
- Howie MID. Ian Alexander. Capt.
- Jacks Alfred Henry. Pte.
- James HAA.
- James J.
- Jefferyes Henry Edward. Cpl.
- Lane Thomas Frederick. Capt (d.17th Mar 1943)
- Large Edwin Frank. Rflmn. (d.24th Nov 1942)
- Lee Albert Edward. L/Cpl. (d.31st July 1944)
- Lund G .
- Matthew HG.
- May Charles Wilfred. Sgt.
- McBane Royston. Cpl. (d.8th December 1944)
- McDonnell Reginald Charles. RSM.
- McEwan Francis Fowler. Rflmn. (d.21st Sep 1944)
- Miller Nathaniel.
- Miller Nathaniel Frank. Rfm.
- Moon John. Rflmn. (d.5th February 1945)
- Moore JA.
- Muir R.
- Murray James. Rifleman
- Murray Patrick Joseph . Pte.
- North Ronald Arthur. (d.31st January 1945)
- Oakley James William Charles.
- Osborn William. Rfmn.
- Parker Walter John. Rfmn.
- Patrick Eric Alfred. Cpl.
- Peters Christopher A.. Pte.
- Pounds Basil G.. Rflmn.
- Preston Dennis Percy Saunders. Pte.
- Punter George Henry. Sgt.
- Pursey George William. Rflmn.
- Robinson Arthur Wilfred. Pte.
- Roger Neil Munro.
- Rollinson Ernest Arthur John. Cpl.
- Rose WT.
- Ross J.
- Ryder Victor. Rfn.
- Savory MiD. George Frederick. Cpl. (d.22nd Jul 1944)
- Sladen D. R.. Lt.
- Smith Thomas Laidlow. Cpl.
- Snape Alban. Rflmn.
- Spurgeon PR.
- Standen Ronald Louis.
- Stevens Cornelius. Cpl. (d.21st April 1945)
- Sturgeon William James. Rfmn.
- Surtees John Freville Henry.
- Swan Edward William. Rfm.
- Taylor Edward.
- Verner John Wingfield. Lt. (d.29th Apr 1943)
- Vincent WR.
- Waismann L.
- Warren Spencer John Norman. Rflmn. (d.16th Sept 1944)
- West John Thomas. Rflmn.
- Wickham Victor Lesley. L/Sgt. (d.6th April 1945)
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Rifle Brigade from other sources.
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Want to know more about Rifle Brigade?
There are:1574 items tagged Rifle Brigade available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
L Waismann Rifle Brigade
L Waismann served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
WR Vincent Rifle Brigade
WR Vincent served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
PR Spurgeon Rifle Brigade
PR Spurgeon served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
J Ross Rifle Brigade
J Ross served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
WT Rose Rifle Brigade
WT Rose served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
R Muir Rifle Brigade
R Muir served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
JA Moore Rifle Brigade
JA Moore served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
HG Matthew Rifle Brigade
HG Matthew served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
G Lund Rifle Brigade
G Lund served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
HAA James Rifle Brigade
HAA James served with the Rifle Brigade British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Recomended Reading.
Available at discounted prices.
Rifleman: A Front-Line Life from Alamein and Dresden to the Fall of the Berlin WallRick Stroud & Victor Gregg
'Completely fascinating. This feels like one of the last voices of a vital generation. For the first-hand account of the Dresden fire-bombing alone, this is gripping reading. It has an immediate power throughout that makes war fiction a pale shadow of the real thing' Conn Iggulden 'Second World War memoirs are commonplace, but very few soldiers had Victor Gregg's breadth and depth of experience. Rifleman is a thrilling story of a young man in extraordinary circumstances. Yet what makes Gregg's story so enthralling is how he was shaped by his wartime experiences and primed an eventful - and dangerous - life behind the Iron Curtain. Rifleman is an outstanding book that deserves to become a classic' Lloyd Clark, author of Arnhem 'Many people performed extraordinary feats of bravery and lived through an astonishing array of campaigns during the long years of the Second World War, yet few can have seen more action than Rifleman Victor Gregg. His hugely entertaining and often moving memoir iMore information on:
Rifleman: A Front-Line Life from Alamein and Dresden to the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Rifleman: A Front Line LifeVictor Gregg & Rick Stroud
`Completely fascinating. This feels like one of the last voices of a vital generation. For the first-hand account of the Dresden fire-bombing alone, this is gripping reading. It has an immediate power throughout that makes war fiction a pale shadow of the real thing.' --Conn Iggulden, author of the bestselling Conqueror series `Second World War memoirs are commonplace, but very few soldiers had Victor Gregg's breadth and depth of experience. Rifleman is a thrilling story of a young man in extraordinary circumstances. Yet what makes Gregg's story so enthralling is how he was shaped by his wartime experiences and primed an eventful - and dangerous - life behind the Iron Curtain. Rifleman is an outstanding book that deserves to become a classic.' --Lloyd Clark, author of Arnhem `An engaging account of an eventful life' --Caroline Sanderson, Bookseller `This hugely entertaining and often moving memoir is as action-packed as any fiction, and yet this is no novel - Gregg's adventuMore information on:
Rifleman: A Front Line Life
The free section of the Wartime Memories Project website is run by volunteers. We have been helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items.
The website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources and we currently have a huge backlog of submissions.
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