- Royal Army Service Corps during the Second World War -
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Royal Army Service Corps
43rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade Company, Royal Army Service Corps served with 43rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade. They were deployed to defend the industry of Teesside from the outbreak of war until July 1944 when they were redeployed as part of Operation Diver, the Brigade joining 2nd Anti-Aircraft Group to defend the South East against V1 flying bombs.
339th Company, Royal Army Service Corps served with 15th (Scottish) Division and saw action across North Western Europe.
518th Coy, Royal Army Service Corps served with 6th Airborne Division during the D-Day Landings.
634th Coy, Royal Army Service Corps served with 6th Airborne Division during the D-Day Landings.
636th Coy, Royal Army Service Corps served with 6th Airborne Division during the D-Day Landings.
63rd Coy, Royal Army Service Corps served with 6th Airborne Division during the D-Day Landings.
23rd Company, Royal Army Service Corps served with 3rd Division. They proceeded to France in late September 1939 and saw action during the Battle of France, being evacuated to the UK in late May 1940. They saw action across North Western Europe from mid 1944 until the end of the Second World War.
47th Company, Royal Army Service Corps served with 3rd Division. They proceeded to France in late September 1939 and saw action during the Battle of France, being evacuated to the UK in late May 1940. They saw action across North Western Europe from mid 1944 until the end of the Second World War.
48th Company, Royal Army Service Corps served with 3rd Division. They proceeded to France in late September 1939 and saw action during the Battle of France, being evacuated to the UK in late May 1940. They saw action across North Western Europe from mid 1944 until the end of the Second World War.
545th Tank Transporter Coy. , Royal Army Service Corps saw action across North Western Europe after landing in Normandy in June 1944.
3rd Sep 1939 Mobilisation
10th Sep 1939 Equipment
11th Sep 1939 Training
12th Sep 1939 Training
16th Sep 1939 Orders
19th Sep 1939 Visit
19th Sep 1939 Orders
20th Sep 1939 Orders
21st Sep 1939 Ammunition
21st Sep 1939 Advance Party
22nd Sep 1939 Road Party
22nd Sep 1939 Advance Party
22nd Sep 1939 On the Move
23rd Sep 1939 Recce
23rd Sep 1939 Lack of Transport
23rd Sep 1939 On the Move
24th Sep 1939 On the Move
24th Sep 1939 Looting
25th Sep 1939 Billets
25th Sep 1940 Inadequate Accomodation
26th Sep 1939 Conference
26th Sep 1939 Billets
26th Sep 1939 Loading
27th Sep 1939 Billets
27th Sep 1939 On the Move
28th Sep 1939 Reliefs
28th Sep 1939 Billets
28th Sep 1939 On the Move
29th Sep 1939 Billets
29th Sep 1939 Unloading
30th Sep 1939 Transport Issues
30th Sep 1939 Unloading
1st Oct 1939 Communication
1st Oct 1939 On the Move
2nd Oct 1939 On the Move
2nd Oct 1939 Orders
3rd Oct 1939 Advance Party
4th Oct 1939 Advance Parties
5th Oct 1939 Conference
5th Oct 1939 Orders
6th Oct 1939 Preparations
7th Oct 1939 Conference
8th Oct 1939 Rail Parties
9th Oct 1939 Divisional HQ
10th Oct 1939 Arrivals
11th Oct 1939 Espionage
12th Oct 1939 Recconaissance
13th Oct 1939 Reliefs
14th Oct 1939 Front Line
15th Oct 1939 Entrenching
16th Sep 1939 Orders
16th Oct 1939 Digging in
17th Oct 1939 Difficulties
18th Oct 1939 News
19th Oct 1939 Poor Weather
20th Oct 1939 Recconaissance
21st Oct 1939 Recreation
21st Dec 1939 Deployment
22nd Oct 1939 Recreation
23rd Oct 1939 Front Line
24th Oct 1939 Recconaissance
25th Oct 1939 Visit
26th Oct 1939 Shortages
27th Oct 1939 Conference
28th Oct 1939 Work Required
29th Oct 1939 Exercise
30th Oct 1939 Exercise
31st Oct 1939 Exercise
14th of November 1939 Preparations
16th of November 1939 Preparations
17th of November 1939 Preparations
18th of November 1939 Memorandum
20th of November 1939 Defences
22nd of November 1939 Air raid
23rd of November 1939 Orders
23rd of November 1939 Conference
26th of November 1939 Church parades
27th of November 1939 Conference
30th of November 1939 Bad weather
1st of December 1939 Move Order No. 1
3rd December 1939 Air Raid Warning
13th December 1939 Exercise
14th December 1939 Exercise
15th December 1939 Exercise
29th December 1939 Visits
31st December 1939 Recce
14th January 1940 Message
16th January 1940 Preparations
18th January 1940 Orders
19th January1940 Orders
19th January1940 Instructions
30th January 1940 Orders
February 1940 Orders
1st March 1940 Moves
1st March 1940 Instructions
1st March 1940 Orders
1st March 1940 Orders
2nd March 1940 Orders
2nd March 1940 Operational Order
5th March 1940 Conference
6th March 1940 Exercise
7th March 1940 Exercise
7th March 1940 Exercise
7th March 1940 Orders
8th March 1940 Move
10th March 1940 Training
11th March 1940 Conference
15th Mar 1940 Training
20th March 1940 Conference
20th March 1940 Precautions
22nd March 1940 3rd Division H.Q.
25th March 1940 Orders Amended
25th March 1940 3rd Division H.Q. Operation Instruction No 0754
25th March 1940 3rd Division H.Q. Operation Instruction No 0754
25th March 1940 Orders
25th March 1940 Orders
26th March 1940 Operational Order
28th March 1940 Conference
29th March 1940 HQ Moves
30th March 1940 Orders
30th March 1940 Exercise
30th March 1940 Orders
30th March 1940 Orders
30th March 1940 Orders
30th March 1940 Route
30th March 1940 Instructions
30th March 1940 Orders
30th March 1940 Exercise
30th March 1940 Orders
30th March 1940 Orders
31st March 1940 On the Move
1st April 1940 Orders
11th of April 1940 5 Inf Bde Adm Order No 10 Part 1
19th Apr 1940 On the Move
1st May 1940 Reliefs
1st May 1940 Visit
1st May 1940 Orders
2nd May 1940 Operational Instructions
4th May 1940 Protection
6th May 1940 Defences
7th May 1940 Training
8th May 1940 Experiments
9th May 1940 Instructions
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 Orders
10th May 1940 Air Raids
10th May 1940 Advance
10th May 1940 3 Div Operation Order 13.
11th May 1940 Defence Work
11th May 1940 Move
11th May 1940 Line Established
11th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
12th May 1940 Petrol
12th May 1940 In Position
12th May 1940 On the Move
12th May 1940 Orders
13th May 1940 Movement
13th May 1940 Rumours
13th May 1940 Refugees
13th May 1940 Preparations
14th May 1940 Shelling
14th May 1940 Contact
14th May 1940 Shelling
14th May 1940 On the Move
15th May 1940 Orders
15th May 1940 Civilians
15th May 1940 In Action
15th May 1940 Civilians Evacuated
15th May 1940 Recce
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
16th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
16th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 Congested Roads
17th May 1940 Withdrawal
17th May 1940 Orderrs
18th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
18th May 1940 Enemy Penetrate
18th May 1940 Heavy Fighting
19th May 1940 Bombing
19th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
19th May 1940 Withdrawal
20th May 1940 Withdrawal
20th May 1940 Fighting Withdrawal
20th May 1940 Enemy Attacks
20th May 1940 Supplies
20th of May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Supplies
21st May 1940 Shelling
22nd May 1940 Threat
22nd May 1940 Ammunition in Short Supply
22nd May 1940 Orders
22nd May 1940 Withdrawal
23rd May 1940 In Reserve
23rd May 1940 Trains Arrive
23rd May 1940 New Positions
24th May 1940 Orders
24th May 1940 Short Rations
24th May 1940 Attack Made
24th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 Cellars
25th May 1940 Orders
26th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
26th May 1940 Moves
26th May 1940 Field Ambulances Move
26th May 1940 Enemy Aircraft
25th May 1940 Rations
26th May 1940 On the Move
27th May 1940 On the Move
27th May 1940 Defensive Positions
27th May 1940 New Line Occupied
28th May 1940 On the Move
28th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
28th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
29th May 1940 Vehicles Destroyed
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Delays
30th May 1940 La Panne
30th May 1940 Policy
31st May 1940 Embarkation
31st May 1940 Air Attacks
1st Jun 1940 Defences
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
10th Jun 1940 On the March
11th Jun 1940 Surrounded
11th Jun 1940 Orders
11th June 1940 Orders
12th Jun 1940 Situation Hopeless
14th June 1940 Inspection
15th Jun 1940 Orders
July 1940 Defences
7th Nov 1940 Tests
Nov 1940 On the Move
16th Dec 1940 Bombing
17th Dec 1940 Supplies
18th Dec 1940 Air Raid
19th Dec 1940 Enemy Camp
21st Dec 1940 Enemy Camp
22nd Dec 1940 Command
23rd Dec 1940 Enemy Aircraft
9th Feb 1941 On the Move
11th Feb 1941 Duties
26th Feb 1941 On the Move
1st Mar 1941 Heavy Rain
17th March 1941 to 20th March 1941 Exercise
14th April 1941 Exercise starts
15th April 1941 Exercise continues
16th Apr 1941 Reliefs
16th April 1941 Scheme ends
17th Apr 1941 Reliefs
20th Apr 1941 On the Move
21st Apr 1941 Patrols
25th Oct 1941 Test
29th Oct 1941 Equipment
28th Apr 1942 Exercise
29th Apr 1942 Exercise
5th Jun 1942 In Action
20th of July 1942 Reorganisation
21st of July 1942 Move Forward
22nd of July 1942 Appendix A
27th Sep 1942 Reorganisation
29th Sep 1942 On the Move
3rd Oct 1942 Convoy
3rd of October 1942 152nd Infantry Brigade Admn Order No. 1
17th Oct 1942 Into Port
19th of October 1942 Admin Order No. 1
22nd Oct 1942 Leave
24th Oct 1942 Leave
25th Oct 1942 Reorganisation
2nd Nov 1942 Move
4th Nov 1942 Advance
11th Nov 1942 Advance
12th Nov 1942 Advance
13th Nov 1942 On the Move
17th Nov 1942 On the Move
18th Nov 1942 On the Move
19th Nov 1942 On the Move
20th Nov 1942 Mines
21st Nov 1942 Mines Lifted
22nd of November 1942 Instructions
25th Nov 1942 Moves
25th of November 1942 Orders
26th Nov 1942 Detachment
27th of November 1942 152 Bde. HQ Group Movement Table issued in conjunction with 152 Bde. O.O. No. 1
1st of December 1942 Operation Order No. 12.
13th Dec 1942 On the Move
18th Dec 1942 On the Move
29th Dec 1942 On the Move
31st Dec 1942 Minefield
18th March 1943 On the Move
15th Apr 1943 On the Move
20th Sep 1943 On the Move
21st Sep 1943 On the Move
25th Sep 1943 On the Move
26th Sep 1943 Advance
27th Sep 1943 Advance
29th Sep 1943 Maintenance
30th Sep 1943 On the Move
2nd Nov 1943 Advance
3rd Nov 1943 Advance
5th Nov 1943 Advance
7th Nov 1943 Advance
8th Nov 1943 Advance
18th Nov 1943 Advance
20th Nov 1943 Attack Made
23rd Nov 1943 Crossings
25th Nov 1943 River Rising
29th Nov 1943 Town Captured
30th Nov 1943 Hard Fighting
1st Dec 1943 Hard Fighting
2nd Dec 1943 Advance
7th Dec 1943 Poor Weather
8th Dec 1943 Attack Made
9th Dec 1943 Hard Fighting
10th Dec 1943 Attack Made
12th Dec 1943 Bridgehead Gained
14th Dec 1943 Ground Gained
16th Dec 1943 Advance
18th Dec 1943 Very Hard Fighting
21st Dec 1943 Preparations
22nd Dec 1943 Attack Made
23rd Dec 1943 In Action
24th Dec 1943 Heavy Fighting
25th Dec 1943 Bombardment
26th Dec 1943 Village Taken
31st Dec 1943 Blizzard
12th Jan 1944 Reliefs
Feb 1944 Chindit force preparations In early February 1944 preparations began for the 2nd Chindit Expedition. The Special Force or 3rd Indian Division as it was known consisted of the following units, which were split into Columns.3rd West African Brigade and 14th Brigade
- 6th Btn. Nigeria Regiment. (Columns 66 & 39)
- 2nd Btn. Black Watch (Columns 42 & 73)
- 7th Btn Nigeria Regiment (Columns 29 & 35)
- 1st Btn. Beds & Herts Regiment (Columns 16 & 61)
- 12th Btn. Nigeria Regt (Columns 12 & 43)
- 2nd Btn. York & Lancaster Regiment (Columns 84 & 65)
- 7th Btn Leicestershire Regiment (Columns 47 & 74)
- 54th Field Company, Royal Engineers
77 Brigade and 111 Brigade
- 3rd Btn. 6th Gurkha Rifles (Columns 36 & 63)
- 1st Btn. Cameronians (Columns 26 & 90)
- 1st Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment (Columns 81 & 82)
- 2nd Btn. Kings Own Royal (Lancaster) Regiment (Columns 41 & 46)
- 1st Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (Columns 20 & 50)
- 3rd Btn. 4th Gurkha Rifles (Column 30)
- 1st Btn. South Staffordshire Regiment (Columns 38 & 80)
- 3rd Btn. 9th Gurkha Rifles (Columns 57 & 93)
23rd Indian Infantry Brigade
- 1st Btn. Essex Regiment (Columns 44 & 56)
- 2nd Btn. Duke of Wellington's Regiment (Columns 33 & 76)
- 4th Btn. Border Regiment (Columns 34, 55)
- 60th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, deployed as infantry, (Columns 60 & 68)
- 12th Field Company, Royal Engineers
16th Brigade Morris Force
- 1st Btn. Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment (Columns 21 & 22)
- 4th Btn. 9th Gurkha Rifles (Columns 49 & 94)
- 2nd Btn. Leicestershire Regiment (Columns 17 & 71)
- 3rd Btn. 4th Gurkha Rifles (Column 30)
- 45th Recce Regiment (Columns 45 & 54)
- 51st and 69th Field Regiments, Royal Artillery, deployed as infantry (Columns 51 & 69)
- 2nd Field Company, Royal Engineers
Dah Force
- Kachin Levies
Stronghold Defences
- R S & U Troop 160th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery (25 Pounders)
- W X Y & Z Troops 69th Light Anti Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (Bofors)
Divisional Troops
- 219th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers
- Detachment 2nd Burma Rifles
- 145th Brigade Company, R.A.S.C.
- 61st Air Supply Company, R.A.S.C.
- 2nd Indian Air Supply Company, R.I.A.S.C.
Feb 1944 Chindit force preparations
14th February 1944 Warning Order
16th February 1944 Location Statement
28th of February 1944 Visits
13th May 1944 Working Party
14th May 1944 Ammunition
1st Jun 1944 Orders
1st of June 1944 Hove
1st Jun 1944 Preparations
2nd Jun 1944 Orders
2nd June 1944 Orders
3rd Jun 1944 Orders
3rd June 1944 On the Move
4th June 1944 Preparations
4th Jun 1944 Preparations
5th Jun 1944 On the Move
5th June 1944 Preparations
5th Jun 1944 On the Move
5th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th June 1944 Airlift
6th Jun 1944 Landings
6th Jun 1944 In Action
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 Ammunition
6th Jun 1944 Convoy
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
6th Jun 1944 On the Move
7th June 1944 Resupply
7th Jun 1944 Equipment
7th Jun 1944 Under Fire
7th Jun 1944 Unloading Commenced
7th Jun 1944 On the Move
8th June 1944 Supplies
8th Jun 1944 Equipment
8th Jun 1944 Ammunition
8th Jun 1944 In Action
9th June 1944 Resupply
9th Jun 1944 Equipment
9th Jun 1944 Unloading
9th Jun 1944 In Action
10th June 1944 Resupply
10th Jun 1944 Equipment
10th Jun 1944 Move
Jun 1944
10th Jun 1944 Counter Attacks
11th Jun 1944 Vehicles
11th Jun 1944 Shelling
12th Jun 1944 Containers
12th Jun 1944 Vehicles
12th Jun 1944 Aircraft Downed
13th Jun 1944 On the Move
13th Jun 1944 Visit
13th of June 1944 Move to Woodford
14th Jun 1944 Resupply
14th Jun 1944 Air Raids
15th Jun 1944 Orders
15th Jun 1944 Quiet
15th of June 1944 Embarkation
16th Jun 1944 Visit
16th of June 1944 Victoria Docks
17th Jun 1944 Quiet
18th Jun 1944 Supplies
18th Jun 1944 Report
19th Jun 1944 Message
20th Jun 1944 Enemy Aircraft
21st Jun 1944 Orders
21st Jun 1944 Shelling
22nd Jun 1944 Fire
22nd Jun 1944 Difficult Conditions
22nd of June 1944 Esquay-sur-Seulles
23rd Jun 1944 Briefing
23rd Jun 1944 Airdrop
23rd Jun 1944 Enemy Aircraft
23rd of June 1944 Gold Beach
24th Jun 1944 Preparations
24th Jun 1944 Quiet
24th of June 1944 Esquay-sur-Seulles
25th Jun 1944 Preparations
25th Jun 1944 Raid
25th of June 1944 St Gabriel
26th Jun 1944 Move
26th of June 1944
26th Jun 1944 Quiet
27th Jun 1944 Quiet
27th of June 1944
28th Jun 1944 Orders
28th Jun 1944 Supplies
28th of June 1944
29th of June 1944 Granville
29th Jun 1944 Supplies
30th Jun 1944 Airdrop
30th Jun 1944 Awards
30th of June 1944 St Gabriel
1st of July 1944 The Field
1st July 1944 Orders
2nd of July 1944 The Field
2nd July 1944 Reliefs
3rd Jul 1944 Locations
3rd of July 1944 The Field
3rd July 1944 Relief Complete
3rd Jul 1944 On the Move
4th of July 1944 The Field
4th July 1944 Conference
5th of July 1944 The Field
6th Jul 1944 Paswords
6th of July 1944
6th July 1944 Passwords
7th Jul 1944 Reliefs
7th of July 1944
8th of July 1944
9th of July 1944
10th of July 1944
11th July 1944 Conference
11th of July 1944
12th of July 1944
13th of July 1944 Moves
13th July 1944 Orders
14th Jul 1944 Orders
14th of July 1944
14th July 1944 Orders
15th Jul 1944 Orders
15th of July 1944
15th July 1944 Orders
16th Jul 1944 Shelling
16th of July 1944 The Field
16th July 1944 Air Raid
17th Jul 1944 Bombs
17th of July 1944
17th July 1944 Air Raid
18th Jul 1944 Orders
18th of July 1944
18th July 1944 Orders Issued
19th Jul 1944 Minefields
19th of July 1944 The Field
19th Jul 1944 Moves
19th July 1944 Instructions
20th of July 1944
21st Jul 1944 Orders
21st of July 1944
21st July 1944 Orders
22nd of July 1944 Supplies
23rd Jul 1944 Reliefs
23rd Jul 1944 HQ Moves
23rd of July 1944 The Field
23rd July 1944 Divisional HQ Moves
24th Jul 1944 Reliefs Completed
24th Jul 1944 Conference
24th of July 1944
24th July 1944 Conference
25th Jul 1944 Patrols
25th Jul 1944 Minefields
25th of July 1944
25th July 1944 Minefields
26th Jul 1944 Orders
26th of July 1944
26th July 1944 Orders
27th of July 1944
28th Jul 1944 Orders
28th Jul 1944 Orders
28th of July 1944
28th July 1944 Instructions
29th of July 1944 The Field
30th Jul 1944 In Action
30th Jul 1944 HQ Moves
30th of July 1944
30th July 1944 Divisional HQ Moves
31st Jul 1944 Advance
31st Jul 1944 Attack Made
31st Jul 1944 HQ Moves
31st of July 1944
31st July 1944 Orders
1st Aug 1944 In Action
1st of August 1944 The Field
2nd of August 1944
3rd Aug 1944 Forward
3rd of August 1944
4th Aug 1944 Attacks Made
4th of August 1944 The Field
5th Aug 1944 Ready to Move
5th of August 1944
6th Aug 1944 Attacks
6th Aug 1944 Attack Made
6th of August 1944
7th Aug 1944 On the Move
7th of August 1944
8th Aug 1944 In Action
8th of August 1944
9th Aug 1944 Counter Attacks
9th of August 1944 The Field
10th Aug 1944 Patrols
10th of August 1944
11th Aug 1944 No Change
11th of August 1944
11th Aug 1944 Shelling
12th Aug 1944 Reliefs
12th of August 1944
12th Aug 1944 Anti Tank Mine
13th Aug 1944 Withdrawal
13th of August 1944 Move
13th Aug 1944 Landing Craft
14th of August 1944 Burials
14th Aug 1944 Shelling
15th of August 1944 Burials
15th Aug 1944 Fire
16th of August 1944 Supplies
16th Aug 1944 Shells
17th of August 1944 Rations
17th Aug 1944 Inspection
18th Aug 1944 Enemy Aircraft
18th of August 1944 Move
19th of August 1944 Rations
19th Aug 1944 Mine
20th of August 1944 Strength increase
20th Aug 1944 Quiet
21st of August 1944 Supplies
21st Aug 1944 Bad Weather
22nd of August 1944 Surplus
22nd Aug 1944 Bad Weather
23rd Aug 1944 Gun Fire
23rd of August 1944 Vehicles
24th of August 1944 Rations
24th Aug 1944 Quiet
25th of August 1944 Supplies
25th Aug 1944 Quiet
26th of August 1944 Move
26th Aug 1944 On the Move
27th of August 1944 Rations
28th of August 1944 Move
28th August 1944 Ammunition Short
29th August 1944 Move
30th of August 1944 Ammunition
31st of August 1944 Ration Packs
1st Sep 1944 Move
1st of September 1944 The Field
2nd of September 1944
2nd of September 1944 Move Order
2nd Sep 1944 Reorganisation
3rd of September 1944
3rd Sep 1944 Preparations
4th of September 1944 Move
4th Sep 1944 Awards
5th of September 1944
6th of September 1944 Move
7th of September 1944 Move
7th Sep 1944 Withdrawal
8th of September 1944
8th Sep 1944 HQ Established
9th of September 1944 Germans captured
10th of September 1944 The Field
11th of September 1944
12th of September 1944 Move
13th of September 1944
14th of September 1944
15th of September 1944 Move Order
15th of September 1944 The Field
16th of September 1944
17th of September 1944 The Field
18th of September 1944
19th of September 1944
19th September 1944 Shot down over Arnhem
20th of September 1944 The Field
20th September 1944 Six Stirlings lost over Arnhem
21st of September 1944
21st September 1944 Three Stirlings lost
22nd of September 1944 Move
23rd of September 1944
23rd of December 1944 Move Order
24th of September 1944
25th of September 1944 The Field
26th of September 1944
27th of September 1944
28th of September 1944
29th of September 1944 The Field
30th of September 1944
1st of October 1944 The Field
2nd of October 1944
4th of October 1944 The Field move
5th of October 1944
6th of October 1944
7th of October 1944 The Field - Change of role
8th of October 1944
9th Oct 1944 Orders Received
9th of October 1944
10th Oct 1944 On the Move
10th of October 1944
11th Oct 1944 On the Move
11th of October 1944 The Field
12th of October 1944
13th of October 1944
13th of October 1944
14th of October 1944
15th of October 1944
17th of October 1944 The Field
18th of October 1944
19th of October 1944 Film unit visit
20th of October 1944
21st of October 1944
22nd of October 1944 The Field
23rd of October 1944
24th of October 1944
25th of October 1944
26th of October 1944
27th of October 1944
28th of October 1944 Casualties
29th of October 1944 Change of command
30th Oct 1944 Reliefs
30th of October 1944 Move
31st of October 1944
1st of November 1944 The Field
2nd of November 1944
3rd of November 1944
4th of November 1944
5th of November 1944
6th of November 1944
7th of November 1944
8th of November 1944 The Field
9th of November 1944
10th of November 1944
11th of November 1944
12th of November 1944 The Field
13th of November 1944
14th of November 1944
15th of November 1944
16th of November 1944 The Field
17th of November 1944
18th of November 1944
19th of November 1944
20th of November 1944 The Field
21st of November 1944 Move
22nd of November 1944
23rd of November 1944
24th of November 1944
25th of November 1944
26th of November 1944
27th of November 1944
28th of November 1944 The Field
29th of November 1944
30th of November 1944
1st of December 1944 The Field
2nd of December 1944
3rd of December 1944
4th of December 1944
5th of December 1944
6th of December 1944
7th of December 1944
8th of December 1944 The Field
9th of December 1944
10th of December 1944
11th of December 1944
12th of December 1944
13th of December 1944 Visit by Montgomery
14th of December 1944
15th of December 1944
16th of December 1944
17th of December 1944
18th of December 1944 The Field
19th of December 1944
20th of December 1944
21st of December 1944
22nd of December 1944
23rd of December 1944
24th of December 1944 Op Instruction No. 15
24th of December 1944 The Field
25th of December 1944
26th of December 1944
27th of December 1944
28th of December 1944
29th of December 1944
29th of December 1944
30th of December 1944
31st of December 1944 The Field
1st of January 1945 Situation
1st of January 1945 The Field
2nd of January 1945
3rd of January 1945 Patrols
3rd of January 1945 Thaw Plan in operation
4th of January 1945
5th of January 1945
6th January 1945 The Field
7th of January 1945 Supplies drawn
7th of January 1945 Orders
7th Jan 1945 Orders
7th of January 1945 Orders
7th of January 1945 Instructions
8th of January 1945
9th of January 1945
9th of January 1945 Orders Changed
10th of January 1945
10th of January 1945 Moving forward and Orders
11th of January 1945
12th of January 1945
13th of January 1945 The Field
14th of January 1945 The Field
14th of January 1945 Orders
15th of January 1945
16th of January 1945
17th of January 1945
18th of January 1945
19th of January 1945
20th of January 1945 The Field
21st of January 1945 New area recce'd
22nd of January 1945 The Field
23rd of January 1945
24th of January 1945 The Field
25th of January 1945
26th of January 1945 The Field Company move
27th of January 1945
28th of January 1945
29th of January 1945
30th of January 1945
31st of January 1945
1st of February 1945 The Field
2nd of February 1945 Vehicles and fuel collected
3rd of February 1945 The Field
4th of February 1945 Wireless silence
5th of February 1945
6th of February 1945 The Field Company move
7th of February 1945 The Field
8th of February 1945 Supplies
9th of February 1945 First RASC Vehicles to enter Germany
10th of February 1945
11th of February 1945 MM awarded
12th of February 1945 The Field
13th of February 1945 Roads flooded
14th of February 1945 Floods
15th of February 1945 The Field
16th of February 1945
16th of February 1945 Operation Instruction No 3
17th of February 1945 The Field
18th of February 1945
19th of February 1945 The Field
20th of February 1945
21st of February 1945 The Field
22nd of February 1945 The Field
23rd of February 1945
24th of February 1945
25th of February 1945 The Field
26th of February 1945
27th of February 1945
28th of February 1945 The Field move to Baarle Nassau
1st of March 1945 The Field
2nd of March 1945
3rd of March 1945 The Field
4th of March 1945 The Field
5th of March 1945
6th of March 1945
7th of March 1945 On the Move
8th of March 1945
9th of March 1945
10th of March 1945 The Field
11th of March 1945
12th of March 1945
13th of March 1945
14th of March 1945 The Field
15th of March 1945
16th of March 1945
17th of March 1945 The Field preparations to cross Rhine
18th of March 1945 The Field
19th of March 1945 The Field
20th of March 1945 The Field
21st of March 1945
22nd of March 1945 Lift
23rd of March 1945
24th of March 1945 Move to East bank of the Rhine
25th of March 1945 Crossing the Rhine
29th of March 1945 Rhine crossed
30th of March 1945
31st of March 1945
1st of April 1945 The Field Move to Germany
2nd of April 1945
3rd of April 1945
3rd Apr 1945 On the Move
4th of April 1945
5th of April 1945
6th of April 1945
7th of April 1945 The Field
8th of April 1945
9th of April 1945 Advance
10th of April 1945
11th of April 1945
12th of April 1945
13th of April 1945
14th of April 1945 The Field
15th of April 1945 Petrol rationed
16th of April 1945 The Field
17th of April 1945
18th of April 1945
19th of April 1945
20th of April 1945 The Field
21st of April 1945
22nd of April 1945
23rd of April 1945
24th of April 1945
25th of April 1945
26th of April 1945 Transport holdups
27th of April 1945
28th of April 1945 The Field
29th of April 1945 Crossing the Elbe
30th of April 1945 Crossing the Elbe
1st of May 1945 The Field crossing the Elbe
2nd of May 1945
3rd of May 1945
4th of May 1945
5th of May 1945 The Field - hostilities in NW Germany cease
6th of May 1945
6th May 1945 Out of Action
7th of May 1945 The Field
7th May 1945 Reorganisation
8th of May 1945 The Field
9th of May 1945 Transport to Transit Camp
10th of May 1945
11th of May 1945 The Field
12th of May 1945 The Field POWs helping
13th of May 1945
14th of May 1945 The Field
15th of May 1945 Search for hidden fuel
16th of May 1945 The Field
17th of May 1945
18th of May 1945
19th of May 1945
19th May 1945 On the Move
20th of May 1945
21st of May 1945
22nd of May 1945 The Field
23rd of May 1945
24th of May 1945 The Field
25th of May 1945
26th of May 1945
27th of May 1945 The Field
28th of May 1945
29th of May 1945
30th of May 1945
31st of May 1945 The Field
9th of June 1945 Concentration Camp Commander Captured
Jun 1944 TransportIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
Royal Army Service Corps
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Abel Cecil George. Dvr.
- Airey Cyril. S/Sgt
- Alecock Frederick Derrick. Dvr. (d.15th Dec 1944)
- Allen Herbert George. Pte.
- Allen Joseph. Sgt.
- Andrew George Simpson. Sgt (d.1st Jun 1945)
- Andrewartha Dennis. Pte.
- Andrews Walter Robert. Dvr.
- Anthony Robert Cummings. Private (d.17th June 1940)
- Aquilina Raymond.
- Archer George John. Pte.
- Argent Ernest. Drvr.
- Arnold F.. Driver (d.10th May 1942)
- Ascough George Richard Nicholson. Mjr (Act. Col.)
- Ash Arthur William.
- Ash Charles. driver
- Ashby Charles Henry.
- Ashby Frank Stephen.
- Ashelford Cyril James. Dvr.
- Ashelford Cyril James. Dvr.
- Ashfield William John. Cpl.
- Ashwood Alfred Colin. Cpl.
- Atkinson Cyril George. Pte.
- Austin James. Pte.
- Ball Leslie. Cpl.
- Banks OBE . George. Lt-Col
- Barham Henry William . Lt.
- Barnes Leonard Maurice.
- Barrett Richard William. Dvr.
- Barrett Royden Whittaker. Cpl.
- Bass Edwin John. Cpl.
- Bates Leslie. L/Cpl.
- Beadleson Cyril Bernard. Drvr. (d.1st November 1941)
- Beck Robert. Dvr.
- Beckett George. A/Sgt.
- Beliskey H.. Pte.
- Bell Clarence. Cpl
- Bending John Levi.
- Bennett Frank John.
- Bennett William Millar. Dvr.
- Bethell Robert Henry. Pte.
- Bevis Charles Henry. Pte.
- Bigg Albert Andrew J.. Dvr.
- Bigwood Ernest George. Dvr.
- Bishop Arthur Charles. Dvr.
- Bishop FS.
- Bisseker EJ. Cpl.
- Black John Francis. L/Cpl.
- Bleazard H. T.Mjr.
- Bluett Denis Guy. Lt.
- Boakes Cecil Grahame. Drv. (d.24th Mar 1945)
- Boast CR.
- Boden Stanley Walter. Dvr.
- Boldsworth Charles Frederick. Dvr.
- Bolton John Anthony C.. Cpl.
- Booth RB.
- Bosi John. Dvr. (d.2nd August 1944)
- Bowen Thomas Edward Morse. CQMS.
- Bowen Thomas Edward Morse. WO2.
- Braithwaite George.
- Bramham George Robert. Sgt.
- Briggs Reginald John. Drvr.
- Bright John William. Pte
- Bright Thomas. Driver
- Briley John.
- Broadway Ronald Robert. Pte.
- Brough Thomas Henry. Pte. (d.19th July 1944)
- Brown Cecil Arthur George. Sgt.
- Brown Maurice Weston. Pte.
- Brown William Arthur. Pte. (d.6th Nov 1941)
- Buckley Albert Henry.
- Buckley William. Dvr.
- Budd Arthur Henry. (d.1st August 1942)
- Burnett Alexander. Sgt.
- Burrows George Frederick Thomas. Sergeant (d.5th July 1941)
- Bursell Arthur Leslie. Dvr.
- Burton Frederick Macdonald. W/Sgt.
- Butcher Victor James. Sgt.
- Butler DCM. Edward H.. WO2.
- Butler John Tyson. Drvr.
- Butt Roy. Dvr.
- Cain Charles. Pte.
- Campbell Christopher Joseph. Pte.
- Carter Albert . Dvr. (d.27th Mar 1945)
- Carter Frank. Dvr.
- Cashmore Bernard. Dvr.
- Cashmore Bernard. Dvr.
- Castel George Farquar.
- Catchpole Cyril.
- Catley Alfred. Pte.
- Chadbourne Walter Powley. Pte.
- Chapple George William. Pte
- Charlton JH.
- Cheese Arthur William. Sgt.
- Cheesman Cyril Tracy. L/Cpl
- Christie Atherton Ffolliot Powell. Staff Sgt.
- Clare George. Pte.
- Clark Albert Arthur. Cpl.
- Clark Frederick Arthur.
- Clarke Leslie George. Pte.
- Codling James William. Dvr.
- Cole Frederick George. Drv. (d.10th May 1942)
- Collingwood Sidney Derek. Cpl.
- Colthorpe Cecil Walter. Cpl.
- Compton Henry Thomas.
- Connelly Charles Edward. Pte. (d.16th Jan 1942)
- Conway Alfred. Dvr.
- Cooper Basil Seymour. Mjr.
- Cooper Edgar Roy. Pte. (d.12th Feb 1944)
- Cory William Albert John. Pte
- Cowing Charles Henry. Cpl.
- Cox Leopold.
- Cox Robert Hutchinson.
- Criddle Francis. L/Cpl.
- Crockford Thomas Henry. Pte.
- Crookes Walter Stanley. QMS.
- Crosbie WA.
- Crowshaw Ronald. Cpl.
- Cryer Horace. Dvr
- Cullen Maurice Patrick. Sgt.
- Cumming David . Cpl.
- Cushnie William. Dvr.
- Daniel Martin Charles Campbell. Capt. (d.24th Sep 1942)
- Daniels Samuel Clifford. Pte.
- Dare RJ.
- Dargue Thomas. Drvr.
- Darling James George Robert. Sgt
- Davies Melvyn William. Dvr.
- Davis Harold.
- Deacon Leslie William Richard. Mjr.
- Dellar Douglas William.
- Denness Charles Arthur. Sgt.
- Denny Alfred Frank. Pte.
- Dilks Verdun Bramley. Pte.
- Dimmer RF.
- Dobney John Gordon. S.Sgt. (d.11th Aug 1943)
- Dobson JT.
- Dobson Norman. Drv.
- Dopson Sidney Alfred William. Dvr
- Dore Leslie Robert. Drvr/Cpl
- Drake Leslie Claude. Dvr.
- Driscoll Jeremiah. Drvr.
- Driver MiD. Frederick. Cpl.
- Dukes John.
- Dukes John.
- Dukes John. Cpl.
- Duncan Ian Henry.
- Duncan James W.. Pte.
- Duncan William Gillespie. Pte.
- Dunnage Reg Arthur. L/Cpl
- Durman P.
- Earnshaw George. Dvr.
- Edington John Thomas Andrew. C/Sgt.
- Edward W H. Private
- Edwards Bill Vernon. Pte.
- Elliott R.. CQMS (d. )
- Ellis James Edward.
- Elston Ronald George. Drv.
- Emery Albert Henry.
- Etheridge E.
- Evans Albert Edward. Pte. (d.17th June 1940)
- Evans Frederick Thomas. Dvr.
- Evans L.
- Everett Patrick Denis. WO.
- Evison Harry. Pte.
- Farmer Cornelius. Dvr.
- Farmer Frank. Pte.
- Fenton Fred. Cpl.
- Ffoulkes Kenneth L.. Pte.
- Fidom John. Dvr.
- Fielden Harry. Pte.
- Findon William Jeffrey. Pte.
- Fletcher James. Dvr.
- Fletcher MID James. Staff/Sgt.
- Fogg Edward George.
- Forbes John. Pte.
- Forbes William Alexander. Pte.
- Ford George A. Dvr.
- Fountain Gerald. Dvr.
- Fox Sidney. Mechanised Sergeant Major
- Francis John Charles. Sgt.
- Fuller G. H.. Dvr.
- Gale Authur Patrick. Capt. (d.29th May 1940)
- Galliers Charles Henry Francis. Cpl.
- Gander D.
- Gannon Charles Edward. Sgt.
- Gannon John. Driver (d.7th February 1945)
- Gartenfeld Desmond Norman.
- Gee Charles. L/Cpl.
- George John William.
- Gibbs Edward Joseph. Pte
- Gibbs William Alexander. Drvr.
- Gilbert Frederick John. Dvr.
- Gilbert George Alfred.
- Gill .
- Gill Harry. Sgt.
- Godfrey Thomas. Dvr.
- Goodey William H.. Drv.
- Goodwin James.
- Goodyer-Pain F. C.J.. Maj.
- Gorman John Charles. Dvr.
- Gough Kenneth Roy. 2nd Lt.
- Green Ralph Kent. A/Maj.
- Greenall G.
- Greenfield SJ.
- Griffin Geoffrey Arthur. Pte.
- Griffiths BEM. Edward Charles. S/Sgt
- Grove Alexander Norman Walter. Sgt.
- Grover Alfred Henry . Drvr. (d.7th Sep 1944)
- Guest Cyril Jack.
- Hackett Ronald. Pte.
- Hague Alexander Gilchrist. Cpl.
- Hall J.
- Hall Samuel Robert. Capt.
- Hallam MID Gilbert Dennis. Sgt.
- Hann Edwin George. Sgt.
- Hannah Andrew. Dvr.
- Hanner Paul. Cpl.
- Hanner Paul. Cpl
- Hanner Paul. WS/Cpl.
- Harland John Charles. Major.
- Harris R.
- Harrison James. Cpl.
- Hart Gerald. Pte.
- Haskell Thomas Edward. Dvr. (d.20th Mar 1941)
- Haswell Sam Crossley. Pte.
- Hayes Jimmy. Cpl.
- Haynes Edward Aurther. Pte. (d.6th July 1942)
- Hayward Burma star Roy.
- Hearnden Cecil. Pte.
- Heaton MID. Robert. Sgt.
- Heaven Frank Gordon. Pte.
- Heinink Anthony Frank. Pte. (d.5th August 1943)
- Henderson Peter. Pte.
- Heppenstall George Bolton. L/Cpl.
- Heseltine . Sgt.
- Heslop Thomas Waugh. L/Cpl. (d. 28/3/1944)
- Hewer-Hewitt Alexander Robert Clifford. Maj.
- Heywood Vincent. L/Cpl
- Higgins John Arthur. Pte.
- Hilton Jack. Pte.
- Hodge Sidney Herman. L/Cpl.
- Hodge Sidney Herman. L/Cpl
- Hodge Sidney Herman. L/Cpl.
- Hodgson George Caleb. Pte. (d.2nd Jun 1941)
- Hodkin George Matthew. Capt
- Hogan John Arthur. Pte. (d.3rd June 1944)
- Holland George Henry. Dvr
- Holt Bernard Arnold.
- Hope Albert. Dvr. (d.15th Sep 1944)
- Hopkins JH.
- Hopton Henry George . Pte.
- Horsman Horace.
- Hough Denis. Dvr.
- Howel .
- Hughes John Nursall. Pte.
- Hughes John.
- Hughes Wilfred Henry. Pte.
- Hunt George Derrick.
- Hunt Wilfred Henry. Cpl.
- Hunter MBE Ian Bruce. Lt Col.
- Huntley George E.. Capt.
- Hurman MID, Preston John. Maj.
- Hyde Frederick James. Dvr
- Hynds Herbert John.
- Ireland Thomas Patrick. Dvr. (d.11th Aug 1944)
- Ireland Thomas Patrick. Drvr. (d.11th Aug 1944)
- Isherwood George Wallace. Sgt.
- Jackson James William.
- Jacobs Joseph.
- James Llew.
- James Llew.
- James Norman Henry. Cpl.
- James William Griffith.
- James William Griffith. Sgt.
- Jamieson David Leckie. Pte.
- Jeffery Roy.
- Jenkins William Rees. SQMS. (d.17th June 1940)
- Johnston David Ballantyne. Dvr.
- Jones Harold. Dvr.
- Jones John Victor. L/Cpl.
- Jones Samuel Emlyn. Cpl,
- Kadigawe MID Kanchana Senerat. Pte.
- Kattenhorn Walter Martin. Pte.
- Kauffman Hyman.
- Kay PP. L.Sgt.
- Kearey Frederick Charles. Pte.
- Kelly Thomas. L/Cpl (d.11th Jun 1940)
- Kennett Arthur. Cpl.
- Keogan .
- Kerr J.
- Kershaw Neil Percy. Dvr.
- Killeen MID. James William. Lt.
- King Herbert. Sgt.
- King Reginald.
- Lambert Stanley. Dvr.
- Landy L. T.Capt
- Langley Herbert. Drv.
- Larkin Martin Stanley. L/Cpl.
- Lassetter Arthur H.. Dvr.
- Lawrence Cyril.
- Lawson Joseph.
- Lay William.
- Lee Bob.
- Lee Jack. Cpl.
- Levy John. Pte. (d.11th April 1945)
- Lewis Joseph Henry. L/Cpl
- Lightbown Frank. Pte. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Lindsay J.
- Little John.
- Lody Anthony. L/Cpl. (d.2nd Apr 1945)
- Longhurst Kenneth Bernard. QMS.
- Lorraine Herbert Derrick Bell. Capt.
- Lowe Clifford Salisbury. Pte
- Lowe William.
- Lowing William. Cpt.
- Lowthrop Colin. Dvr
- Lyde Bernard.
- Lyle BEM. George Edward. Cpl.
- Lyons M.
- Mabb Richard J.. L/Cpl.
- Mace Samual Robert. Dvr.
- MacKenzie L.d'H. Francis Walter. Pte.
- Maguire H.
- Mahoney Patrick.
- Manchester Charles. Sgt Mjr.
- Mann Leslie.
- Martin Albert. Dvr.
- Martin Bill. Pte.
- Martin William. Private
- Mason CR.
- Matthews Sydney. (d.15th Feb 1942)
- Mawer Jesse Frederick. Lt/Capt
- Maxwell MC. George Barton. 2nd Lt.
- May Frank William John. Mjr.
- Maynard Wally.
- McArthur . Cpl.
- Mccallen Michael William.
- McCormick Ronald. Dvr.
- McCulloch James George.
- McDougall Charles. Driver
- Mcguire JJ.
- McLewin Douglas Gerald. Capt.
- McManus John Wiliam. Pte.
- Mead Robert Lional. Private (d.2004)
- Meagher Bernard Peter. WO1.
- Megicks Frederick James Rhys. Sgt
- Mills Norman. Cpl.
- Moore Harold Arthur. Lt. (d.22nd Jan 1945)
- Morgan GH.
- Morgan MID Leonard Raymond. S/Sgt.
- Morris Clifford Watson. Dvr.
- Morris Reginald William. L/Cpl
- Morrisroe Luke. Dvr.
- Moulton Frederick. L/Cpl.
- Muirhead Hugh White. L/Cpl.
- Murphy Patrick Joseph. Drvr. (d.12th March 1943)
- Murphy Walter Fredrick. Pte.
- Nicholls David. Mjr.
- Nicholls John William. Pte. (d.13th January 1943)
- Nimmo John Taylor.
- Nixon .
- Norfield WJ. Dvr.
- Normoyle Daniel. WO1 (d.21st July 1940)
- Nunn Albert Hockley. Drvr.
- Nuttall Harry. L/Cpl.
- Oliver Douglas Phillip. Cpl.
- Orton Arthur. Cpl. (d.16th July 1945)
- Outram Jack. Driver
- Owen Edward. Dvr.
- Owen George. Dvr. (d.23rd April 1945)
- Palmer Harry. Pte.
- Parker James. Driver
- Parkinson George. Dvr.
- Parkinson Rex.
- Parratt H.. Cpl.
- Pascoe Arthur Sidney. Pte.
- Passmore Arthur Victor. Pte. (d.26th April 1941)
- Paterson William. Major
- Patilla MiD. Colin Seaton. Drv.
- Payne . Pte.
- Penfold Edward. Cpl. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Penny G.
- Penny Sydney Douglas. Pte.
- Pennycuick James Sutherland. Dvr
- Penrose David. Drv.
- Perkins Cecil Roy.
- Perkins Fernley Lionel.
- Perkins James. Sgt.
- Perris George Albert. Capt. (d.7th Dec 1941)
- Pettit Henry William John. L/Cpl.
- Pinder Arthur. Dvr.
- Pinnell Frederick J.. (d.17th July 1941)
- Pinnell Frederick J.. (d.17th July 1941)
- Player Gwilym Ernest.
- Pollard Frederick James. Dvr.
- Pope Eric Thomas. Drv.
- Pope Frederick George. Pte. (d.2nd July 1941)
- Porte John.
- Powell Alfred James. Pte. (d.5th Dec 1941)
- Powell Alfred James. Pte. (d.5th December 1941)
- Price David Edmund. Cpl. (d.23rd April 1941)
- Price Fred J.. Cpl. (d.26th October 1942)
- Price Trevor Glyn. (d.17th June 1940)
- Price William Henry. Pte.
- Purchase George. Pte.
- Purnell Edward. Pte.
- Rae Patrick John. Dvr
- Randall George Douglas. Dvr.
- Ray Stanley. CSM.
- Read Christopher Harold. Dvr.
- Redpath Walter Thomas. L\Cpl.
- Reeves PO.
- Revill Horace. Pte.
- Reynolds Norman Frank. Drvr.
- Riach MID. James Charles. Cpl.
- Richmand Frank. Drvr.
- Rigby Thomas. Driver
- Rippin Douglas Haig. Dvr.
- Roberts Cyril Edward. Capt.
- Roberts Herbert Leslie. Mjr.
- Robertson John Dick. Dvr.
- Robinson Fredrick James.
- Robinson Jack. Dvr.
- Rogers Austra Llewellyn. Pte.
- Roome Charles William George. Pte. (d.9th February 1942)
- Rootes William Frank. Pte.
- Rout Gordon Henry.
- Rowland H.. Cpl.
- Rowlands Bertie John.
- Rudd Alfred. Pte.
- Rumsby Edgar. Dvr.
- Ruscoe Kenneth Samuel. Gnr.
- Rush Frederick.
- Ryles George Frederick. Sgt.
- Sadler Joyce. Pte.
- Sales Cyril. Dvr.
- Sampson Walter Ryecroft. Sgt.
- Sanders Harold. Dvr.
- Saunders Arthur. Dvr.
- Saunders Charles Richard. L/Cpl.
- Savage Richard George. Pte.
- Scott Leslie Gilbert. Dvr. (d.29th Nov 1941)
- Screech-Powell Edwin Patrick. Pte.
- Seale John. L/Cpl
- Sheen Joe. Dvr.
- Shepherd Ronald Frederick. Pte.
- Sheppard Jack Percival. Pte.
- Shone Neville Spencer. Capt.
- Shotter Ralph William John. L/Cpl. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Shubsachs Ezra. L/Cpl.
- Sinderson John. Dvr.
- Skerritt Edgar Maitland. Dvr.
- Slight Thomas William. Pte.
- Smallwood William Henry. RSM
- Smith GG.
- Smith HE.
- Smith Leslie Arthur. Pte.
- Smith Noel Stephen. Sgt.Mjr.
- Smith Reginald Ernest. Dvr.
- Smout PA.
- Smythe T..
- Somerfield Leonard. Dvr. (d.2nd June 1940)
- Sossick Janes Hercules. S/Sgt.
- Spavins Albert Edward. SQMS
- Spencer R. Dvr.
- Stammers Arthur Huggins . Dvr. (d.29th May 1940)
- Staples Jim. Capt.
- Stewart JB.
- Stewart Thomas. Pte.
- Still James. Drvr. (d.16th April 1945)
- Stockton Thomas Arthur. Sgt.
- Strong Howard Henry George. Cpl
- Sturman Cecil Douglas. Cpl.
- Sutcliffe Geoffrey. Cpl
- Swan Alexander Fulton. L/Cpl.
- Swan Charles William. WO2.
- Sweeney Francis Kitchener. L/Cpl.
- Symonds Jack. Dvr.
- Taylor J. A..
- Taylor Leonard Henry. Pte.
- Taylor Raymond. Dvr
- Taylor Robert Gladstone. Lt.
- Thackray Percy. Corporal
- Thackray Percy. Cpl.
- Thomas Victor Albert. Pte.
- Thomas Walter. Pte.
- Thompson Leonard. Pte. (d.29th May - 2nd June 1940)
- Thurlow Walter William. Dvr. (d.2nd March 1944)
- Timperley Walter. Dvr
- Tonlinson Reginald Samuel. Cpl.
- Tossell Richard George.
- Treavis Albert Louvain. S/Sgt.
- Troutt Henry William. Dvr.
- Tuck Harry Arthur. Pte.
- Tucker Reginald Martyn. Lt.
- Turner Albert. Pte.
- Turner PR.
- Turner William John Thomas. Sgt.
- Tysoe-Smith E.. Cpl.
- Tyson John. Drvr.
- Unger Cyril George. Dvr.
- Upton James. Dvr. (d.27th May 1940)
- Usher Harry. Dvr. (d.31st Mar 1945)
- Vaughan David Elwyn. Cpl (d.14th Aug 1940)
- Vaughan James Edwin. Pte.
- Voase Les.
- Wainwright Harry. (d.18th Dec 1943)
- Wakelin RT.
- Walker Harry. Pte.
- Wanaguru P.. Pte.
- Wardle Nornan R..
- Warren Edmund R.A.. Dvr.
- Watkins S.
- Watson Reginald Herbert.
- Watson Thomas. Dvr
- Watts Wilfred Charles. Sgt.
- Weeks Harry John. Pte. (d.4th Aug 1943)
- Wenham Mentioned in Dispatches Leonard John Albert. Corporal
- Weston Leonard. Capt. (d.13th Feb 1942)
- Wharmby Harold. Pte.
- White Charles Douglas. Dvr.
- Whitelock Alfred James. L/Cpl.
- Whiting Richard Henry James. (d.17th Sept 1945)
- Whyteside James Albert. L/Cpl.
- Wickham Albert Stanley. Pte.
- Wightman William P. K.. Pte. (d.28th Jan 1947)
- Wilby George. Drvr.
- Wilde John. L/Cpl.
- Wilde N.
- Wildes James Thomas. Dvr.
- Wilkinson Ronald Hubert. Sgt.
- Williams Frank Patrick.
- Williams Robert John. Staff Sargeant
- Williams William Morris. Sgt. (d.21st July 1946)
- Williamson John Derek. Cpl.
- Wilson Martin Sidney.
- Winn William Edward.
- Winning Alfred Thomas. Pte.
- Wodhams Horace Edward . Capt.
- Wood John. Dvr.
- Wooley-Lane Philip J L . Lieutenant-Colonel
- Worthington R.
- Wray Arthur Albert Philip. Pte.
- Wright Albert Frank. Sgt.
- Wright John Coyle. Dvr. (d.21st Sep 1943)
- Wyman Fredrick . Corporal
- Wynn-Werninck Willliam. Mjr.
- Yates John. Pte.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Royal Army Service Corps from other sources.
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Want to know more about Royal Army Service Corps?
There are:2558 items tagged Royal Army Service Corps available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
R Worthington Royal Army Service Corps
R Worthington served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
N Wilde Royal Army Service Corps
N Wilde served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
S Watkins Royal Army Service Corps
S Watkins served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
RT Wakelin Royal Army Service Corps
RT Wakelin served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
PR Turner Royal Army Service Corps
PR Turner served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
JB Stewart Royal Army Service Corps
JB Stewart served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Dvr. R Spencer Royal Army Service Corps
Dvr.R Spencer served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
PA Smout 250th Field Delivery Service Royal Army Service Corps
PA Smout served with the 250th Field Delivery Service Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
GG Smith Royal Army Service Corps
GG Smith served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
HE Smith Royal Army Service Corps
HE Smith served with the Royal Army Service Corps British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
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