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World War 2 Two II WW2 WWII 1939 1945

K Schoolar .     British Army Royal Armoured Corps

K Schoolar served with the Royal Armoured Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: The Wartime Memories Project is no longer in contact with Dan , his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

Dirk Antoon Schoots .     Royal Navy HMS Royal Arthur   from Holland

My father, Dirk Antoon Schoots, was a war volunteer from Holland. In May/June 1945 he was at HMS Royal Arthur (Skegness), in June/October 1945 at HMS Glendower (Pwhelli) and in October/November 1945 at HMS Excellent (Portsmouth or Plymouth).

Pte. Elwood Schrader .     US Army 1st Infantry Division   from Reading, Pa

Elwood Schrader served with the 1st Infantry Division, US Army in WW2.

EM2c. Ruben Schramm .     US Navy USS Boise

Crossing the Line Certificate

I have found this card that my father Rueben Schramm had he was on the USS Boise. Could anyone tell me what it was used for or what it means? Thank you for reading this hope some one can help.

Editor: This is a "Crossing the Line" certificate, given to crew members at a ceremony performed to honour Neptune whenever the ship crosses the Equator.

Rueben Schramm .     US Navy USS Boise

My father was on the USS BOISE this is a picture of the crew. I am trying to find information on what and where, he was Rueben Schramm a electrician second class enlisted 9-3-1942 and was discharged 10-15-1945. If any one can help me I would love to hear from you. He was ntg great lakes, also on the USS Wyoming and last the USS Boise I would like to know how long he was at all these places? Thanks for your time.

Ronald Ayliffe Schrapel .     Royal Australian Air Force 408 (Goose) Squadron   from Australia

Ronald Schrapel did 40 bombing missions over Germany from Linton on Ouse when many comrades never returned. The crew became disorientated and this Australian Crew flew back with the Canadians. Dad vomited constantly in the air, remembered spiralling to escape enemy fire and never recovered mentally from accidentally bombing an orphanage.

I would love to hear from anyone who knew him and I still have and wear his war time blazer with the RCAF logo. He died in 1997 never having gotten over mum's death in 83. On the night he died the door bell rang and a whoosh came through through door enveloping myself and sister in mystical electricity. We know it was dad happy to be with mum again.

PFC. Kenard Ruben Schrock .     US Army H Coy. 317th Infantry Regiment   from Marsteller, PA

(d.17th Sep 1944)

P.F.C. Kenard Schrock of 80th Infantry Division, 317th Infantry Regiment, Company H served in the machine gunner Platoon. He used a Heavy Machine on a tripod. He was killed in action and his family would like to hear from anyone who may remember him, or may have photos of him.

P.F.C. Schrock is mentioned in Andy Adkins book, "You Can't Get Much Closer Than This": "We started digging our OP a little deeper. Another Lieutenant from Company F had been sent up to replace the one who had been hit. Lieutenant Lou Cox wasn't getting along too well. A shell had landed in a fox hole along side the 3 of his men. P.F.C. John W Meyers was blown to pieces, P.F.C. Johnny Piko was blown back by the blast but was not killed, and P.F.C. Kenard R Schrock had both his legs blown off. P.F.C. Schrock lay there by his machine gun whimpering and quivering. There was absolutely nothing we could do for him. Captain Farrell took off his rain coat and placed it over PFC Schlock's quivering body. The machine gunner died a few minutes later."

Hill 351 is just west of Morey, France, and east of the Moselle River. There were a lot of men who died on that hill, and there is reason to believe that some may have died from friendly artillery fire. The Germans had taken hold of an American radio, and some believed that they managed to call in an American artillery strike on American positions. A few years ago, the remains of another 317th Infantryman, P.F.C. Robert Horner were discovered before being returned to the U.S. for final internment.

F/Sgt L C Schroeder .    

F/Sgt. Leslie Charles Schroeder. .     RAF 12Sqd. (d.26th May 1943)

Rear Gnr. Leslie Schroeder was killed on 26th May 1943 in Lancaster ED967 PH-F of 12sqd

RM Schroeter .     British Army

RM Schroeter served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: The Wartime Memories Project is no longer in contact with Dan , his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

W/O J. Schryer .     Royal Canadian Air Force 419 Sqd. (d.8th Aug 1944)

J Schryer flew with my Uncle William Longmore on Allen Weston's crew. The aircraft Lancaster X KB-755 coded VR-Fand entire crew were lost on the 8th Aug.1944 on a mission near Caen

The crew were:

  • F/O B. Walker RCAF
  • Sgt. B. Jones RAF
  • P/O J. Durrant RCAF
  • F/O P. Merrick RCAF
  • W/O1 J. Schryer RCAF
  • F/Sgt. W. Longmore RAF
  • F/Lt M. Wilson RCAF

I am trying to trace a photograph of F/Sgt William Longmore the mid upper Gunner. Any and all info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Sgt. William C Schuiz .     (d.14th Dec 1944)

RED Schulz .     British Army

RED Schulz served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: The Wartime Memories Project is no longer in contact with Dan , his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

PFC. Harold Frank Schumacher .     US Army   from Cook Co., Illinois, USA

Harold Schumacher was held as a Prisoner of War.

Karl Schumacher .     Wehrmacht Artillery

I am looking for information about my grandfather Karl Schumacher who was a horseman in the German Artillery during the Battle of Stalingrad. He was either killed or taken prisoner by the Russians.

Schuman .     United States Army

My father in law was a POW in WWII. He started in Stalag 12A, then transferred to Stalag 9B and then the death march to Bad Kreuznach, Germany. He was liberated on 18th March. Fifty US POWs were there.

Don Schurman .     Royal Canadian Air Force 429 (Bison) Squadron

Wireless operator Don Schurman flew with 429 (Bison) Squadron stationed in Leeming, Yorkshire.

His fellow Crew members were Victor Garland, Doug Williams, Navigator Wesley Milne and Bomb Aimer Jack Horner.

Dvr. George Schwalbe .     British Army A Troop Royal Buckinghamshire Yeomanry

My Grandfather, George Schwalbe, fought in Burma. I have a photo of 99th Royal Buckinghamshire Yeomanry drivers left section A Troop. I am looking for friends and acquaintances.

G Schwarz .     British Army

G Schwarz served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: The Wartime Memories Project is no longer in contact with Dan , his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

Sergeant G L Schwind .     RAF 59 Squadron

Tech Sgt. Antonio Scibilia .     United States Army 992nd Engineer Treadway Bridge Coy

My grandfather would never speak to me about his duty and honor in the military. All I know is that he was a Tech Sargent in the 992nd Engineer Treadway Bridge Company from 17th May 1944 to 7th June 1944 and was awarded a medal for keeping all of the vehicles in his group operational. I know this is a strech and that I probably won't get a reply, but does anyone know what his group did and what battles they may have been present in?


My grandfather Leo Whaley from Bridgeport, CT also served in the same company during WWII. I have some of his military records that show what battles they were involved. The 992nd landed in Normandy around D-day 6th June 1944 and went right up to the end in Germany. They built treadway bridges across some major rivers during the war. They even received a Presidential/unit citation for completing a bridge in record time while under heavy enemy fire. (Mike)

Sgc M Sciolette. .     Free French Airforce 347 Squadron

M. Sciolette was a Flight Eng with 347 Tunisie Sdq Free French. On 15th of Mar 1945 his aircraft crashed near Scawton.

Salvatore Sclafani .     United States Army 991st Bty. Field Artillery   from USA

Sgt. Francis Henry Scoates .     British Army 234th Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery Royal Artillery   from Ramsgate, Kent

Frank Scoates was captured on Crete in 1941 and sent to Stalag 383 in Bavaria.

MB Scobbie .     British Army

MB Scobbie served with the British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: The Wartime Memories Project is no longer in contact with Dan , his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

W Scoble .     British Army 2nd Regiment Reconnaissance Corps

W Scoble served with the 2nd Regiment Reconnaissance Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: The Wartime Memories Project is no longer in contact with Dan , his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

AJ Scogings .     British Army Lancashire Fusiliers

AJ Scogings served with the Lancashire Fusiliers British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: The Wartime Memories Project is no longer in contact with Dan , his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.

Cpl. Leslie George Scoins .     Army Army Air Corps   from Exmoor

(d. )

Like my father who served in Norway in WW2, my uncle George Scoins didn't say much about the war. I only know from records that my uncle George from Exmoor was in Stalag 357 Oerbke, Lower Saxony, Germany in 1942. It has been fasinating reading the clips and I would very much like to find out about my uncle's time in the prison camp and if anyone knew him.

John Scollay .    

S. A. Scomerscales .     Royal Air Force 76 Squadron (d.23rd Apr 1944)

While walking in the Mechelen area in the south-eastern part of the Netherlands we found a Monument for two RAF airmen of 76 Squadron, S. A. Somerscales and H. R. Poole, died on April 23 1944.

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