- Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) during the Second World War -
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Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 1st Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 1st Tyneside Scottish Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 2nd Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 4th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 5th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 6th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 7th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 8th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 9th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
- 10th Battalion, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
26th August 1939 Message
29th August 1939 Conference
29th August 1939 Messages
29th August 1939 Message to 7th Black Watch
1st September 1939 Telegram
1st Sep 1939 Operational Instruction
2nd September 1939 Reliefs
3rd September 1939 War Declared
3rd September 1939 Message to 7th Black Watch
27th of September 1939 Kings Visit
27th of September 1939 Kings visit
28th September 1939 Reliefs
14th October 1939 Enemy Aircraft
16th October 1939 Operational Control Returns
17th October 1939 Posting
18th October 1939 Posting
19th October 1939 Reliefs
20th October 1939 Air Raid
20th October 1939 Air Raid
21st October 1939 Reliefs
23rd October 1939 On the Move
27th October 1939 Postings
28th October 1939 Stand To
29th October 1939 Stand To
29th October 1939 7th B.W. Operational instruction No.1
30th October 1939 Stand To
2nd November 1939 Suspicion
3rd November 1939 Operational Control
17th November 1939 Posting
18th November 1939 Accident
26th November 1939 Orders
30th November 1939 On the Move
3rd Dec 1939 Orders
12th December 1939 Postings
13th December 1939 Postings
16th of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
21st December 1939 Postings
24th of December 1939 Nominal Roll of Officers on Strength
31st Dec 1939 Children's Party
1st Jan 1940 Working Parties
3rd Jan 1940 Wrong Station
4th Jan 1940 Reciprocal Schemes
4th January 1940 Orders
6th January 1940 Postings
16th January 1940 Heavy Snow
18th January 1940 Postings
20th January 1940 Postings
23rd January 1940 Hotel Fire
31st January 1940 Snow
1st Feb 1940 Redesignation
7th Feb 1940 Scare
10th Feb 1940 Conference
14th Feb 1940 Recruitment
15th Feb 1940 Visit
21st Feb 1940 Visitor
23rd February 1940 Orders
27th February 1940 Reliefs
28th Feb 1940 Air Defence
29th Feb 1940 Demonstration
3rd Mar 1940 Exercise
4th Mar 1940 Course
5th March 1940 Defence
6th Mar 1940 Air Defence
6th March 1940 Defence
8th Mar 1940 Conference
8th March 1940 Defence
9th Mar 1940 Orders
10th Mar 1940 Information Received
11th Mar 1940 Advance Party
12th March 1940 Defence
14th March 1940 Defence
16th Mar 1940 On the Range
19th March 1940 Defence
20th Mar 1940 On the Range
24th Mar 1940 Orders
26th Mar 1940 Lecture
27th Mar 1940 Orders
28th Mar 1940 Orders
29th Mar 1940 Orders
7th of April 1940 Battlefield tour
10th Apr 1940 On the Move
10th April 1940 Reliefs
11th April 1940 Reliefs
12th Apr 1940 Lecture
13th Apr 1940 On the Move
14th Apr 1940 On the Move
16th Apr 1940 On the Move
18th April 1940 Reliefs
19th Apr 1940 On the Move
21st Apr 1940 On the Move
22nd Aril 1940 Instructions
25th April 1940 Draft
27th Apr 1940 On the Move
1st May 1940 On the Move
1st May 1940 Reliefs
1st May 1940 Observation
2nd May 1940 On the Move
4th May 1940 On the Move
5th May 1940 Reliefs
7th May 1940 Reliefs
8th May 1940 Construction Work
9th May 1940 Alert
10th May 1940 Alerts
10th May 1940 Air Raids
10th May 1940 Move
11th May 1940 Orders
11th May 1940 Orders
12th May 1940 Defence
12th May 1940 Messages
13th May 1940 In Action
13th May 1940 Orders
14th May 1940 Move
14th May 1940 Letters
15th May 1940 Orders
16th May 1940 Orders
17th May 1940 On the Move
18th May 1940 Enemy Active
18th May 1940 Bridges
19th May 1940 In Defence
19th May 1940 In Defence
19th of May 1940 In Action
20th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 Withdrawal
20th May 1940 No Withdrawal
20th of May 1940 Orders
20th of May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 On the Move
21st May 1940 Orders
21st of May 1940 Retreat
22nd May 1940 Recce
22nd May 1940 Threat
22nd May 1940 On the Move
23rd May 1940 In Defence
23rd May 1940 In Reserve
23rd May 1940 Orders
23rd of May 1940 Reorganisation
24th May 1940 In Defence
24th May 1940 Orders
24th May 1940 On the Move
24th May 1940 Transport
25th May 1940 Situation Unclear
25th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 Orders
26th May 1940 Recce
26th May 1940 Moves
26th May 1940 In Defence
27th May 1940 Enemy Active
27th May 1940 On the Move
27th May 1940 Under Attack
27th May 1940 Attacks and Counter Attacks
28th May 1940 Withdrawal
28th May 1940 On the Move
28th May 1940 Poor Conditions
28th of May 1940 Retreat
29th May 1940 Shelling
30th May 1940 Defences
30th May 1940 Perimeter Defence
31st May 1940 Evacuation
1st Jun 1940 Arrival
1st June 1940 Move
1st June 1940 Orders
2nd Jun 1940 Orders
2nd Jun 1940 Reorganisation
2nd June 1940 On the Move
3rd Jun 1940 Reception Camp
3rd June 1940 Orders
4th Jun 1940 In Camp
4th June 1940 Yellow warning
5th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
5th June 1940 Warning
6th Jun 1940 Defence
6th June 1940 Reinforcements
6th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
7th Jun 1940 Identity Checks
7th June 1940 Warning
8th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
8th Jun 1940 Moves
8th June 1940 Warning
9th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
9th Jun 1940 Moves
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
9th June 1940 Quiet
10th Jun 1940 Leave
10th Jun 1940 On the March
10th June 1940 Shots Fired
11th Jun 1940 Surrounded
11th Jun 1940 Orders
11th June 1940 Quiet
12th Jun 1940 Situation Hopeless
12th Jun 1940 On the Move
12th June1940 Quiet
13th Jun 1940 On the Move
13th June 1940 Orders
13th June 1940 Orders
13th June 1940 Measures to meet invasions by air or sea.
14th Jun 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
14th June 1940 Enemy Aircraft
15th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
15th June 1940 Quiet
16th June 1940 Warning
17th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
17th June 1940 Quiet
18th Jun 1940 Leave
18th June 1940 Quiet
19th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
19th Jun 1940 Entertainment
19th June 1940 Reinforcements
20th June 1940 Quiet
21st Jun 1940 Reorganisation
21st June 1940 Order
21st June 1940 Orders
22nd June 1940 Quiet
22nd of June 1940 Conference and new responsibility
23rd Jun 1940 Orders
23rd June 1940 Quiet
24th Jun 1940 Recce
24th June 1940 Defences
25th June 1940 Quiet
26th Jun 1940 Reinforcements
26th June 1940 Quiet
26th June 1940 Visit
27th Jun 1940 Appointment
27th June 1940 Training
28th June 1940 Order
28th June 1940 Positions
29th June 1940 Quiet
30th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
30th June 1940 Quiet
1st July 1940 Quiet
2nd July 1940 Quiet
3rd July 1940 Quiet
4th July 1940 Civilian passes
5th July 1940 Quiet
6th July 1940 On the Move
6th July 1940 Quiet
7th July 1940 Quiet
8th July 1940 Quiet
9th July 1940 Quiet
10th July 1940 Air raid warning.
11th July 1940 Quiet
12th July 1940 Warning
12th July 1940 Quiet
12th July 1940 Orders
13th July 1940 Orders
14th July 1940 Operation Instructions
15th July 1940 Curfew
16th July 1940 Quiet
17th July 1940 Quiet
18th July 1940 Quiet
19th July 1940 Quiet
20th July 1940 Arrivals
21st July 1940 Quiet
22nd July 1940 Weapons
23rd July 1940 Quiet
24th July 1940 Defence
24th July 1940 Warning
25th July 1940 Quiet
26th July 1940 Quiet
27th July 1940 Quiet
28th July 1940 Quiet
29th July 1940 Quiet
30th July 1940 Quiet
31st July 1940 Quiet
1st August 1940 Quiet
2nd August 1940 Quiet
2nd August 1940 Stand To
3rd August 1940 Air raid siren.
4th August 1940 Quiet
5th August 1940 Italians capture a Port
5th August 1940 Quiet
6th August 1940 Exercise
6th August 1940 Intelligence
7th August 1940 Reinforcements
7th August 1940 Alert
7th August 1940 Stand Down
8th August 1940 Quiet
9th August 1940 Quiet
10th August 1940 The Battle for the Tug Argan Pass
10th Aug 1940 On the Move
Universal carriers and cyclists of 6th Battalion, The Black Watch, passing through Haven Street on the Isle of Wight, 10th of August 1940. © IWM (H 2908)
10th Aug 1940 Cyclists
Cycle troops of 6th Battalion, Black Watch, on the Isle of Wight, 10th of August 1940 © IWM (H 2911)
10th August 1940 Quiet
11th August 1940 Quiet
12th Aug 1940 Reinforcements
12th August 1940 Orders
13th Aug 1940 Visit
13th August 1940 Message
14th August 1940 Quiet
15th August 1940 Withdrawal
15th August 1940 Exercise
15th August 1940 Report
16th August 1940 Quiet
17th August 1940 Evacuation
17th August 1940 Quiet
18th August 1940 Quiet
19th August 1940 Withdrawal from Somalia
19th August 1940 Quiet
20th August 1940 Quiet
21st August 1940 Quiet
22nd August 1940 Quiet
23rd August 1940 Quiet
24th August 1940 Quiet
25th August 1940 Message received
26th August 1940 Quiet
27th August 1940 Quiet
28th Aug 1940 Orders
28th August 1940 Quiet
29th August 1940 Quiet
30th Aug 1940 Reliefs
30th August 1940 Quiet
1st Sep 1940 Visit
4th Sep 1940 Training
7th Sep 1940 Alert
9th Sep 1940 Alert
9th Sep 1940 Alert
11th Sep 1940 Preparations
16th Sep 1940 Defences
20th Sep 1940 Restrictions
22nd Sep 1940 Stand to
23rd Sep 1940 Alert
26th Sep 1940 Preparations
27th Sep 1940 Inspection
28th Sep 1940 Inspection
30th Sep 1940 Preparations
9th Oct 1940 Poor Weather
10th Oct 1940 On the Move
10th Oct 1940 On the Move
17th Oct 1940 Advance Party
20th Oct 1940 On the Move
21st Oct 1940 On the Move
24th Oct 1940 Reliefs
29th Oct 1940 In Defence
1st Nov 1940 In Position
4th Nov 1940 Reliefs
10th Nov 1940 Snow
14th Nov 1940 Visit
19th Nov 1940 Ice
21st Nov 1940 Defence & Training
29th November 1940 Postings
30th Nov 1940 Situation
31st Dec 1940 Training
1st Jan 1941 Staff
10th Jan 1941 Orders
17th Jan 1941 Orders
20th Jan 1941 Instructions
24th Jan 1941 Defence
27th Jan 1941 Exercise
31st Jan 1941 Training
6th Feb 1941 Exercise
9th Feb 1941 Enemy Aircraft
14th Feb 1941 Exercise
15th Feb 1941 Conference
17th Feb 1941 Exercise
20th Feb 1941 Improvements
24th Feb 1941 Exercise
28th Feb 1941 Very Windy
1st Mar 1941 Storm Damage
5th Mar 1941 Reliefs
6th Mar 1941 Reliefs
7th Mar 1941 Reliefs Completed
8th Mar 1941 Thaw
10th Mar 1941 Defences
13th Mar 1941 Reorganisation
14th Mar 1941 Defences
18th Mar 1941 Exercise
19th Mar 1941 Exercise
20th May 1941 Landings
20th May 1941 In Action
1st Sep 1941 Training
2nd Sep 1941 Training
3rd Sep 1941 Training
4th Sep 1941 Training
5th Sep 1941 Training
12th May 1942 Training
1st Battalion, The Highland Regiment leap over an obstacle on an assault course, Dundee, 12th of May 1942 © IWM (H 19616)
22nd May 1942 Competition
23rd May 1942 Competition
30th of May 1942 Movement Instruction No. 1.
1st of June 1942 Royal visit
1st Jun 1942 Royal Visit
1st of June 1942 Royal visit
2nd Jun 1942 Exercise
4th Jun 1942 Training
7th of June 1942 Training Instruction No.3
7th of June 1942 Appendix 'A' Block Programme
7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 1 - Appendix 'B'
7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 2 Appendix 'C'
7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 3 Appendix 'D'
7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 4 Appendix 'E'
7th of June 1942 Syllabus No. 5 Appendix 'F'
7th of June 1942 Champion Platoon Competition Appendix 'G'
10th of June 1942 Visit
11th of June 1942 Movement Instruction No: 2
11th of June 1942 Movement Instruction No 2, Appendix "A"
12th of June 1942 Preparations for move
13th of June 1942 Movement Instruction No. 3
13th of June 1942 More preparations
14th of June 1942 Addendum No. 1 to Movement Instruction No. 3
14th of June 1942 Rail Table - Appendix "A"
14th of June 1942 Train Staffs - Appendix "B"
15th of June 1942 Move
16th of June 1942 Embarkation
17th of June 1942 Sailing
18th of June 1942 Arrival on Clyde
19th of June 1942 Sailing
20th of June 1942 Stopover
21st of June 1942 Sailing
21st of June 1942 Sailing on
21st of June 1942 At Sea
22nd of June 1942 Training
1st of July 1942 Stopover
4th of July 1942 In Port
4th of July 1942 At Sea
5th of July 1942 Training
8th of July 1942 At Sea
17th of July 1942 Arrival Cape Town
18th of July 1942 Arrival
19th of July 1942 March
20th of July 1942 March
21st of July 1942 On the Move
21st of July 1942 At sea
21st of July 1942 At Sea
6th of August 1942 Arrival
8th of August 1942 On the Move
13th of August 1942 Disembarkation
14th of August 1942 Settling in
16th of August 1942 Training
17th of August 1942 Training
18th of August 1942 Training
19th of August 1942 Training
20th of August 1942 Training
21st of August 1942 Training
22nd of August 1942 Visit by Churchill
23rd of August 1942 Training
24th of August 1942 Training
25th of August 1942 Move
26th of August 1942 Move
27th of August 1942 Settling in
27th of August 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
28th of August 1942 Move
29th of August 1942 Training
30th of August 1942 Training
30th of August 1942 Field Return of Officers
31st of August 1942 Training
19th of September 1942 Move
21st of September 1942 Exercises
22nd of September 1942 Exercises
23rd of September 1942 Attack exercise
24th of September 1942 Relief
1st of October 1942 Tragic loss
4th of October 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
4th of October 1942 Field Return of Officers
9th of October 1942 Notes
9th of October 1942 1 Black Watch Op Order No 1. Exercise "Rothes"
10th of October 1942 Amendments and Additions to O.O. No. 1 Exercise "Rothes"
11th of October 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
11th of October 1942 Field Return of Officers
13th of October 1942 Move
13th of October 1942 Quiet Period
18th of October 1942 Movement Timetable
18th of October 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
18th of October 1942 Field Return of Officers
18th of October 1942 Movement Order
18th of October 1942 Relief
19th of October 1942 Relief
20th of October 1942 Preparation for attack
20th of October 1942 152nd Brigade Operational Order
20th of October 1942 Gapping and Taping
21st of October 1942 Operation Order No.1
21st of October 1942 Preparation
21st of October 1942 Move to attack
22nd of October 1942 Action
22nd of October 1942 Schedule of Tasks for Evening
23rd Oct 1942 In Action
23rd Oct 1942 Led by the Pipers
23rd of October 1942 Action
23rd of October 1942 In battle
24th Oct 1942 In Action
25th of October 1942 In Position
26th of October 1942 In Action
27th of October 1942 Situation Obscure
27th of October 1942 152nd Brigade Operation Order
27th of October 1942 5 Seaforth Operation Instruction
28th Oct 1942 Barrage
29th of October 1942 Shelling
29th of October 1942 In Action
30th of October 1942 Liaison with Tank Regiment
31st of October 1942 Consolidation
1st Nov 1942 In Action
1st of November 1942 Relief
2nd Nov 1942 In Action
2nd of November 1942 Move
3rd Nov 1942 In Action
3rd of November 1942 Under fire
4th Nov 1942 In Action
4th Nov 1942 Out of Action
4th Nov 1942 Advance
4th of November 1942 Battalion's involvement in El Alamein ends
5th of November 1942 Report
5th of November 1942 Reorganisation
9th of November 1942 Move
10th of November 1942 Reorganisation
11th of November 1942 Inspection
15th of November 1942 Field Return of Officers
16th of November 1942 March
17th of November 1942 March continues
18th of November 1942 New base
19th of November 1942 Stock taking
19th of November 1942 Stocktaking Questionnaire
22nd of November 1942 Field Return of Officers
22nd of November 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
22nd of November 1942 Operational Order No. 11. Appendix B
22nd of November 1942 Instructions
23rd of November 1942 Administrative Situation Report up to 23 Nov 42
24th of November 1942 Additions and Amendments to 42nd O.O. dated 24 Nov 42.
24th of November 1942 Instructions
25th of November 1942 Move
25th of November 1942 Orders
28th of November 1942 Routine
29th of November 1942 Reorganisation
29th of November 1942 Organization
29th of November 1942 Field Return of Officers
30th of November 1942 Preparation for move
1st of December 1942 Move
1st of December 1942 Operation Order No. 12.
1st of December 1942 Orders
1st of December 1942 Orders
1st of December 1942 Orders
2nd of December 1942 Move
5th of December 1942 Work
6th December 1942 Attacked on the move
6th of December 1942 Op Order No. 13 Appendix B
6th of December 1942 Op Order No. 13 Appendix "A" - March Table - 7 Dec 42.
6th of December 1942 Tpt for Move 7 Dec 42 - Appendix C
6th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers
6th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
6th of December 1942 Draft 152 Bde. Operation Instruction No. 1.
7th of December 1942 Recce
7th of December 1942 Patrols
8th of December 1942 Relief
8th of December 1942 Relief
8th of December 1942 Move Order No. 1
9th of December 1942 Shelling
10th of December 1942 O.C. C Coy killed
10th of December 1942 Orders
11th of December 1942 Raid
12th of December 1942 Advance
13th of December 1942 Patrol casualties
13th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers
13th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
13th of December 1942 Move planning
14th of December 1942 Reorganisation
15th of December 1942 Rest
15th of December 1942 Congratulatory messages
15th of December 1942 Orders
15th of December 1942 Divisional Routine Orders
16th of December 1942 Rehearsal
17th of December 1942 Rest
18th of December 1942 Training
18th of December 1942 Training Forecast
18th of December 1942 List of Bn Personnel killed in action and died of wounds
18th of December 1942 Bn HQ Group - Battle Equipment
18th of December 1942 "Battle Duties" - Battalion H.Q. Group
18th of December 1942 Appx M. - Battle Procedure - Bn. HQ Group
19th of December 1942 Exercise
20th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
20th of December 1942 Church parade
20th of December 1942 Field Firing Exercise
20th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers
20th of December 1942 Field Return of Other Ranks
21st of December 1942 Training
21st of December 1942 Appx J - Training Instruction No. 3.
21st of December 1942 Training Programme, 23 Dec - 5 Jan
22nd of December 1942 Training
22nd of December 1942 Christmas Fare
23rd of December 1942 Discussion
24th of December 1942 Eighth Army News
24th of December 1942 Movement Order No 1.
25th of December 1942 Christmas day
25th of December 1942 Message
26th of December 1942 Changes in personnel
26th of December 1942 Field Return of Other ranks
27th of December 1942 Move
27th of December 1942 March Table Appendix 'A' Movement Order No 1.
27th of December 1942 Field Return of Officers
28th of December 1942 Training
30th of December 1942 Move
30th of December 1942 Training Schedule
31st of December 1942 Training
16th Jan 1943 Advance
17th Jan 1943 On the Move
31st Jan 1943 Recomendation
5th Feb 1943 Inspection
18th Feb 1943 Arrival
24th Feb 1943 Advance
26th Feb 1943 Patrols
6th Mar 1943 In Action
16th Mar 1943 In Action
17th Mar 1943 Patrols
18th Mar 1943 Patrols
20th Mar 1943 Shelling
24th Mar 1943 Advance
25th Mar 1943 Moves
29th Mar 1943 Advance
3rd Apr 1943 Reliefs
6th Apr 1943 Attack Made
6th Apr 1943 In Action
7th Apr 1943 Prisoners
9th Apr 1943 On the Move
10th Apr 1943 In Action
11th Apr 1943 Orders
12th Apr 1943 Counter Attack
13th Apr 1943 Rumours
19th Apr 1943 In Action
5th May 1943 In Action
9th Jul 1943 In Action
29th Jul 1943 In Action
17th Jan 1944 Exercise
18th Jan 1944 Exercise
19th Jan 1944 Exercise
Feb 1944 Chindit force preparations In early February 1944 preparations began for the 2nd Chindit Expedition. The Special Force or 3rd Indian Division as it was known consisted of the following units, which were split into Columns.3rd West African Brigade and 14th Brigade
- 6th Btn. Nigeria Regiment. (Columns 66 & 39)
- 2nd Btn. Black Watch (Columns 42 & 73)
- 7th Btn Nigeria Regiment (Columns 29 & 35)
- 1st Btn. Beds & Herts Regiment (Columns 16 & 61)
- 12th Btn. Nigeria Regt (Columns 12 & 43)
- 2nd Btn. York & Lancaster Regiment (Columns 84 & 65)
- 7th Btn Leicestershire Regiment (Columns 47 & 74)
- 54th Field Company, Royal Engineers
77 Brigade and 111 Brigade
- 3rd Btn. 6th Gurkha Rifles (Columns 36 & 63)
- 1st Btn. Cameronians (Columns 26 & 90)
- 1st Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment (Columns 81 & 82)
- 2nd Btn. Kings Own Royal (Lancaster) Regiment (Columns 41 & 46)
- 1st Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (Columns 20 & 50)
- 3rd Btn. 4th Gurkha Rifles (Column 30)
- 1st Btn. South Staffordshire Regiment (Columns 38 & 80)
- 3rd Btn. 9th Gurkha Rifles (Columns 57 & 93)
23rd Indian Infantry Brigade
- 1st Btn. Essex Regiment (Columns 44 & 56)
- 2nd Btn. Duke of Wellington's Regiment (Columns 33 & 76)
- 4th Btn. Border Regiment (Columns 34, 55)
- 60th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, deployed as infantry, (Columns 60 & 68)
- 12th Field Company, Royal Engineers
16th Brigade Morris Force
- 1st Btn. Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment (Columns 21 & 22)
- 4th Btn. 9th Gurkha Rifles (Columns 49 & 94)
- 2nd Btn. Leicestershire Regiment (Columns 17 & 71)
- 3rd Btn. 4th Gurkha Rifles (Column 30)
- 45th Recce Regiment (Columns 45 & 54)
- 51st and 69th Field Regiments, Royal Artillery, deployed as infantry (Columns 51 & 69)
- 2nd Field Company, Royal Engineers
Dah Force
- Kachin Levies
Stronghold Defences
- R S & U Troop 160th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery (25 Pounders)
- W X Y & Z Troops 69th Light Anti Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery (Bofors)
Divisional Troops
- 219th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers
- Detachment 2nd Burma Rifles
- 145th Brigade Company, R.A.S.C.
- 61st Air Supply Company, R.A.S.C.
- 2nd Indian Air Supply Company, R.I.A.S.C.
24th Mar 1944 On the March
27th of March 1944 Plan
28th March 1944 Instructions
31st March 1944 On the Move
1st April 1944 Advance Party
2nd April 1944 Rest
3rd April 1944 Arrivals
4th April 1944 Preparations
5th April 1944 On the Move
5th April 1944 Orders
6th April 1944 Billets
7th April 1944 Training
8th April 1944 Conference
9th April 1944 Divine Service
10th April 1944 Training
10th April 1944 Patrols
10th April 1944 Exercise
10th April 1944 Exercise
11th April 1944 Training
12th April 1944 Training
13th April 1944 Training
14th April 1944 Exercise
15th April 1944 Reinforcements
15th April 1944 Street Fighting
16th April 1944 Snipers
17th April1944 Training
17th April1944 Transport Orders
18th April 1944 Dispute
19th April 1944 Training
20th April1944 Training
20th of April 1944 Move
21st April 1944 Preparations
21st April 1944 Exercise
21st of April 1944 Change of Plan
22nd April 1944 Exercise
22nd April 1944 Orders
23rd April 1944 Exercise
23rd April 1944 Exercise Notes
23rd of April 1944 Move
24th April 1944 154th Brigade Instructions
24th of April 1944 Orders Recieved
25th April 1944 Exercise
25th of April 1944 Intelligence Log - Appendix 'B'
28th April 1944 Planning
29th April 1944 Preparations
30th April 1944 Preparations
1st of May 1944 Report
6th May 1944 Orders
10th May 1944 Evacuation
12th May 1944 Move Forward
13th May 1944 River Crossed
14th May 1944 In Action
17th May 1944 In Action
18th May 1944 Orders
26th of May 1944 Reinforcement
27th of May 1944 Maintain position
6th Jun 1944 Wet Landing
7th Jun 1944 On the Move
7th Jun 1944 In Action
7th Jun 1944 Misunderstanding
8th Jun 1944 Radar Station
8th Jun 1944
8th Jun 1944 Under Fire
8th Jun 1944 Shelling
8th Jun 1944 Radar Station
8th Jun 1944 Advance
9th Jun 1944 Recce
9th Jun 1944 Reliefs
10th Jun 1944 Attacks
10th Jun 1944 Recce
10th Jun 1944 Attacks
10th Jun 1944 In Action
11th Jun 1944 Attack Fails
11th Jun 1944 In Action
11th Jun 1944 Attack Made
11th June 1944 In Action
12th Jun 1944 In Action
12th of June 1944 In Action
12th Jun 1944 Under Fire
12th Jun 1944 In Support
12th Jun 1944 Attack
13th Jun 1944 Relief Complete
14th Jun 1944 Reinforcements
15th Jun 1944 Reinforcements
26th Jun 1944 In Action
27th Jun 1944 Heavy Fighting
28th Jun 1944 Attacks
28th Jun 1944 Attack Made
29th Jun 1944 Friendly Fire
1st Jul 1944 Conference
1st Jul 1944 Attack Made
1st Jul 1944 Hard Fighting
11th Jul 1944 In Action
12th Jul 1944 Rest
18th July 1944 In Action
7th Aug 1944 In Action
16th August 1944 Reorganisation
21st Aug 1944 Reinforcements
26th August 1944 Drafts
27th August 1944 Transport
6th Oct 1944 Recce
7th Oct 1944 Reliefs
16th Oct 1944 Enemy Positions Targetted
23rd Oct 1944 Attack Made
29th Oct 1944 Attack
23rd March 1945 Crossing the Rhine
3rd May 1945 OrdersIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Alger James Alfred.
- Allan Donald J.. Pte.
- Anderson James. Pte.
- Austin William.
- Bage Thomas Philip Fisher. Pte.
- Baggs Charles Herbert. CSM
- Baines John William. Pte. (d.6th Apr 1943)
- Ball George.
- Barnett Louis Jack.
- Barty John. Pte. (d.9th May 1940)
- Barty Thomas Rooney. Pte (d.23 October 1942)
- Beattie James Francis. Pte.
- Bell Edward Lloyd.
- Black James N.. Pte. (d.24th June 1940)
- Blacker Leslie. Cpl. (d.18th Mar 1943)
- Blackmore Frank. Pte. (d.7th April 1943 )
- Blake George Albert. Pte. (d.25th June 1944)
- Bowden William Leonard.
- Brace Frederick James.
- Braysford S. Fus.
- Brett Thomas Patrick. Cpl.
- Bricknal Dan. Pte.
- Brown Leonard.
- Brydon George Young. Pte.
- Brydon George Young. Pte.
- Bullock John Joseph Lowdon . Cpl.
- Cairns Walter. L/Cpl. (d.20th May 1940)
- Cameron James McGarry. Sgt.Maj.
- Cameron James MacCowan.
- Clark James Gavin.
- Clark Jimmy.
- Cohen Isadore .
- Colville David. Pte. (d.26th Jul 1943)
- Cooper Robert.
- Corden JC.
- Coyle George Mitchell. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1940)
- Crabb John Wilson. Pte.
- Crofts Jim.
- Cruickshank Robert .
- Cumming James Hamilton. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- Cunliffe Jack. Pte. (d.9th July 1944)
- Dalby Harry.
- Dalby Harry. Pte.
- Dalby Harry.
- Davidson David.
- Davies Evan. (d.11th July 1944)
- Dean James Henry. Pte.
- Denholm David. L/Cpl. (d.8th May 1944)
- Devlin James McCard.
- Draine James. L/Cpl. (d.23rd March 1945)
- Duncan Robert Fraser. Pte (d.31st October 1944)
- Duncan Samuel Campbell. Pte. (d.28th October 1942)
- Durie John Kilgour. Pte.
- Dutton Thomas Charles. Pte.
- Farmer Kenneth John. L/Cpl. (d.25th Oct 1944)
- Fenton David. Sgt.
- Ferguson John. (d.25th July 1944)
- Findlay James Wilson. L/Cpl. (d.28th May 1940)
- Forbes Edward. Pte.
- Forrester Andrew Paterson. Pte.
- Fraser MID Roderick John. Cpl
- Freeman Arthur Charles. Pte. (d.22nd Nov 1944)
- Furlong William. Pte. (d.20th May 1940)
- Gardner Douglas Henry. Cpl.
- Geraghty Hugh Michael. Sergeant
- Gibson Norman. Pte.
- Gillen Louis. Pte.
- Gillen Louis. Pte.
- Gillender David. Pte (d.23rd/24th October 1942)
- Graham DHJ.
- Grant Ernest Gavin. Pte.
- Gray Alexander. Pte. (d.7th Apr 1943)
- Gray John. W/O
- Greenwood Harry. Pte. (d.25th June 1944)
- Hamilton Robert Brewster. Pte.
- Hands William James. Sgt.
- Handy B.
- Harrison Norman.
- Harvey Robert Henry. 2nd Lt. (d.5th Dec 1941)
- Hawkes Ernest Hubert. Cpl.
- Healey Dennis. Pte. (d.24th October 1942)
- Henderson Peter. Pte.
- Higgins John Crawford. (d.21st May 1940)
- Hill Andrew Steele. Pte.
- Hoey James. Pte.
- Hopper James Henry. Pte. (d.8th August 1944)
- Hulls Thomas Herbert. Cpl.
- Hunter Henry. L/Cpl. (d.11th June 1940)
- Hutchison Andrew Dalgetty. Pte.
- Hyams Sydney. Pte. (d.23th October 1944)
- Inglis James Thomas. Pte.
- Innes Douglas Lloyd.
- Jalsevac John.
- Jamfrey John Lumsden. L/Cpl. (d.25th May 1945)
- Jennings Albert. Gnr.
- Johnson David H.. Pte.
- Johnson Harold William Frederick. L/Cpl.
- Keen Augustus. Sgt.
- Kelly Joseph. Pte.
- Kemp Roland. Sgt.
- Kinross John. Pte.
- Kirk Robert Gourdie. Pte.
- Kirkwood J.
- Laing Newton Phillips. Pte.
- Laker RE.
- Lee GM. George. Sgt.
- Lias Douglas Robert. Pte.
- Lindsay James. Pte.
- Lindsley Herbert. Pte.
- Lynch James Patrick .
- Lynch John. Pte. (d.28th May 1940)
- Macfarlane Duncan. L/Cpl. (d.13th Oct 1943)
- Macready Donald Henderson. Pte (d.23rd April 1945)
- Mallins BA.
- Malloch William John. Pte.
- Manto Herman Carl.
- Marr MBE. Hendry. WO2.
- Marr MBE. Henry. CSM.
- Marriott William H.. L/Cpl.
- Martin Gilbert James. Pte. (d.18th May 1941)
- McArthur William Duncan.
- McArthur William Duncan.
- McConnell John. Pte. (d.2nd Jul 1944)
- McGowan Thomas. Sgt.
- McGurk Charles. Pte. (d.10th to 13th June 1940)
- McIntyre John Stirling. Pte. (d.31st Jan 1941)
- McKenzie Donald. Pte.
- McLaughlan Duncan. Cpl. (d.24th May 1940)
- McLuskie John Jamie. Pte.
- McMurdo James. Pte. (d.12th June 1944)
- McNamee Donald. Pte.
- McNulty James.
- Melvin Martin. Pte. (d.7th April 1943)
- Methven John Ross.
- Mitchell T..
- Mooney John. Pte. (d.16th Apr 1945)
- Moore Peter Havers.
- Morrell Bernard Dolan. Pte.
- Mudie Albert Crawford. L/Cpl. (d.13th May 1940 )
- Murphy Laurence. Pte. (d.14th May 1944)
- Murphy Sean John. Gnr.
- Naylor Gilbert Richard. Pte.
- New William Henry . Pte. (d.19th July 1943)
- Nichol Thomas Henry. Pte.
- Nicol RDW.
- Nicolle Roy John. Pte.
- Nisbet Andrew. Pte.
- O'Neill Gilroy. CSM.
- Palmer Benjamin R. Sgt.
- Parker Richard. Pte. (d.13th Dec 1942)
- Paterson Alexander Barbour. Pte. (d.16th October 1942)
- Peddie Williamson.
- Pickup Lewellyn Beaumont. Pte. (d.22nd May 1940)
- Pollard John Edward. Pte. (d.3rd Aug 1944)
- Powrie Ernest Peter. Pte. (d.26th March 1945)
- Pratt John Leslie. Pte (d.3rd July 1944)
- Randall MBE. Harry. Sgt.
- Rees William Llewellyn. Pte
- Reeves Edward William . Pte (d.15th Apr 1945)
- Reid Robert Wark. Pte.
- Reilly John J.. L/Cpl. (d.21st February 1944)
- Robinson Douglas Graham. Pte. (d.8th Aug 1944)
- Rodgers Francis. Pte.
- Ross Richard. Pte
- Routledge Phillip Cameron. WO.
- Rowan-Hamilton MC Angus David. Lt-Col.
- Ryan Gerald J.. Cpl. (d.22nd Jul 1944)
- Saunders John Thomas. L/Cpl. (d.21st July 1944)
- Savelli Vilmo. Pte. (d.26th October 1944)
- Savill Arthur James Stanley .
- Sellar WW.
- Sellars George Henry. Pte.
- Shann Cliff. Lt.
- Sharp MM. James Low. Cpl.
- Sheard George. Sgt.
- Sloan John. Pte. (d.22nd-23rd October 1942)
- Smith Thomas Parker. Pte.
- Smith WJ.
- Spragg Donald Leonard. Pte.
- Standage Walter Flanders. Pte.
- Stanners William Horace James. Cpl
- Stewart James Clark. Sgt .
- Stewart MID. William Sangster. Lt.
- Stockton Thomas. Pte.
- Sweeney J.
- Symons John. Pte. (d.19th March 1944)
- Taylor Leonard James. RSM.
- Thomas Wilfred.
- Thompson Andrew Mitchell. Pte.
- Thompson W. Robert. Pte.
- Thomson David Andrew Graham. 2Lt. (d.28th May 1940)
- Todd Ian Menzies. Lt.
- Todd Ian Menzies. Lt.
- Urquhart George Blair. Capt.(Chapl).
- Waddell George. Pte. (d.27th Mar 1945 )
- Wakefield Philip Clive. Private (d.13 Nov 1944)
- Walker David. Pte.
- Walton William.
- Watson MM David. Sgt.
- Watson James. Pte. (d.9th Apr 1945)
- White David. Pte.
- White Denis. Cpl. (d.19th Oct 1944)
- White L.
- Whitwell .
- Whyte Charles.
- Wigg Frederick. Pte. (d.15th July 1944)
- Wilson Thomas. Sgt.
- Yeomans Raymond Arthur. L/Cpl. (d.24th March 1945)
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) from other sources.
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Want to know more about Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)?
There are:2095 items tagged Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
L White Black Watch
L White served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
J Sweeney Black Watch
J Sweeney served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
WJ Smith 12th Lancers
WJ Smith served with the 12th Lancers British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
WW Sellar Black Watch
WW Sellar served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
RDW Nicol Black Watch
RDW Nicol served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
BA Mallins Black Watch
BA Mallins served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
RE Laker Black Watch
RE Laker served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
J Kirkwood Black Watch
J Kirkwood served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
B Handy Black Watch
B Handy served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
DHJ Graham Black Watch
DHJ Graham served with the Black Watch British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.
Recomended Reading.
Available at discounted prices.
Black Watch: Liberating Europe and Catching Himmler - My Extraordinary WW2 with the Highland DivisionTom Renouf
As a 19-year old Black Watch conscript Tom Renouf's war began with some of the most vicious fighting of the conflict - against Himmler's fanatical 'Hitler Youth' SS Division. It ended with the capture of Himmler himself and Tom taking a trophy he still treasures - the Gestapo commander's watch. Seriously wounded and later decorated with a Military Medal for gallantry, Tom Renouf witnessed the death and maiming of countless of his teenage comrades and saw the survivors transformed into grizzled veterans. Tom Renouf draws on his own personal experiences - as well as his unique archive of interviews with veterans amassed over twenty years as secretary of the 51st Highland Division Veterans' Association - to paint a vivid picture of the Battle of Normandy, the liberation of Holland, the Battle of the Bulge and many more memorable WW2 events.More information on:
Black Watch: Liberating Europe and Catching Himmler - My Extraordinary WW2 with the Highland Division
To War with the Black WatchGian Gaspare Napolitano
First published in an Italian-language anti-fascist newspaper in Switerland in 1944, this remarkable book tells the story of Lieutenant Pinto, appointed Italian liaison officer to the Scottish Black Watch. Based on the author's own experiences as a Black Watch liaison officer, "To War with the Black Watch" is a sharp, witty and moving insight into Scots-Italian relations in the latter part of the Second World War.More information on:
To War with the Black Watch
Black Watch: Liberating Europe and catching Himmler - my extraordinary WW2 with the Highland DivisionDr. Tom Renouf
'Triumphant . . . A remarkable wartime story' --Tim Newark, FINANCIAL TIMES --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Book Description * A personal story of the Second World War brought to life against the backdrop of the Black Watch - Scotland's best-known regimentMore information on:
Black Watch: Liberating Europe and catching Himmler - my extraordinary WW2 with the Highland Division
The free section of the Wartime Memories Project website is run by volunteers. We have been helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items.
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