- The War at Sea during the Second World War 1939-1945 -
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Those known to have served in
The Royal Navy
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Adams Andrew Alexander.
- Addis William Thomas. AB. (d.3rd May 1945)
- Ahern John. Sto1. (d.28th Apr 1943)
- Aitkin Mathew. Leading Coder
- Allen George. Ord.Sea (d.4th May 1945)
- Allen George Francis Edward.
- Allen Gordon William. Artif.
- Allen Harold Leslie. AB
- Allen James Valentine. Able Sea.
- Allen Roy Charles. AB (d.25 July 1941)
- Allport Allan. Able.Sea.
- Ambrose Thomas Clint. Ldg.Sea. (d.28th October 1940)
- Amor Ronald Sidney.
- Anderson Fredric Charles. LCdr
- Anderson Robert William Cowling. AB
- Andrews Walter. L/Sea. (d.20th March 1944)
- Andrews William. LSBA
- Angus John.
- Appleyard John Albert. PO.
- Arkle Stuart Meir.
- Armstrong William Cyril. Seaman
- Ashling Anthony Douglas. PO
- Ashton Ronald Dennis. Sto
- Atherton George Arthur. AB.
- Austin Edward. Sea
- Austin George Alexander. Stkr/2 (d.24th October 1942)
- Bacon Albert George. O.M.5
- Baddick Arthur John. L/Sea
- Baddick Arthur John.
- Bailey Douglas. Sto1
- Baker Archibald George. PO.
- Baker George. LAC
- Baker William Henry. Able Sea. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Ball Joseph. PO.
- Ballard William Alfred. STO2
- Banor Joseph. Stewd.
- Barcock Harry. AB
- Barker George. LS
- Barney G. Ord.Sea. (d.11th April 1945)
- Barrett Jack. Able Sea
- Barwell Alwyn David. AB.
- Basnett William.
- Bassett John Charles. Ord Sig.
- Bate David John. Stkr.
- Beardsley DSM James. LAC (d.30th July 1941)
- Beattie VC. Stephen Halden. Capt.
- Beckett Albert Joseph. Stkr.
- Bell BEM Adam Baxter. AB
- Bell Eric John Sydney. RC3
- Bell Ewart John Charles Henry. EM (d.23rd October 1942)
- Benjamin William David. A Sig
- Bettany Stanley Horace. A.B.
- Bidgood Frederick John Howard. CPO.
- Billows Robert Leslie. PO.
- Birney William Patrick. Sto
- Birrell Alexander Ramsay.
- Blackler OBE George. Lt.
- Blake George Douglas. Able Sea.
- Bland Harold. Able Sea. (d.28th Dec 1942)
- Blanks Percy. Stok1.
- Blood . Sub Lt. (E)
- Blythe William Edward.
- Boam Cornelius Radmall. CPO.
- Bodel Desmond Arthur Edward. AB
- Bond Ronald William.
- Booth Harold Procter. Ord.Tel
- Botsford Margaret Mary. VAD.
- Bott William Arthur Kenneth. Able Sea. (d.19th Oct 1945)
- Botton James. Stkr.
- Bowcott Edward Henry. OS
- Bowden Peter Raymond. Able Sea
- Brade Paul Harper. LA (d.16th November 1943)
- Bradley Dennis. Sto II (d.9th September 1946)
- Bradshaw DSM. William Harold. Tel.
- Brady Joseph John. CPO
- Bragg Sidney Robert. PO. (d. )
- Branch Edwin Stanley John. AB.
- Bray Philip. PO
- Bree . Mr.
- Brierley Joseph. AB
- Bristow Frederick Charles.
- Broad Matthew. CYeoSig.
- Broadley Herbert. A/ERA4.
- Brockhurst Albert James. AB. (d.30th November 1941)
- Broome Stanley.
- Brown Frank Frances. Stkr.
- Brown William Michael. OS
- Brunger Donald Charles. Skr.
- Brush MID George Carleton. C.E.R.A. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Bryan Thomas. OS (d.23rd January 1944)
- Bryce Alexander. Stkr1. (d.2nd Dec1945)
- Bryde Francis. ERA4.
- Bullman Kenneth Arthur. AB.
- Bundock Lawrence John.
- Burcher Charles William. AB. (d.29th October 1942)
- Burn Alfred Richard. Stok1.
- Bush Dennis James Bennett. Ord. Sea.
- Butcher Stanley.
- Buttriss George Worthington. Able.Sea (d.11th Apr 1941)
- Cade John Ewart Douglas. Ldg.Sea. (d.26th February 1944)
- Cain Henry.
- Caines Joseph Henry. CPO.
- Calcraft Joseph. Able Sea. (d.30th May 1940)
- Calver George Arthur. Sto.
- Cameron VC. Donald. Cmdr.
- Campbell William Henry. Stok1.
- Cardus George. Telegr.
- Careless Cornelious Norman. OrdSea.
- Carlin Bernard. L/Stokr.
- Carne Harold John. CPO.
- Carroll Luke.
- Cash Peter. Able.Sea. (d.18th Nov 1942)
- Catchpole Horace Frank. AB.
- Catlow Clifford. STO1
- Chadwell Harold. Ldg.Sea.
- Chamberlin George Alfred.
- Chaplin Robert Henry. PO.
- Charman Stanley. Marine.
- Chesney Henry. CPO.
- Chinnick Frederick Jellicoe. Gnr.
- Church Ronald. Sig.
- Clack Harold George. AB
- Clark Henry Charles. Sto.
- Clark John Thomas. PO,
- Clark Stanley. Ord.Tel.
- Clarke Alan George. SBA.
- Clarke Eric. Stokr.
- Clarkson Oswald. Stkr. 2Cl. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Clayden John Frederick. CPO.
- Clayton Horace. Canteen Asst.
- Clements Albert Edward. Sto II
- Cloughton Wiliiam Jones. Able Sea.
- Clowes Albert Edward.
- Coakley Thomas. L.Sto. (d.12th July 1946)
- Coates Albert. Acting AB
- Cochrane DSO Morris Edward. Cmdr. (d.11th October 1943)
- Colburn Harry.
- Cole Aalbert Edward William. AB
- Coles Peter Henry.
- Collie Ian Robertson. Tel (d.29th January 1944)
- Collings Clement. Mech.
- Collins Joseph. Able Sea (d.22nd February 1943)
- Collis George Robert. Able.Sea.
- Constable Bernard Cecil. Ord.Sea.
- Conville Patrick. Ord.Sea. (d.23rd Jan 1944)
- Cook James. PO.
- Cook Joseph. Cook.
- Cook Norman.
- Cook Philip Alfred.
- Cooper Richard Michael.
- Cooper Robert Fawcett. Sgmn. (d.August 28, 2010)
- Cooper William James. Able.Sea.
- Copeland James.
- Corp Philip Edward. PO.
- Costello John Harold. Able Sea.
- Cotter William Noel. CPO (d.15th December 1946)
- Court George Robert.
- Cowie Richard.
- Cox DSM Frederick Albert. PO
- Cox DSM. Frederick Albert. L/Skr.
- Cox DSM. Frederick Albert. Ldg.Skr.
- Coyne Daniel Patrick. Stkr2. (d.11th Aug 1942)
- Coyne Francis James. Ldg.Sea
- Crathern John Brooks .
- Crawford Robert Sloane. Sig.
- Crinnion James Walter. A/AB.
- Crozier Hugh Montgomerie. Able.Sea.
- Cunningham Francis Fitzpatrick. Stok.
- Curry John. SO1 (d.17th May 1946)
- Darnbrough Albert.
- Davies Ivor John. Cpl.
- Dawes Gilbert Francis. Cook
- Dawson William. Able Sea.
- Deguin Henri Joseph. Matelot.
- Denton Stanley. L/Stkr. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Devine George. AB.
- Dewhurst DSO Ronald Hugh. Cr.
- Dewhurst Tom. Ord Sig.
- Dewis Josiah William. Gnr.
- Diaper James. AB (d.12th September 1940)
- Didcock Philip John. CPO
- Dodds John McLeod. LSBA.
- Dommett Walter Derek. Sig.
- Donovan Georgie. Sto1
- Donovan James Patrick.
- Dopson Herbert John. Coder.
- Douglas Leslie Walter. AB.
- Down Reginald Leslie. PO.
- Downes Robert. PO (d.20th July 1944)
- Dowson William Charles.
- Doyle Sidney Richard.
- Duckworth Albert.
- Duffy William.
- Dunn Charles Richard. Ord.Sea.
- Eames Leonard A..
- Eaves Stanley William. Able Sea. (d.8th June 1940)
- Edwards George Henry. Stk2. (d.10th Dec 1941)
- Elliot John George. PO.Sto. (d.24th May 1941)
- Elliott William Albert. PO Stkr. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Ellis John Raymond . Sub.Lt.
- Elms Ronald Raymouth. L.Tel. (d.23rd October 1941)
- Emerson Robert Charles. Tel.
- Emery Alexander William. Ldg Stoker.
- Emery Alfred. Gnr.
- Evans James Samuel. CPO
- Evans James Samuel. PO.Swrt.
- Evans Sydney. Able.Sea. (d.1st Jan 1943)
- Everill William.
- Everley Thomas. Able Sea. (d.23rd Jan 1944)
- Ewart James Robert.
- Ewins George. Able Sea.
- Farman Thomas Kenneth . Ord.Sea.
- Farrow Albert William. Able Sea.
- Fearnley Fred.
- Fegen VC, SGM. Edward Stephen Fogarty. Capt. (d.5th November 1940)
- Fernie John Lawson. Stoker
- Fielding Richard. Able Sea.
- Fields James. Stkr1. (d.10th June 1941)
- Finlay George. PO.Tel. (d.29th Apr 1945)
- Fishlock Hubert. Able,Sea. (d.8th March 1943)
- Flannery Alfred Edward. Lt.Cdr.
- Fletcher Thomas F.. ERA
- Fletcher Thomas Dixon. Ord.Sea. (d.18th October 1944)
- Flowerday Frank Leslie. Able Sea. (d.23rd May 1944)
- Forde Richard Frederick. Stkr.
- Forsey John. AB.
- Foster Francis. PO.
- Francis George Edward. AB.
- Francis Lesley.
- Fraser VC, DSC, RD, JP. Ian Edward. Lt.Cmdr.
- Frederick James Trevor. Able Sea. (d.14th Mar 1940)
- French Victor Percy.
- Frost William Frederick. Able Sea.
- Fuller DSM. James.
- Fulton Andrew. Able.Sea.
- Gallagher J..
- Gardner George William. Able Sea. (d.26th Oct 1943)
- Gardner George William. Able Sea. (d.26th October 1943)
- Garland Alfred James. CPO.
- Garner Frederick John Ronald. Ord.Sea.
- Gaskell Ernest. Ord.Sea.
- Gausden George William . AA3
- George F. C..
- George William Amos. PO.
- Gibbs Arthur Henry. Tel.
- Gibson Ronald. Ord Sig.
- Gibson Sidney Arthur. ERA4.
- Gifford Albert Edward. Able Sea. (d.18th Oct 1943)
- Gilbert Thomas Joseph.
- Gilbertson Charles Scorer. PO.
- Gill Clifford. AB (d.10 July 1944)
- Gillespie Neil Campbell. Steward
- Gilzean Douglas Oliver. STO2 (d.27th May 1945)
- Gleave Ernest Ronald. Sto.1
- Glover Herbert Frank. CPO (d.8th June 1942)
- Godfrey Reginald George.
- Godley Robert Henry. Sig.
- Good George William. L/Sea.
- Goodchild Cecil Harry Richard.
- Gooding James Edward.
- Goodman Ernest Francis. Stok.
- Goodwin Arthur George. Skr1.
- Gorbutt Alfred. AbleSea.
- Gould VC Thomas William. Lt
- Gower Alfred Edward. Ldg Cook.
- Gowland Douglas Kelvin. Sig.
- Gowman Fred Thomas. Sea.
- Graham Kenneth James. CPO.
- Grainger Harry Norman. Ord.Sea. (d.6th October 1942)
- Graves Leslie Reginald.
- Gray Alfred William. Ldg.Stkr.
- Gray Cyril Francis. Sto
- Gray David. Ord.Sea.
- Graydon DSM. Edward. CERA. (d.31st December 1942)
- Greenwood Thomas. L.Sea.
- Grimmer Charles Henry. PO
- Guest William Joseph.
- Gumbley Laurance Henry . AB.
- Hall Alfred. Able Sea
- Hall Stanley George. AB.
- Hallam John Henry. AB.
- Halliday Robert Hetherington Nixon. CPO.Air. (d.19th Jan 1945)
- Hambly Philip. CPO(Cook)
- Hammond Henry James Alexander .
- Harding Gordon Herbert. Sig. (d.28th Aug 1944)
- Hardwick Arthur. Able Sea.
- Hardy Arthur.
- Hardy Stanley. Stok1.
- Harley John.
- Harris Peter Merwood. PO
- Harris Ronald Walter. PMR Mid.
- Harris William. Stok1.
- Harrison George Albert John. Stokr1.
- Harrison Leslie Frank.
- Hatton John Johnson. L/Sig
- Hawgood Edwin. SW1 (d.20th October 1944)
- Hayes Eric Henry George. Stok1. (d.31st Jul 1940)
- Haywood Benjamin Ivan.
- Hazell Harry. LSea. (d.22nd September 1942)
- Heard William Garfield.
- Hegarty William Francis . Able Sea.
- Henderson George William. Ldg.Stk. (d.1st Sep 1940)
- Henderson George. Ord. Sea. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Henderson William. Ord.Sea. (d.20th Jun 1942)
- Heppell Frederick Sydney.
- Herbert John Arthur. Able Sea.
- Herbert Philip Edward Henry. CPO. (d.8th Nov 1942)
- Heron John Richmond. Able Sea.
- Heyes John. AB.
- Higgs Charles. CPO
- Higgs George Harry. AB
- Hill CdeG. Ronald Sydney.
- Hillier Albert. AB.
- Hills Eric A.. Stok1.
- Hirst Jack. Able Sea. (d.20th Sep 1943)
- Hoare Walter Richard Godwin. Sea.
- Hodcroft Kenneth.
- Hodgkinson Ron A.. Stok1.
- Hogg George. AB.
- Hollingworth Charles Albert Edward.
- Holloway Ronald Arthur. Stok2.
- Holman Herbert Claud. T/Lt.
- Holme Kenneth. Sub Lt.
- Honeywood Douglas Alan. AB. (d.17th June 1944)
- Honeywood Stanley Edward. Ord.Sea.
- Hoodless Frank. Able Sea.
- Hope Raymond James. Sea.
- Howard Frederick John. Ord. Sea.
- Howkins Raymond Thomas.
- Howland Albert. A.B.
- Hubbard William. Able Sea.
- Hudson John George. AB.
- Hudson Robett Charles Ernest. Sub Lt.
- Hudson Stanley Michael. AB
- Hughes Herbert. A/AB
- Huke Reginald Bertram. O.Sig.
- Humphreys Harold. AbleSea.
- Hurley Patrick Peter. Blksmth3. (d.16th Sep 1945)
- Hutley Kenneth John. PO
- Illsley John. Able.Sea.
- Ingham Jack. AB
- Ings James. Ldg.Sea.
- Jackson David. Able Sea. (d.20th Feb 1944)
- Jackson John Henry. AbleSea (d.8th March 1943)
- James Donald Trevor .
- James Percy George. AB
- Jenkin Frederick. Stokr.
- Jenkins Henry Llewelyn. PO
- Jeremiah Thomas Samuel Osman. (d.13th Novenber 1943)
- Jiggins Ernest James Lorne. AB RFR
- Joiner Norman Kenneth.
- Jones Charles Frederick. Marine
- Jones Charles Sylwyn. AB
- Jones Gordon Archdale. Lt
- Jones Stanley. Ord.Sea.
- Jones Thomas Goronwy. Tel. (d.4th Jul 1943)
- Jones Thomas. L.Tel.
- Jones Thomas John. PO.
- Jupe Ronald John.
- Keane Patrick. LS (d.21st January 1945)
- Kendall Arthur. (d.31st Dec 1942)
- Kennedy George James. Able Sea. (d.31st March 1944)
- Kennedy George James. Able Sea. (d.31st March 1944)
- Kerr Peter Laidlaw. Pte (d.2nd January 1942)
- Kiddle Maurice Robert. Ord.Sea. (d.10th March 1943)
- Killelay Eric. LSea.
- King Henry Desmond. O. Tel. (d.23rd May 1946)
- Kingham Alfred Herbert. AbleSea. (d.15th November 1944)
- Kinnaird John Alexander. AB
- Kirkbride James Vincent.
- Kirkman John Herbert. Stkr/1st cl.
- Knight Harry William Woods. Able Sea.
- Lambert Reginald John.
- Lang Roy James Earnest.
- Laurie William Scott.
- Laws Albert Edward. Ch.Stkr (d.24th May 1941)
- Learning John Samuel. Seaman
- Lenney Thomas Haswell. Ord.Sea. (d.25th Feb 1941)
- Lennox Not known Gordon Andrew. PO.
- Lenton William Ernest. AbleSea.
- Leonard Ron. Abel Sea.
- Lethaby George Owen. AB
- Lewis George Tudor. AB.
- Lewis Idrisyn John James. Able Sea.
- Lewis Randolph D.
- Lewis Roland Reginald Frederick. Ldg.Tel.
- Lewis MID Ronald Norman. Able Sea.
- Lewis Ronald William. Sig.
- Lewis William Henry. Able Sea.
- Liddell Robert Kemp. O.Tel.
- Lightbown Jack.
- Lilley DSM Clifford William. Ldg Sea.
- Lillicrap Claude Vernon. CPO
- Linton VC, DSO, DSC. John Wallace. Cmdr. (d.23rd March 1943)
- Littlefield Leslie Harold. LS
- Llewellyn Hubert Creighton. Lt. (d.18th Feb 1944)
- Lloyd Dennis Wesley. Ord. Sea (d.6th July 1944)
- Lockyer MID John George William. PO.Art.
- Lonie James Sutherland. CPO
- Lornie Peter Barnard. CPO.
- Ludlow Frank Edwin. LS
- Lunn DSM. Walter Frank. AB.
- Lyons Francis. AB.
- Lyons James William.
- Lystor John Cyril. Sto 1c. (d.29th June 1940)
- MacCallum Gordon Blair. Able Sea. (d.23rd Oct 1942)
- MacDonald John MacKenzie. LSA (d.14th September 1943)
- Maguire Joseph.
- Mair John Alexander. Able Sea. (d.22nd June 1945)
- Mallitt Ronald Morriss. Stew.
- Mann George Victor.
- Mann John Edward. PO.
- Maples James.
- Markins Alec Frank. YN
- Marshall Charles George.
- Marshall Edmund. Ord. Sea.
- Marshall George. AB (d.21 August 1944)
- Martin John Noel. AB
- Martin Peter Jack. BOY1 (d.23rd October 1942)
- Mash Albert George. (d.1st January 1943)
- Mason John. Coder. (d.2nd Oct 1942)
- Masson George James. Gnr.
- Mawson Walter Albert. ERM.
- Maycock DSM. Alfred. PO.
- McAfee David. Signalman
- McAlpine Kenneth.
- McArthur Alexander McLean. Ldg.Stok.
- McBain William John. Wireman
- Mccann John. Ord.Sea.
- McCarthy John. Stkr.1st Cl.
- McClements Robert Joseph. Surg.Lt.
- McColgan John Haynes . Sea.
- McCready Robert. Able Sea.
- McMahon John Stephen . Seaman
- Mellody Thomas. Able Sea.
- Mercer Cecil Herbert. PO
- Meredith Thomas Henry. AB
- Metcalfe J. OS (d.5th May 1941)
- Miatt Geoffrey William Buchanan. BOY1 (d.23rd October 1942)
- Milburn Neville Jervaise. Ord Tel (d.13th December 1939)
- Mildenhall Wilfred Charles. L.Sea.
- Miles Leslie Harold.
- Miller Albert Donald. Sea
- Miller Charles Ian. Ord.Sea. (d.1st July 1942)
- Miller Hugh Samson. OS
- Miller Norman.
- Miller Thomas.
- Miller Thomas William. A Cook
- Millergill Reginald Steven. L/Stok.
- Mills Walter Jack. AM1.
- Mitchell Samuel Howard.
- Moffat Frank Angus Donald. (d.26th Apr 1944)
- Monkhouse Joseph.
- Moon Ronald George Edwin. AB (d.23rd January 1944)
- Moore Eric Frank Osmay.
- Morgan Peter James. OS.
- Morley William John.
- Morrison James Munro. Stok1.
- Mortimer Bobbie. Ldg.Tel. (d.20th March 1945)
- Muldoon George. Sig. (d.15th June 1944)
- Mullins Frank William Kemshall. ERA4. (d.15th Aug 1943)
- Mumford Arthur George. Able Sea (d.23rd Jan 1944)
- Mummery Ronald Arthur. AB
- Munn Walter Ernest. CPO.
- Murphy Patrick Joseph. Ldg Sto. (d.22nd March 1945)
- Murphy Patrick. Sto1. (d.26th Jul 1945)
- Murray Isaac. Sto.2 (d.23rd Oct 1942)
- Nash Francis William.
- Neal William Henry. 1STO
- Needham Walter. Able Sea. (d.23rd Oct 1942)
- Neighbour Thomas Henry. AbleSea. (d.27th March 1943)
- Neil Alexander John. CPO.
- Nelson Edward.
- Nessling DSM. Arthur Edward. Eng.
- Nevins John Thomas. Able Sea.
- Newman Russell. Tel.
- Newton Henry. CPO.
- Nichols Douglas Owen. Wireman (d.14th Nov 1944)
- O'Brien Michael. Ch.Sto. (d.2nd March 1946)
- O'Brien Patrick. L.Sto. (d.10th Jan 1944)
- O'Neill DSM & Bar. Richard. AB.
- Oates Joseph Dennis.
- Oliver Ernest Richard. Ord Tel
- Oliver Raymond Charles John. A.B. (d.19th Jul 1943)
- Ormsby John William. OS.
- Osborn Raymond Arthur. Ord.Sea.
- Palmer Edward George Arthur. Stok1.
- Parker Cyril. Ord Sea. (d.13th February 1944)
- Parker Joseph Alban. Able Sea.
- Parnell William John. Mid seaman
- Parnell William John. Mid.Ship.
- Parry Gwilym. LSBA.
- Parsons Leslie. Elec.Art. (d.18th May 1941)
- Paterson John. OS
- Paul Ernest Sidney. Able Sea. (d.23rd Oct 1942)
- Paxton Andrew. Ch. Sto.
- Peaks John Grey.
- Pearson William Henry . PO.Stkr.
- Pellow Lucius Leonard. CPO
- Pemberton Thomas Herbert. Sto
- Peterkin William. AB
- Peters Alec James Frederick.
- Phillips Bertram Alfred. Stew
- Phillips Graham. LS
- Pickett Edward Isaac. Ord.Sea. (d.23 October 1942)
- Pickrell John William. Stokr1.
- Pinnock Harry. ERA4. (d.18th Feb 1944)
- Pollintine Albert Edward. Able Sea. (d.30th June 1942)
- Pollitt Norman.
- Potten George Edward. Sea.
- Powell William Ivor. Ord.Sig.
- Poyner Cyril William. Tel
- Price Clifford. Able Sea. (d.17th April 1945)
- Price Godfrey William. Able Sea. (d.1st June 1944)
- Price Norman Luther.
- Price Owen Beresford. PO
- Price Percival Thomas. PO.
- Price Ronald Alfred. AB.
- Price William James. CPO Stkr.
- Prowse Ronald George Frederick. Sgt.
- Purchase Arthur Richard. Naval Airman 1st Class
- Quantrill Harold Robert. CPO.
- Quinn Augustine. Sea.
- Quirk Ernest. ERA3. (d.1st June 1940)
- Ramshaw William. Ord. Sea. (d.23rd Jan 1944)
- Randall-Jones Robert Ivor. Ldcr. (d.23rd July 1946)
- Rawson Vincent. Ord.Sea. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Rayment William Henry. PO. (d.29th July 1943)
- Readstone Harold Thomas.
- Redhead William Thomas. Able Sea.
- Reece John Henry. Stkr1.
- Reed Frank Cecil. Wireman MS
- Reynolds John Norman. Sig.
- Ring Siegfried. ERA5. (d.11th Sept 1943)
- Rist Robert Charles. Ldg Sto
- Ritchie A.. Stkr 2nd Cl.
- Ritchie Edward. Able Sea.
- Robb George Thomas. AB. (d.3rd March 1941)
- Robert Cameron John.
- Roberts George Ronald.
- Robertson Alex Main. AB
- Robertson William. SPO.
- Robins Ernest William. PO (d.21st April 1941)
- Robinson Leslie. P.O.
- Robinson Robert Benjamin. PO.
- Robinson Victor. AB.
- Robotham Thomas George. PO
- Robson John FitzPatrick. PO Cook. (d.1st Dec 1941)
- Robson John Fitzpatrick. PO. (d.1st Dec 1945)
- Rodaway Thomas. AB.
- Rodgers William Patrick. Leading Steward
- Rogers Charles William.
- Rogers MID. John Griffiths.
- Rogers Leslie Royston. AB
- Roots Edward John. AB.
- Roskell Richard. Able Sea.
- Ross Robert. Able Sea. (d.7th Dec 1941)
- Roughley George. Ord Sea.
- Roughley George Frederick.
- Rourke Lawrence.
- Row Edward William. AbleSea.
- Rowley Hedley Settle.
- Rudderham Arthur Toynbee. AB. (d.7th August 1944)
- Rutherford Norman Alan. Lt.
- Sancto Ronald. Stkr. 1cl. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Saunders Robert David. AB.
- Scott Horace James. Leading Wireman
- Scott Peter Sloan. Stok.
- Scott Walter. LMM (d.10th March 1943)
- Scott Walter. LMM (d.10th March 1943)
- Seager Richard George. Ord.Sea.
- Sharpe Jack. Boy 1Cl. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Shaw Percival Clifford. TAG
- Shenker Harold Jeffrey. PO.
- Shepard William.
- Sherwood Herbert. Able Sea. (d.14th October 1943)
- Shields William Hutchison. Able Sea.
- Sidwell Sydney Herbert.
- Siggins Stanley.
- Simmons Stanley. Ldg.Sea.
- Simpson Dennis Frederick.
- Simpson George. Sto
- Simpson William Edward.
- Skelton Arthur. SPO
- Slapp William John. Boy 1Cl. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Slater Joseph. PO.
- Sloan Samuel John.
- Smillie John Henry. ERA1. (d.18th April 1941)
- Smith Albert Roy. Gunner
- Smith Alexander Peter. AB
- Smith Frederick. PO
- Smith George Edward Richardson. Ab Sea (d.18th April 1942)
- Smith James Alfred. PO.
- Smith Marshall Redvers. L.Stok.
- Smith Reginald James. Stk1.
- Smith Richard. Able Sea. (d.7th Dec 1941)
- Smith Robert George. Able Sea.
- Smith William. Ldg.Sig.
- Sontag Stanley Reginald. Sto
- Sore Charles H.. (d.22nd May 1941)
- Spencer William Thomas.
- Springall Albert John. AbleSea.
- Stanley James Edward. Ldg Sto.
- Stant Rupert. CPO
- Starbuck Leslie Walter. OS
- Starling Charles.
- Steer Frederick Arthur. Able Sea. (d.12th January 1942)
- Stein Albert. CPO.
- Stephenson John Frederick. LSTO (d.2nd July 1944)
- Stevens Bertie Hale. 1st Stoker. (d.10th April 1940)
- Stevenson William Grindlay. A/AB.
- Stewart Edward. Stew.
- Stoker Robert Alan. Able Sea.
- Storey Bernard Alfred. AB
- Stow James Samuel. Tel. (d.Hackney London)
- Strachan Ian Douglas .
- Stratton George Charles. Sto1 (d.25th July 1941)
- Strawbridge Francis Charles Josiah. Shipt.4/c
- Stride William Alec. Stok1.
- Stringer Bertram Charles.
- Sutton Leslie James.
- Sutton William J.. SPO.
- Swallow William Alfred Charles. Boy 1Cl. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Swan Thomas Cameron.
- Swann DCM. E. LCdr.
- Swann George. L/Sto1.
- Swanson John. Stoker
- Swift George. AB.
- Sydney Ratcliffe. Sig. (d.25th July 1941)
- Tait . Able Seaman.
- Tait Frank. Sea.
- Tansey Dennis. Able Sea. (d.22nd Apr 1943)
- Taylor Geoffrey Archer.
- Taylor Stanley.
- Tear Alfred John.
- Tearle Norman. Stoker 2nd class (d.31st May 1940)
- Teasedale Henry Hurst. Ord.Sea. (d.31st March 1941)
- Tennant James Chapman. Able Sea.
- Thomas Edwin Francis.
- Thompson Michael.
- Tideswell John. A/PO
- Tiffin Sid. TM
- Tinsley Ronald Ward.
- Todd John Mordaunt. Stok.
- Tomlinson Peter Stanley. AB. (d.5th September 1944)
- Townshend Harold James. Able Sea.
- Travers Thomas.
- Tribble Ernest William. Boy 1Cl. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Troney Norris.
- Tuffin William Henry. Stok1.
- Tugwell Ernest William Robert.
- Tumber Douglas Henry. CPO.
- Tunbridge Irwin Howard. Stoker PO
- Turvey Horace Albert. C.Mech. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Tweed Jubilee Jack. PO (d.28th May 1941)
- Underhill DSM Reginald Francis. Stkr/PO
- Upfield George Frederick James. CPO.
- Upson Frank Victor Charles. Stk.
- Utterson William.
- Van_Niekerk Jan David.
- Verral Frank Benjamin. Able Sea. (d.7th July 1943)
- Verrall Leon Maurice. PO.
- Wade George Chaplin.
- Wake Leslie.
- Waldegrave John Montagu Granville. COM. (d.18th Feb 1944)
- Walford Thomas William. AB
- Walker . Ord. Seaman
- Walker George Albert. AB
- Wall George Henry. Able Sea.
- Wall Stanley James. Stok.
- Wallace Reginald Thomas Gradin. Able Sea. (d.3rd Nov 1941)
- Walther Charles Robert. Able Sea.
- Wanklin Michael Ernest. Cook
- Wardle Christopher William. Tel.
- Wardle Douglas Victor. PO
- Warren James George .
- Waterton Bernard Owen. Ord. Sea.
- Watson OBE. Albert William. PO.
- Watts Stanley William James. Telegraphist (d.1st April 1942)
- Waugh James Grey. Able Sea.
- Weatherley Douglas Ellis. SBPO.
- Webb Leslie Albert. Ch/MM3.
- Webster Benjamin George Charles.
- Weeks Henry Edward. Sig.
- Welsh Albert Edward.
- Welsh Raymond Thomas. AbleSea.
- Wensley Arthur Richard. AB.
- West Richard Walter George .
- Whalley Samuel Colin. WO
- White Geoffrey Richard. O.Tel.
- White Richard.
- Whitney Terence.
- Wicklow Thomas James. Stok. (d.13th Aug 1942)
- Wicks Neville. (d.25th March 1941)
- Widdowson William. Able Sea. (d.5th Nov 1942)
- Wilkinson Geoffrey Arthur. AM2.
- Wilkinson George. Able Sea.
- Wilkinson Patrick Ormond Howard. Lt.
- Wilks Edgar George.
- Williams DSM. Hugh Clyde. A/CPO.
- Williams DSM James Reginald. CERA
- Williams John. Stkr. (d.5th April 1942)
- Williams Leonard.
- Williams Leslie. Able Sea. (d.16th March 1940)
- Wills William Thomas Martin. AB.
- Wilmott Shirley Edgar. AB(Radar)
- Wilson James Weir. P/O. (d.27th Dec 1942)
- Wilson Thomas Percival. Ord Sea.
- Wilson William Murray. Able Sea.
- Wiltshire DSM. William Stanley.
- Winson Samuel James. Asst.Stwd.
- Wiseman John Valentine. AAB
- Wood Charles. AB.
- Wood Edwin Thomas. Able.Sea.
- Wood Frederick George. Able Sea. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Wood Richard William John . Stokr.
- Woodfine Alfred Francis. Stkr. 1cl. (d.23rd October 1942)
- Woodhouse DSM. Jack. PO.
- Woodward Richard Walter. Able Sea.
- Woodward Ronald. Ord Sea. (d.28th May 1941)
- Wordley Harold. OS.
- Wormley William Charles. AB.
- Worrell Stuart Matley. Able Sea.
- Wreglesworth Stanley. O.A 4 Cl.
- Wright Eric. LS
- Wright James.
- Young Charles Herbert. Able Sea. (d.8th June 1940)
- Young Leslie Freeman. OS
Further names are listed under the ships on which they served.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
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