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Those known to have served with
Royal Engineers
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Adams John Henry. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Adams William. Spr. (d.18th Sep 1942)
- Adams Willliam George. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Adkin Gordon Charles. Spr.
- Airey Cyril. S/Sgt
- Alcock Harold. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Aldom Colin Henry James. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Aldred Arthur Vernon. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Andrew John. Spr.
- Andrew John. Pte.
- Andrew John. Pte.
- Andrews John Henry. Pte.
- Aplin Harold Frederick. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Appleby Joseph Henry.
- Armstrong John Michael. Sgt.
- Ashen Charles Samuel Frank. Sgt. (d.16th Dec 1945)
- Atkins Joseph.
- Atkins Percy Frank. Sgt.
- Atkinson Ralph.
- Auerbach Sam.
- Auerbach Sam.
- Axford Henry Edward. Dvr. (d.4th Feb 1943)
- Axford Henry Edward. Dvr. (d.4th Feb 1943)
- Ayears Horace Ernest. Cpl. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Baker Albert Sydney. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Baker Harry Jack. L/Cpl.
- Baldwin Ernest Reginald. Sgt.
- Baldwin Joseph Theodore. Drvr.
- Bancroft George Clifford. WO1.
- Banham Eric. Sap.
- Banks Ernest Cowburn. Spr.
- Barham Sidney Cyril. Spr. (d.1st January 1945)
- Barnard Kenneth Lawrence . Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Barnes EE.
- Barron William Blyth. WO.
- Barron Willliam Frederick . Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Barrow James McFarlane. Spr. (d.12th Mar 1943)
- Barton Frederick William. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Bean John Hardy. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Beasley Norman. Dvr.
- Bedford Eric. L/Cpl.
- Bedwin John Alfred. CSM
- Begley Samuel Frank. Spr.
- Belcham Douglas Francis. Maj. (d.2nd Dec 1945)
- Bell Kenneth Middleton.
- Berry Charles Bertram. L/Cpl. (d.12th Apr 1945)
- Besant CG.
- Bestel Jean. Spr.
- Bettridge Alfred.
- Biggs H.. Pte.
- Bird Alexander. Spr. (d.21st Jul 1944)
- Bird Alfred. Spr.
- Bird Charles Edward. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Bird Lawrence William. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Blakely Robert. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Blaney Arthur. Cpl. (d.1st June 1940)
- Bonham George Francis. L/Cpl. (d.10th Aug 1944)
- Botcher Leslie J. S.. Cpl.
- Bourne Eric Henry. L/Cpl.
- Boyden Walter Albert. Pte.
- Branson Fred.
- Bray Lew P.. Sapper
- Brind Lorraine Ernest Walter. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Brooke John William. Spr.
- Brougham Andrew. Spr. (d.3rd April 1945)
- Brown Dixon. L/Cpl. (d.6th Jun 1944)
- Brown Herbert. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Bruce William. Sgt. (d.11th Mar 1943)
- Buck James. Spr. (d.31st Jul 1943)
- Buckley Albert Charles. Sapper
- Buckley Harry Hall. Mjr.
- Bunton David Anthony. Spr.
- Burchill Herbert. Major
- Butler TF.
- Bygrave Albert Turner. Spr.
- Byrne RC.
- Cambers Bernard Charles. Spr. (d.17th Oct 1940)
- Cambers Bernard Charles. Spr. (d.19th Oct 1939)
- Cameron John. Pte.
- Cannel Horace Frederick. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Capp Alan. Cpl.
- Carey John.
- Carpenter Horrie George Stanley. Dvr.
- Casburn Frederick William Stephen. L/Sgt.
- Cawte Harry. L/Cpl.
- Chalmers Charles. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Chandler Charles Gordon J.. Spr.
- Chandler George. Spr. (d.4th March 1945)
- Chapman Ted. WO11 CSM (d.31st May 1940)
- Chapmen George. Spr.
- Cheesman Walter. Spr.
- Chicken William Horace . Spr
- Clay Eric Victor. Spr. (d.18th June 1944)
- Clayton Richard. Spr. (d.27th January 1945)
- Cleave Ronald Keith. Spr.
- Clouston John William. Cpl. (d.17th June 1944)
- Cock Alfred John George.
- Colclough Harry. Dvr. (d.26th Sep 1944)
- Collett Leslie. L/Sgt.
- Collinson Roger. Spr.
- Collis George.
- Collison Frederick Henry Stephen. Cpl. (d.16th Feb 1942)
- Colquitt James Richard. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Connolly John James. Pte
- Connon Ernest Arthur. L/Cpl.
- Cook Walter.
- Copping James. Drv.
- Copsey Frederick. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Coster Harry. Dvr.
- Coulter Jim.
- Cour Arthur. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Cowin Percy. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Cracknell Harold. Spr. (d.17th June 1940)
- Cresswell EC.
- Cross Raymond James. Cpl.
- Cullen William Thomas. SSM.
- Curtis Joseph Charles. Pte.
- Daglish Edward Graham. Spr. (d.6th Jun 1944)
- Dangerfield CC.
- Daniels Dennis Eli. Spr.
- Davidson Donald. Spr. (d.25th Nov 1942)
- Davidson Sydney Herbert. Cpl.
- Davies A. D.. Pte.
- Davies Eric. Cpl.
- Deadman Victor William Thomas. Dvr.
- Delaney James. Sapr. (d.4th March 1942)
- Derrick Alfred Alexander. L/Cpl. (d.17th June 1940)
- Dey Robert Louvain. Private
- Dhillon Chanan Singh.
- Diver William. Spr.
- Dobson William George. Spr.
- Dolman Daniel. Spr. (d.7th April 1945)
- Downes Thomas Stanley. Cpl.
- Drew Richard James. Spr.
- Drury George. Spr.
- Duffy J.
- Duffy Joseph. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Duffy Patrick.
- Dugan Walter. Spr. (d.6th February 1944)
- Dunn J.
- Duquemin Cyril. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Durrant Donald George. L/Cpl.
- Durrant Thomas Frank. Sgt. (d.28th March 1942)
- Dyer Jack Edward. RQMS.
- Easton Ronald. Spr.
- Eastwood .
- Ecclestone James Henry. Mjr.
- Ely John. Dvr.
- Emptage Gerald W.. Spr.
- Engleback Henry Raymond. Spr. (d.10th May 1943)
- Evans Evan Arthen. Spr. (d.6th January 1943)
- Evans Willliam Henry. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Farline Francis Robert. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Farr AJ.
- Fellows Denys. Spr.
- Felmingham Edward George. Dvr. (d.1st January 1945)
- Fenneli .
- Ferguson Stewart. Spr. (d.2nd Dec 1940)
- Fidler Jack. Sapr.
- Fielon Richard Samuel.
- Filmer Albert William. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Filmer Albert William. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Fisher Clifford Bernard. Sapper
- Fisher Tom Mathew. Spr.
- Fitch Stanley Lashwood. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Fitzgerald George Henry. Sgt
- Flemming George. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Foley George. Spr
- Ford William S.. Spr.
- Frame Alexander.
- Fraser John. Spr.
- Freeman Edward W.. 2nd Lt.
- Gale Arthur Herbert. Spr.
- Gallager .
- Gallon Sidney. Stvd3.
- Galloway John. Spr.
- Garnett Alfred Miles. Lt.Col.
- Geldard John. Lt. (d.13th February 1944)
- Gibbs Leonard. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Gilbert Alexander George. Sergeant
- Glasgow Cyril Walter. Sgt.Maj.
- Glen James. Spr. (d.13th Sep 1945)
- Godwin Russ.
- Goudy Francis Gerard. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Grainger Frederick George. Sapper (d.21st Jun 1940)
- Grantham Albert William. Sgt.
- Gray Alfred James. L/Cpl.
- Gray George Henry. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Green William. Dvr.
- Green William.
- Greenhill Albert. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Gregory Bernard. Spr.
- Gregory John Walton. WO.
- Grevatt Phillip Henty. Maj.
- Griffin Montague Raymond. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Griffith Alban Gladstone. 2nd/Lt. (d.6th August 1941)
- Griffiths Griffith Robert. Spr.
- Griffiths Thomas. Spr.
- Hackney Joseph Bate.
- Haigh Willliam Alfred. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hall Walter Victor. Mjr.
- Hall Walter. Spr.
- Hamilton LD.
- Hamper Thomas George. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hancox George Roland. L/Sgt. (d.17th April 1945)
- Hanlon Hugh. Spr.
- Hannaby Howard. Cpl
- Hardcastle Albert. Spr.
- Harding John. Sgt.
- Hardman A.
- Harman Eric. Lt.Col. (d.26th December 1943)
- Harris E.. Spr.
- Hart .
- Hart Albert. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hart Colin. Spr. (d.23rd Jul 1943)
- Hart Silvester Benjamin. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hay George Edward. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hayto George Arthur. Spr. (d.6th Jun 1944)
- Hayward Willliam Edward. 2nd.Lt. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hazeldine A.
- Heath Michael Godfrey. Mjr. (d.20th February 1944)
- Heathcote JA.
- Hennah John Charles. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Herkes James. Dvr. (d.22nd Jun 1944)
- Heron Charles. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Herschel Stan.
- Heveldt Andrew John.
- Hibberd EC.
- Hill T.
- Hillis John. Sgt. (d.29th Jun 1942)
- Hillman R.
- Hillyard Fredrick John. L/Sgt. (d.19th August 1944)
- Hind J.
- Hines Gordon Leslie. Cpl.
- Hirst James Richard. Pte.
- Hirst Walter . Spr.
- Hirt Harry.
- Hiscock Norman Harry. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Hoddinott John George Percival. Spr.
- Hodkinson George Sydney. L/Cpl.
- Hole Alfred. Pte.
- Holliday Albert. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Holt Benjamin. Spr
- Hood John. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Horton John Eden. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Houghton John Henry George .
- Howard John Denis. Spr.
- Howard Thomas. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Howell Ivor George Arthur. Spr.
- Hoyle RW .
- Hudson James. Spr. (d.26th Oct 1942)
- Huff Horace. Cpl.
- Hughes Henry Charles. Spr.
- Hughes Thomas Vernon. Spr.
- Humphries Clement Albert. Cpl.
- Hunt Henry. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Huntley Charles Henry. L/Cpl.
- Hurd Robert. Spr. (d.31st Mar 1943)
- Hutchinson Douglas Victory. Col.
- Ingham Arthur. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Inglis Albert. Pte.
- Inkpen Frederick Ernest. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Ireton Henry Arthur. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Irvine Thomas. Spr. (d.24th Feb 1944)
- Jackaman Harry Sydney. Spr.
- Jackaman Harry Sydney. Spr.
- Jacklin William. Dvr. (d.14th Nov 1943)
- Jackson Frank William. L/Cpl. (d.24th Sep 1943)
- Jacobs Albert William. Pte.
- Jacobs Joseph.
- Jacobs Paul Daniel.
- James Robert Cecil. Spr.
- Jamieson George Cowe. Spr.
- John Tudor Llewellyn. Spr.
- Johnson Frederick Thomas. Spr.
- Johnson Robert. Dvr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Johnstone James Reith. Spr.
- Jones .
- Jones John.
- Jones Richard Wyndham.
- Jones William Herbert Dudley. Sapper
- Jones William John.
- Jordan H.
- Jordan Thomas Eli. L/Cpl.
- Judge Arthur. Spr. (d.20th Jul 1940)
- Kear Osman William Henry.
- Kellingley Raymond Charles. Lt.
- Kellum Eric Harry. 2Lt.
- Kelly Edward Patrick. L/Cpl. (d.16th March 1944)
- Kelly John. Sap.
- Kelly John. Spr. (d.20th Feb 1944)
- Kelly William. 2Lt.
- Kendrick CP.
- Kershaw William Bowen. Spr.
- Kidd GC.
- Kill Alfred. CQMS.
- Kimber Francis Thomas. Spr.
- Kinder Robert.
- Kindred John. Spr.
- King James. Spr.
- Kingsman George Richard. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Kinsella G.
- Kirk George Robert Wilfred.
- Kirk Robert. Spr. (d.31st October 1944)
- Kirkman William. Spr.
- Knapman Arthur George. S Sgt (d.18th Jun 1942)
- Laidler Richard Henry. Sgt. (d.29th May 1940)
- Lambert Gordon.
- Lancaster William Edgar. WO2.
- Larke Edgar Robert . Sgt Major
- Larsen William Glen. Sgt.
- Latreille Reginald Frank. Spr.
- Laxton Joe Spiceland. Spr.
- Lay Robert Henry. RSM.
- Lea Sydney. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Lea Sydney. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Lee Edward William. Spr
- Leech E.
- Legg PJ.
- Lewis Granville Raeburn. Spr.
- Lewis Horace. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Lloyd John. Dvr.
- Locke Elwyn Charles. Spr.
- Lodge SJ .
- Logan Bill. Sapper
- Longston John. Cpl.
- Lovelady Bill.
- Lowrie .
- Lowrie .
- Maclaren Frederick William. CSM.
- Maguire Thomas. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Mahoney Henry James. Pte.
- Mahoney Thomas. Spr.
- Marchant Ronald James. Spr.
- Maris Ernest. Sapper
- Marriott Arthur. Sapper (d.1945)
- Marriott William Francis. Cpl.
- Marsh Jack Nigel.
- Martin Henry Robert. L/Cpl.
- Martindale Thomas. Spr.
- Mason David Reuben. Pte.
- Mason Thomas. Cpl.
- Masson Andrew. Pte.
- May George William .
- Mayer Harold Samuel . Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Mayor George W.A.. Spr. (d.5th June 1945)
- McCann John. Spr. (d.27th Dec 1944)
- McCarthy Thomas. Spr.
- McCarthy Thomas.
- McGinlay James. Spr.
- McGuigan Charles. Cpl. (d.3rd November 1943)
- McIntyre Archibald Burgess . Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Michell Douglas Herbert . Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Middleton Arthur Robert. Pte.
- Miller Moss. L/Cpl.
- Milligan Jack. Pte.
- Milligan Thomas. Cpl.
- Millington Robert. L/Cpl.
- Mills William. Dvr. (d.13th June 1944)
- Minott Ewart William. Spr. (d.22nd Nov 1945)
- Mitchell Leslie Herbert. Spr.
- Moodie Robert John. Spr.
- Moore Edwin Thomas George. Cpl.
- Moore Stan.
- Moriaty Peter Conway.
- Morrison William Landskroon. Mjr.
- Mouzer George William. Spr. (d.11th April 1945)
- Mullin Thomas. Spr.
- Murland J. R.W.. Lt.Col.
- Murray James Strachan. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Napier Charles. LAC.
- Needs William G..
- Nelson Arthur. Spr. (d.9th June 1944)
- Nesfield Stanley Hedley. Spr.
- Newell Sidney. Spr. (d.13th June 1945 )
- Newport Richard. Pte.
- Newton Dennis Harvey. Sgt.
- Nichol William Blyth. Spr. (d.25th Apr 1944)
- Niven AD.
- Northeast Jesse William Charles. L/Cpl.
- Northway William Charles. Spr.
- Nother James Edwin. Spr.
- O'Connor John. Spr. (d.4th Nov 1942)
- O'Hara Hugh.
- Oldham .
- Oneill MJ.
- Oppenheimer E.. Spr. (d.25th May 1946)
- Orchard George William. Spr. (d.25th Aug 1943)
- Orme Thomas. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Ormston James. Spr. (d.22nd Feb 1943)
- Orton Frank. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Page Phillip William. Sgt.
- Parker Alf. Pte.
- Parker Glyn James.
- Parton John Henry. Dvr.
- Paterson William Orr. Dvr.
- Pattle Charles Edward. Pte.
- Pearson Rex. Spr.
- Pearson Richard . Spr. (d. )
- Perdik Constantine. Spr. (d.25th Aug 1942)
- Peters James Joseph . Spr.
- Pettifer Stanley. Private
- Peverell Albert Stanley. Spr.
- Peverett Ronald Ernest. Spr.
- Phillips Stanley.
- Piper Arthur Victor. Lt.
- Piper Jack Albert. Gnr.
- Pitcher Joseph. L/Cpl (d.17 June 1940)
- Pitchford Steve. Spr
- Playford A.
- Pond Ralph Frederick. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Potter John Edward. Dvr.
- Poulter Leonard.
- Power Robert Henry. Dvr.
- Pratt Frank. Spr. (d.22nd Mar 1943)
- Prince William Henry. Spr.
- Proffitt William John. Spr.
- Pyne Henry George. Brig. (d.26th Dec 1945)
- Ramsay Albert Marshall. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Rastall Frederick Charles. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Ratcuffe H.
- Read Frederick Charles. RSM
- Reavley William Hemsley. Spr. (d.14th Apr 1941)
- Redfern John. Spr. (d.31st May 1940)
- Redman Gordon. Spr.
- Reed Charlie. Spr.
- Rees Glyndwr Howell. Cpl.
- Reeve Charles. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Renicks Samuel. Spr. (d.7th Jan 1943)
- Richardson Geoffrey. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Richmond Herbert Oliffe. Lt.
- Rishman Percy Charles. Sapper (d.11th Jan 1941)
- Rishman Percy Charles. Spr. (d.11th Jan 1941)
- Rivans Victor. Spr.
- Roberts Roy Clarence. Sgt.
- Robertson William.
- Robinson David. Pte
- Robinson LA.
- Robinson Robert Edward. Sapper (d.23rd April 1941)
- Robinson Walter.
- Rodgers Desmond Cyril. Spr
- Rose Robert. Cpl.
- Rowe James William Stanley. L/Cpl.
- Rowe Reginald Clifford. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Russell Dennis Percy. Spr/Drvr.
- Rymell George William. Spr. (d.24th Apr 1943)
- Sadler John. Spr. (d.30th March 1944)
- Scott James Davidson. Spr. (d.7th Aug 1940)
- Scott Peter Ewart. Capt.
- Sedgwick . Sapper
- Selleck Leonard Victor. Spr.
- Semmence Henry. Cpl
- Shadwell William Edward. Spr.
- Shannon Willliam John. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Sharkey William Quinn. Serjeant (d.24th April 1945)
- Sharp .
- Shaw Victor. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Sheard Roy D.. Spr. (d.24th July 1945)
- Sheldon .
- Shirley Stanley Douglas. Spr.
- Short .
- Shufflebotham Gordon James. Pte.
- Silver Ronald Arthur. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Silvey George Albert. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Simons Frederick A..
- Simpson David Cooper. Corporal (d.5th Jul 1941)
- Sion Gabriel. Spr. (d.9th Apr 1946)
- Skelton Victor.
- Slade Alban Courtis. Sgt. (d.07 JAN 1943)
- Slater Samuel Moses. Spr. (d.6th Jan 1945)
- Small William. L/Cpl. (d.29th May 1940)
- Smith .
- Smith Hector Thomas. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Smith William James. Spr.
- Softley George.
- Sowden Ivor.
- Spargo Haydn. L/Cpl (d.18th June 1943)
- Sparrow Bernard Harold. Drv. (d.8th Feb 1942)
- Speight Harold. Pvt. (d.17th Jun 1943)
- Spence Francis Henry. L/Cpl.
- Stacey Frederick Seymore.
- Staniland Albert Henry. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Stanley Albert. CSM. (d.27th October 1942)
- Stanley Geoffrey Harry Roland. Dvr. (d.7th Jan 1943)
- Stanley Victor Albert. Spr
- Statham John. Spr.
- Steele Charles Edward. Spr
- Stevens Gilbert Jack.
- Stevenson Moris. Driver
- Steward William. CSM.
- Stewart John. Sgt. (d.29th Jun 1942)
- Strange Francis Charles. Gnr.
- Street Eric Peter. Major.
- Stringer William. Spr.
- Stuart William. L/Cpl. (d.27th Sept 1944)
- Stubley Ernie. W02
- Sugrue James. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Surtees John. Cpl. (d.7th Aug 1943)
- Sutton Robert James.
- Taskis Thomas Bolitho White. Cpl.
- Taylor Albert Edward Kenneth. Dvr.
- Taylor George William. Pte.
- Taylor George William. Pte.
- Taylor Robert. CQMS.
- Tear William Harkess.
- Terris George. Sgt.
- Thomas Julian. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Thornton Arthur.
- Thornton David Walter. 2Lt.
- Thorpe Harold. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Todd Arthur Thomas. Dvr (d.4th April 1942)
- Towell Harold. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Tribe Kenneth. Cpl. (d.7th June 1944)
- Trusson Stanley Charles. Pte.
- Tuddenham Ernest Leslie. L.A.C.
- Turnbull Robert Bruce. Spr.
- Turner Albert Norman. Sapper.
- Turner Frank Eardley. 2nd.Lt. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Turner Frederick William. Spr.
- Turner George Frederick. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Turner Harry . Sgt.
- Turner JL.
- Turner Kenneth John. Spr. (d.23rd Mar 1947)
- Turner PR.
- Turner Stanley Horace. CQMS.
- Twiby George Arthur. Spr. (d.1st May 1940)
- Unsworth Walter. Sgt. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Vaughan Idris William.
- Vickers .
- Vidamour S.
- Vowles Kenneth Charles. CSM.
- Walford William Leonard. Pte.
- Warburton Roland Neville Giddens. S/Sgt.
- Ward Victor Trevor Denis Gordon. Spr. (d.21st April 1943)
- Waters Christopher Dalmahoy. Capt.
- Watt Hugh. Sgt.
- Webb Leslie Lewis. Cpl. (d.21st Aug 1944)
- Webster John. Spr. (d.1st January 1945)
- Wells Arthur Thomas.
- Whitehead PJ.
- Whitehouse Peter Beckwith. Cptn. (d.9th October 1944)
- Whiteland Leslie.
- Whittaker John. Spr.
- Whittingstall Alfred John. WO2. (d.13th Nov 1942)
- Wignall Walter Bennett. Major
- Wilkin Eric Cecil. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Wilkins Thomas James. Drvr. (d.27th May 1944)
- Williams Alfred.
- Williams Brinley Norman. Cpl.
- Williams Brinley Norman. Cpl.
- Wills James Horatio.
- Wilson Jack MacGregor.
- Wiseman Ronald Macdonald. S/Sgt
- Wood .
- Wood John Alfred. Drvr.
- Wood Joseph Richard. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1940)
- Woodger John Alfred. Spr. (d.7th Jul 1944)
- Woods Francis Joseph. Dvr.
- Woolfenden Frank. Spr.
- Wraight Percy John. Spr.
- Wright Alex. Spr.
- Wrightson Errol. Spr. (d.13th Aug 1943)
- Wrigley Fred.
- Wrigley Fred.
- Yabsley William.
- Yates Joseph. Spr. (d.17th Jun 1943)
- Yeo .
- Yerrell CG.
- Young John.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of Royal Engineers from other sources.
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